- Meaning and characteristics of the name Galina
- Character traits of the name Galina
- Galina’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession. Business, career of Galina
- Galina’s health
- Name Galina for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
Meaning and characteristics of the name Galina
The name Galina, translated from Greek, has several meanings – “calm”, “silence”, “calmness”, “sea surface”, “serenity”. If we take into account the version of the origin of this name from the Italian word “gallina”, then it is translated as “hen” or “chicken”. The meaning of the old Russian name Galya is “kitty”.
Winter Galina is distinguished by its reliability, thoroughness and practicality. A better organizer and leader could hardly be found; she is able to resolve any situation in the shortest possible time and manage with minimal losses. The strong character of this woman frightens men who are afraid of becoming henpecked. To find your feminine happiness, you will have to adapt to your partner, trying on the role of a weak, defenseless woman.
Galina Vesennaya has a frantic temperament; emotions simply overwhelm her. She radiates too much energy, can be annoying, and overly talkative; often these qualities interfere with her not only at work, but also in family life. An alliance with a calm and reasonable man is the best way out of the situation.
Galina Summer is always open to communication, new emotions, knowledge, she is distinguished by her mobility and impulsiveness. Even at an advanced age, she does not lose interest in life. Such a woman needs a man who has an active life position, but he should not infringe on his freedom-loving soul mate, otherwise disagreements cannot be avoided.
Galina osennyaya is distinguished by her sincerity and sociability. Unfortunately, she is impatient, she wants everything at once, and when her dreams do not come true, she is seized with panic and anger. Her character lacks composure and self-confidence; this interferes with both her career and her personal life. A calm, patient and wise man will guide autumn Galina on the true path, and she will respond to him with sincere love.
Character traits of the name Galina
A girl with this name has a persistent and strong character, she is distinguished by optimism, cheerfulness, she is diligent and obedient. At first glance, Galina may seem timid and timid, but this is just a mask, since Galina is deliberately in no hurry to reveal her real qualities to strangers. In fact, she has an amazing ability to work and can find real pleasure in the most routine work. Galina is capable of feats and self-sacrifice, especially when it is required to do this for the sake of people close to her. These women are very demanding of themselves, but they treat their work colleagues and family members in the same way. Galinas are very charming; if they like a person, or for some reason they need to win him over, they will do it without much difficulty.
Negative character traits of Galina include their intransigence. When a person, and this could be a relative, a close friend, does not share her views on life or has offended Galya in some way, she will break off her relationship with him without regret. She will never stoop to revenge, but the offender will no longer be able to achieve his former favor with any force. Often among Galinas there are overly talkative people, but you just can’t get a word out of some bearers of this name. There is a golden mean, but there are few such women among Galina.
Galina’s family and love relationships
Galina completely devotes the period from 25 to 45 years to her family and raising children. She is not very hardy, household chores often tire her with their routine, but the woman diligently masters housework and makes a good housewife. If her husband provides her with all possible help with the housework and does not skimp on compliments and praise, Galina will be simply an ideal wife. However, the husband will always be only in the background, Galina is first of all a mother, and then a wife. She loves her children very much and knows how to raise them. There is always peace and tranquility in their home, the mother is strict but fair, the children obey her, help around the house, and study well. Permissiveness, arrogance and disrespect simply have no place here. The mother tries to give them the best education. Her tireless care bears fruit – children, and then grandchildren, simply adore Galina.
Despite her temperament, Galina tries to choose her spouse wisely. Among her many admirers, her choice falls on the most dexterous, skillful young man, whose behavior seems to her the most correct and friendly. This girl knows her worth, she doesn’t like excessive admiration for her, but she also won’t allow herself to be treated condescendingly. Most often, she simply skillfully allows herself to be loved without humiliating her other half. If the husband, unable to withstand Galina’s high demands, finds a replacement for her, so much the worse for him. A woman will no longer be able to pay so much attention to her guilty husband, because the Galinas are distinguished by their intransigence towards such behavior.
Choice of profession. Business, career of Galina
In the life of any Galina, two socially active periods of life can be distinguished, this is the time from 15 to 25 years and from 45 to 65 years, during which she is actively involved in her career. All roads are open for this woman, she is capable of achieving success in any field, her inexhaustible hard work and determination help her in conquering professions. Galina always sets herself the task of mastering her profession better than her colleagues; management values such workers, rewarding them with bonuses and promotions. Galina is honest and open with her colleagues, she does not like intrigue and gossip, and she is respected at work for these qualities.
It is very important for this woman to satisfy her creative and material ambitions, so she will not linger in a low-paying job. Bearers of this name can reach great heights if they choose a creative profession: actresses, artists, journalists, writers. The profession of a teacher, doctor, teacher is also suitable for her. If Galina decides to become an entrepreneur, her business will certainly flourish, since this woman has responsibility and diplomacy, honesty and perseverance. The best relationships will develop with partners; they will respect Galina for her directness and ability to properly organize the work process. Subordinates will also not be offended; they will appreciate her responsiveness and understanding.
Galina’s health
The main causes of Galina’s illness are physical and psychological stress. She is often diagnosed with heart disease, varicose veins, and Galina can suffer from unstable blood pressure. In old age, Galina often experiences polyarthritis of the extremities. Since childhood, Galya has not been in good health; she has weak lungs and often has bronchitis. Pharyngitis and tonsillitis are the diseases that little Galochka is diagnosed with. Winter Galinas often have ARVI, the girl needs to be hardened, but this must be done gradually. Spring Galina often suffers from a sore throat; trips to the sea and walks in a pine forest are useful for her. Year-old Galina has an unstable nervous system; at the age of a baby she can cry often; you need to make sure that the girl does not develop an umbilical hernia. In autumn Galina, the most vulnerable places are the liver and gall bladder; she simply needs periodic checks from specialists.
At home, parents should be careful with scary stories, since little Ticks are very impressionable, and nightmare stories can poison their childhood for a long time. It is unacceptable to sort things out loudly in front of a small daughter; her psyche can be seriously damaged by this psyche. These girls take other people’s grief and pain to heart; they are the ones who burst into burning tears when reading stories from the life of Bambi or Cosette. Impressions left from childhood last a lifetime. It’s great if the parents become friends for the girl and teach her to approach life with a dose of healthy humor.
Name Galina for a child
Despite its remarkable qualities, the name Galina is now rare, although back in the middle of the last century it occupied an honorable place in the top ten popular female names. Bearers of this name can be found more often in rural areas than in the city. However, if young parents decide to name their daughter Galina, they will never regret it. Your daughter will be surprisingly obedient and diligent, inquisitive and active. This is a very capable child; she enjoys sewing, knitting, drawing, reading, and helping her mother with housework. The girl early realizes her feminine nature, loves to twirl in front of the mirror, but prefers to be friends with boys, because she does not like the company of girls too much because of the tears, gossip and sneaking. But even among the boys, Galya is not at all “one of the guys”; from childhood she knows how to take care of her appearance, and the boys simply respect her for her character traits – calmness and justice.
There will be no problems with Galya at school either; she masters all disciplines equally well, giving preference to humanitarian subjects, and is distinguished by exemplary behavior in class. This girl is often considered arrogant, but she never flaunts her education, trying to be ideal only for herself. By the time she graduates from school, Galina quietly turns into a charming beauty who firmly knows what she wants from life.
Name days:
February 23, March 23, April 29
Diminutive version
Galinka, Halynushka, Galochka, Galchenok, Galushka, Galyok, Galyunia, Galyusia, Galyusha
Galya, Gala, Galyukha, Galukha, Galika, Galusha, Gana, Ganya, Alya, Lina
According to the church
- crimson
- Sun
- fire
Stone talisman
garnet, jade
pine, sweet pea
Totem animal