Origin of the name Firuz
The name Firuz (فيروز) is of Persian origin and translates to “turquoise”. From Old Persian it spread to other Arabic languages, where it acquired additional meanings. Thus, in Iranian it is interpreted as “successful”, “prosperous”, in Turkish as “victorious”, in Tatar – “bright soul”, “radiant”.
The name Faruz has several variants of pronunciation and spelling, depending on the phonetic and spelling norms of a particular national language: Feriz, Feruz, Piruz, Peruz. There is also a female version of the name – Firuza.
The name Firuz – “king of kings” – was borne by one of the first legendary kings of Iran, glorified in Ferdowsi’s poem “Shahnameh”. He became famous for his valor, justice and mercy towards his enemies.
The name Firuz is widespread in Muslim countries, as well as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Tatarstan – wherever people professing Islam live. It is also often found in Iran, Iraq, Bengal, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Egypt. In Russia, this name is common in those areas where Muslims live.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Firuz
Little Firuz is an inquisitive and active child, he cannot sit still. The boy finds it difficult to concentrate in class, he is constantly distracted by conversations, he may read a magazine or draw in the margins. Still, Firuz tries to study well. More than anything else, he is afraid of upsetting his parents. Firuz loves sports competitions, he is especially good at swimming or rowing.
Firuz leaves his parents’ home early, he strives for independence. But he is characterized by some arrogance, this becomes a serious obstacle to his goals. Where he should ask for advice or ask for help, Firuz prefers to act independently. Therefore, due to his youth and inexperience, he makes mistakes that are difficult to correct. But gradually Firuz learns to listen to the opinions of others.
Firuz is sociable, but he has few friends, much more useful acquaintances. He knows how to listen and please anyone, and does this without flattery or fawning, he is simply very attentive and responsive by nature.
Firuz is very prudent; he carefully chooses a business that would bring him a stable income. He can choose a rare or even exotic profession for a man: cook, sommelier, harpist. Firuz is full of talents and is ready to use them to the fullest. He will make a good engineer, doctor, journalist, photo reporter, teacher. A high level of intelligence allows Firuz to set his sights on a scientific career.
Firuz is not particularly interested in women; he is far from a romantic. Firuz can marry early, to the first girl he likes and live with her until old age, never looking around. The main thing is that the wife be faithful to him, keep the house in order and raise the children. He may also marry very late or to a woman who is several years older than him. He just needs a calm, confident, straightforward lady who doesn’t need sentimentality. Firuz is kind with children, he loves to spend time with his family, does everything for their comfort and well-being.
Name days:
April 4, December 22
Diminutive version
Firuzushka, Firuzonka, Firuzik
Fir, Uzik, Zi
According to the church
- blue
- red
- olive
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
jade, ivory, emerald
Totem animal