History of the origin of the name Gennady
The name Gennady has ancient Greek roots. There are two known versions of the origin of the name, the first is that the name comes from the Greek word “gennadas”. The second version is that the name comes from the word “genos”. Both versions have the right to life, the signs of the second can be considered using the example of the name of the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, which translated means “divine”, the popular Greek name Hermogenes – “son of Hermes”.
Sound analysis of the name Gennady creates associations with something fast, hot, small, angular. This is a fun name, there were times when it was very popular, now boys are rarely called Genami. In cities, bearers of this name are less common than in villages. In the Orthodox calendar there are several names of Saints Gennadiy, after whom boys are named. Among them is Patriarch Gennady of Constantinople, who had an amazing gift of healing. He healed the hand of an icon painter who risked painting the face of the Savior, similar to that of an idol.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Gennady
The Greek root “gennadas” means “offspring of noble birth.” The second version is associated with the root “genos”, this word means “genus”. In the names Diogenes and Hermogenes there is a connection with the initial part of the name Gennady. Hence the conclusion – the name Gennady means “born of God” or “born of Hermes”. As for the characteristics of the name Gennady, this person is not at all simple. He doesn’t really like to attract attention to himself, is somewhat crafty, and not entirely reliable. The bearers of this name love to lie, and they do it with such enthusiasm and ardor that they themselves begin to believe in their fantasies, and people deceived by Genes cannot be angry with them for long. Praising Gennady is dangerous; praise makes him dizzy, he can become arrogant, and he takes criticism very painfully. The bearers of this name are very clean; often this property becomes the main reason for divorcing their wife.
From early childhood, Gennady skillfully adapts to life circumstances. This person can rightfully be called a skilled manipulator. At the level of intuition, he determines how he can influence parents, classmates, and teachers and retains his unique gift for life. Gennady is an optimist, but innate cheerfulness is not about him. It’s just that one day he decided for himself that an optimistic attitude towards life was much more pleasant than the dangerous desire to understand all its depths.
Gennady takes on any business willingly, trying to achieve success. However, he is hampered by excessive fussiness and optionality. If these shortcomings are eradicated, the idea will definitely come true. Gennady takes troubles calmly; bearers of this name are often phlegmatic. If Gennady is tall, well-built, he is more reliable than his short and fussy namesake. Bearers of this name have excellent health and love an active lifestyle. Gennady chooses his wife carefully and for a long time; he strives for a prosperous life and works hard for this. As he gets older, Gennady’s character changes; he becomes a grumbler, but in his relationships with loved ones he shows more good nature.
Name days:
February 5, February 22, February 23, June 5, July 5, September 13, November 30, December 2, December 17, December 18
Diminutive version
Genochka, Genushka, Gennasha, Genasha, Genulya, Genusha
Gen, Gena, Genka, Genchik, Genych, Gesha, Genya, Genusya, Genukha
According to the church
- green
- Saturn
- land
Stone talisman
tin, electrum
belladonna, oleander
Totem animal