- History of the origin of the name Georgiy
- The meaning and characteristics of the name George
- Character traits of the name Georgiy
- Family and love relationships of George
- Choice of profession, business, career of George
- Health of George
- Name George for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Georgiy
The birthplace of the name is Ancient Greece. Originally pronounced “Georgios”. Passed to the Roman Empire and its provinces. The Christian martyrs, especially St. George the Victorious, brought him undeniable glory. According to legend, the warrior was brought up in a noble, wealthy family, and was distinguished by his intelligence and physical strength. Serving at the court of Emperor Diocletian, he could expect high honors, but he distributed property to the poor and stood up for the defense of persecuted Christians. As punishment, he was subjected to severe torture, but remained unharmed and performed a number of miracles. The pursuers beheaded the courageous young man.
The apocryphal legend tells of the victory of the passion-bearer over the dragon-serpent. The mentioned plot is repeated many times in iconography, literature, painting, and thanks to it, the cult of the saint is so popular around the globe.
The righteous man is considered the patron saint of Georgia, turned into a character in Ossetian folklore, and is mentioned in Islamic countries as Jirjis or Girgis. It is depicted on the modern coat of arms of our state. The St. George’s Cross adorns the flag of Great Britain and Milan. There are many toponyms associated with the name.
Abroad it was transformed into varieties: George, Georges, Jorge, Georg, Jorg, Jurgen, Goryan, Jerzy, Jozhe, Jiri. Female analogues of Georgiana, Georgiana, Georgette and others did not gain a foothold in the Slavic lands.
In Rus’, the name became popular in 1030, when Prince Yaroslav built churches and ordered the memory of the great martyr to be solemnly celebrated in the spring and autumn. The saint of God, also called Yuri and Yegor, was revered by the Russians as the patron of warriors and peasants. The princely heirs were called Gergi, Gyurgi, Dyurgi, Yura, and the offspring of the common people were called Yegors. Gradually, the forms Yuri and Egor emerged into separate names.
Today the name is rare: it is approximately 47-50 in the ranking position.
The list of celebrities with the indicated name includes: the Byzantine diplomat and chronicler Acropolis, the statesman Potemkin, the historian Plekhanov, the poet Adamovich, the commander Zhukov, the actors Zhzhenov, Vitsin, Yumatov and others.
The meaning and characteristics of the name George
Translated, the word means “farmer”, “plowman”. In mythology, Georgos was the name of Zeus – the deity of thunder and lightning, ruling over the universe and protecting grain growers. On the Balkan Peninsula, Agios Georgios, the festival of shepherds and cultivators, is celebrated annually even now.
In the sound of the name one can hear brightness, dynamism, warmth, security and some subduedness and harshness. Despite the impressive number of letters, it is perceived as short.
Diminutive addresses Zhora, Gera, Gosha, Gesha, Egosha, Gog, Gunya carry both shades of greatness, power, courage, masculinity, simplicity, and complexity, rudeness, roughness, even hostility. It is not necessary for the bearer of the name to have the listed qualities, but the formation of internal contradictions is possible.
It is likely that masculine properties will be more pronounced.
His energy is average, positive, helping to reveal the potential of the individual.
In astrology, it is answered by Jupiter and the constellation Sagittarius; talisman – sapphire; colors – blue, green, white, blue; symbol – eagle; plant – poplar; flower – lily of the valley; element – fire.
Character traits of the name Georgiy
Zhora is a smart, kind and decent person. However, he is ambitious and tends to live in a fantasy world. Dreams distract him from reality, while at the same time helping him remain calm. He is gentle, but arrogant, does not tolerate contempt or ridicule. He quickly forgets grievances and punishes opponents with caustic irony, not revenge.
Georgy is a dual nature: he behaves differently among strangers and among acquaintances; in normal and extreme situations. That’s why some people adore him, while others don’t like him.
He is capable of acting as a joker, a ringleader or an arrogant silent man. He values friendship, is devoted to his friends and faithfully keeps their secrets, and knows how to encourage them in trouble. He doesn’t open up, doesn’t talk about his problems. Shows generosity, generosity, courage. He is offended by lies: this friendly interlocutor gets into conflict by convicting others of deception.
Hera is a fighter and worker on the road of life, he has to mobilize his will to overcome difficulties on his own. If it comes to his interests, he will resort to cunning and intrigue, but will not allow an immoral act.
It is not easy for the owner of a name to take a place in society: determination and self-confidence play only a negative role.
He is quite emotional, but he cannot be considered a vulnerable person. Doesn’t lose his cool and acts correctly under any circumstances.
He likes attention but is modest. In his youth, he is drawn to adventurous adventures and sometimes falls into bad company. It settles down with age.
Family and love relationships of George
The gentleman in question is romantic and amorous, before the wedding he changes a string of girlfriends, but after marriage he does not cheat on his wife. In a woman he looks for wisdom, tenderness, and reciprocal constancy. He starts a family late due to the fact that he is timid in the company of people he likes, although the ladies like him at first sight. His friends find a way out of the situation by inviting Georges’ beloved into the common gang, where the man liberates himself and demonstrates exemplary manners, a cheerful disposition and an unbridled imagination.
Zhora is a wonderful husband and family man: he does not strive for supremacy, sincerely cares about his “other half,” and creates an atmosphere of comfort and joy. He needs a good housewife, because this individual is neat, squeamish, and cannot stand disorder. Doesn’t shy away from household responsibilities. He would prefer an evening with his family to noisy parties. He wants his companion to appreciate him according to his merits and praise him.
The main reason for divorce is the wife’s adultery; he tries to resolve other problems without breaking the relationship. Tolerant of the missus’ imperfections.
He pampers his children and tries to provide them with a variety of benefits, including an excellent education. For the younger generation, Georgy is an example and adviser.
In the intimate sphere, he is passionate, tireless and attentive. Long-term foreplay, verbal communication, and mutual initiative of the partner are important to him. Finds lovers who are temperamental, instantly excited and not afraid of experiments.
A harmonious couple and happiness are possible in alliance with Vera, Varvara, Galina, Natalya, Svetlana, Nina.
Choice of profession, business, career of George
Responsibility and diligence are the two pillars on which the name owner’s reputation rests. The namesake of the legendary winner is an exemplary worker. He is hardworking, painstaking, diligent, and does not put things off until later.
He is attracted to industries that require nimble reactions, logical thinking, and endurance. George will make a conscientious doctor, military man, scientist, driver, machine operator.
In journalism, tourism, in the field of a sailor, rescuer, researcher – traveler, geologist, investigator, he realizes his passion for adventure.
Sometimes, completely unexpectedly, he decides to try the everyday life of a farmer, economist, psychologist or teacher.
He chooses creative specialties less often; he succeeds as an artist, painter, photographer, writer or critic.
He moves up the career ladder slowly, changing positions and occupations. Mutual understanding with the team is not formed immediately. He does not achieve leadership, but in the position of deputy chief, he excellently manages his subordinates and production, and brings the organization closer to prosperity.
The Zhors achieve enviable success in entrepreneurship. But for triumph, all efforts are concentrated on achieving one goal. They plan masterfully, develop a strategy, but make mistakes during negotiations, and feel the need for a partner to compensate for their lack.
It is not easy to obtain wealth; they often encounter financial complications, getting used to savings and frugality, but they are not susceptible to stinginess.
Health of George
Good health and care for it are successfully combined in the fate of George. Sports, gymnasts, and balanced nutrition are of keen interest to him, giving him excellent well-being.
In old age he suffers from diseases of the heart, pancreas and spleen. The use of fish oil and enzymatic preparations is recommended.
Zhora should avoid bad habits, in particular drinking alcohol, which provokes melancholy and attacks of depression. It is advisable to maintain psychological balance by revising attitudes: abandoning unnecessary ambitions, accepting reality.
Good rest and being in nature help combat stress. The development of an innate sense of humor, which allows George to enjoy optimism, is also significant.
Name George for a child
Little Gosha grows up to be a bully or a shy kid. He finds it difficult to get along with his peers. Parents must teach him the basics of proper dialogue and the course of action. It is advisable to combine moderate encouragement with instilling self-esteem devoid of narcissism. A boy needs the participation and sensitivity of his mother and father. But discipline and learning to be independent also contribute to his bright future.
Hera does well at school, does not upset her older relatives, and defends her younger brothers and sisters, despite the fact that she looks down on them. The name is acceptable for the firstborn and subsequent children.
There is an opinion that it is most suitable for those born under the signs of Cancer and Libra.
It will be advantageously and harmoniously complemented by the patronymics Andreevich, Valentinovich, Alekseevich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Stepanovich, Romanovich, Konstantinovich.
Name days in Orthodoxy are celebrated about 60 times a year, the most significant ones falling on May 6, November 16 and 23, and December 9.
Name days:
January 11, January 21, January 30, February 4, February 10, February 17, February 24, February 27, March 6, March 17, March 18, March 23, March 24, April 5, April 15, April 17, April 18 , April 20 , April 26 , May 2 , May 6 , May 10 , May 26 , May 29 , June 8 , June 18 , June 19 , June 27 , July 4 , July 9 , July 10 , July 16 , July 23 , 2 August, August 3, August 13, August 31, September 6, September 8, September 10, October 2, October 11, October 14, October 15, October 29, November 10, December 9, December 16, December 31
Diminutive version
Jorik, Georgyk, Zhorochka, Jorushka, Goshenka, Goshechka, Goshulya, Goshunya
Zhora, Zhorka, Zhorych, Hera, Gerka, Goga, Mountain, Gosha
According to the church
- blue
- Jupiter
- fire
Stone talisman
poplar, conifer
Totem animal