History of the origin of the name Garik

The male name Garik is a name with ancient Germanic roots. The origin of the name Garik is associated with a combination of the ancient German words gar and rik. Translated from ancient German, gar is “spear”, and rik is “wealth”. This combination will help a strong-willed man named Garik achieve what he wants in life.

The name Garik is found in different countries. But it is most often used in Armenia, as well as among the Jewish population. The pronunciation of this name varies greatly in different countries. For example, in Japan this name is pronounced as Garikku, in Ukraine – Garrick, in Israel – Garrick, and in India – Garika. In Russia this name is not very popular.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Garik

A man named Garik has the following advantages: erudition, sociability, generosity. Garik is characterized by increased demands and criticality, both towards himself and towards others. The desire for perfection largely determines his actions. Garik also has such traits as: methodicality, pedantry, accuracy in everything.

From his youth, Garik developed the makings of an excellent businessman who has the ability to make money literally “out of thin air.” Garik usually likes to work with numbers, so he will be a good financier, economist, entrepreneur, accountant, banker. Garik can easily and quickly make his career, he is determined to succeed and has excellent business acumen. He is always dedicated to the business he has chosen and always tries to surpass his competitors in his chosen field.

Garik is stubborn and knows how to work, but he doesn’t work too hard and always finds time to relax and travel. He knows how to properly organize his work in order to achieve what he wants with minimal cost. If Garik becomes a boss, then his subordinates have a hard time, since he is very demanding. Usually Garik is well off.

Garik enjoys success with the opposite sex, but he does not give his heart to anyone, meeting women just for fun. He can date several women at the same time. He is always neat and strives for ideal even in appearance. In his family life, Garik is far from ideal, since it is difficult for his wife to endure eternal nagging, irony, and sometimes rudeness. He may marry several times and not be interested in the lives of his children.

Negative character traits that may develop: arrogance, selfishness, stubbornness. Sometimes Garik can be petty, nervous and vain. Garik has a hard time making friends, because with closer communication, friends notice that Garik is only interested in himself and that he has a painful pride. However, by constantly working on himself, Garik can become more good-natured and open.

Name days:

June 18, October 2

Diminutive version

Garichek, Garchik


Arik, Ari

According to the church

Usually boys named Garik are baptized under the name Igor or choose a second (church) name, which in the church calendar is closest to the boy’s date of birth.



  • Mercury


  • water

Stone talisman

aquamarine, chrysolite





Totem animal


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