Origin of the name Gayane

The name Gayane is considered an Armenian traditional name, although it came there from Persia along with the glory of Saint Gayane, in whose honor an ancient temple was built in the city of Vagharshapat. Deaconess Gayane and 35 other virgins fled from Rome due to persecution of Christian believers, the King of Armenia Trdat III accepted them, but fell in love with the beautiful Hripsime, Gayane protected the girl, but they were all executed for disobeying the will of the king for the sake of Christ and their vow of celibacy.

The roots of the name are Greek, it is a modified name of the Greek goddess of the Earth Gaia. The name is still very popular. Common among all Caucasian peoples, found in Turkey. In English-speaking countries, the name Gayane is considered rare, found mainly only in Armenian diasporas and families with Armenian roots.

In Russia, the name is familiar, although rare, which is associated with the Armenian naming tradition, and not the Russian one. Nowadays, many Armenians live in the country, so the name Gayane is not so rare. The name is unusual, beautiful, euphonious. Thanks to the fashion for rare names, it can become more popular both in Russia and in the world.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Gayane

The name Gayane is a modified form of the name of the Greek goddess of the Earth Gaia, so it can be translated as “earthly”, “fertile”, “dedicated to Gaia”. In Armenian it acquired a new meaning: “family”, “father’s house”.

The girl really has many “earthly” traits in her character: practical, businesslike, clearly understanding the benefits and standing firmly on her feet. She could be called reasonable, but this is greatly hampered by her emotionality and hot temper.

While Gayane is small, with her charm she is able to make everyone around her fall in love with her, and her parents are completely crazy about the baby. As a child, she grows up as a spoiled darling, loves to get her way, sometimes with affection, and sometimes with whims. Gayane needs to be taught order and responsibility, otherwise it will be difficult for her later. After all, you cannot command strangers in adult life.

At school, Gayane is known as a beauty and a queen. Studying is not as easy for her as winning boys’ hearts. Gayane usually attends many clubs, because… very creatively gifted: singing, dancing, drawing, theater group, sports clubs. Therefore, the girl loves to participate in school concerts and events. Despite her temper, she cools down quickly, is not vindictive, knows how to make friends and find a common language with others.

Gayane often connects her future with serious professions: doctor, lawyer, teacher, economist, entrepreneur. But she can also follow a creative path: singer, actress, model, etc. Gayane has ingenuity and business sense, so she is often accompanied by financial success in her chosen business. She often relies on the help of her family or a man, Gayane does not see anything wrong with this – it is important for her to achieve her goal.

Gayane’s love both attracts and frightens. She is very emotional, so feelings often bring her pain and disappointment, in addition, Gayane is afraid of becoming dependent on love. He will most likely choose a spouse to his liking in adulthood, taking into account the mistakes of his youth. Family, home, children are her element! She is ready to invest a lot of time and love into her “nest” and its inhabitants, because… considers the house and household members to be a continuation of himself and his image.

Name days:

18 June

Diminutive version

Gadget, Gayasha, Gayusha, Gayanushka, Gayanochka, Gayachita, Gayanita, Nut, Gayanik, Gaychonok


Gaya, Guyana

According to the church



  • turquoise
  • blue


  • Venus


  • water

Stone talisman

chrysocolla, azurmalachite, lapis lazuli




wild rose, grapes

Totem animal


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