Origin of the name Farid

The male name Farid is a name of Arabic origin. Translated into Russian, Farid means “unsurpassed”, “incomparable”, “single”, “special”. Sometimes this name is translated as “pearl.”

The name Farid is popular among Muslim peoples. For example, it is very often used among the Tatars and Bashkirs. It can also be heard in Turkey, Iran, India, Azerbaijan and other Asian and African countries.

In English the name Farid is written as Farid, in Turkish the variant is “Ferit”. In the Volga region, in Tatar and Bashkir families, two forms of this name are used – “Farid” and “Farit”. Moreover, the name “Farit” is one of the most popular names among the Tatars.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Farid

Farid is a very honest, fair and straightforward person. He can say whatever he thinks to his face. Farid always tells the truth and never hides anything. This is a serious and responsible man who is used to doing everything thoroughly. He is sociable, knows how to talk and listen to others. Friendliness and attention to the interlocutor attracts people to him. Farid has many good friends.

As a child, Farid is a capable, independent boy with enormous development potential. He loves to argue, defending his point of view. He has a strong and stubborn character. Farid cannot stand instructions and orders. He is very self-confident and capable of impulsive, rash actions. Parents should direct Farid’s energy in the right direction and ensure that the boy is constantly busy with useful work that he likes. Farid loves reading and mind games.

Farid may have such negative character traits as selfishness, stubbornness, lust for power, excessive pride, and arrogance. Farid can argue even if he knows he is wrong. He can be distrustful, secretive and rude. Farid can be undisciplined at times. He sometimes lacks perseverance and patience and can leave things unfinished.

Farid usually successfully conquers career heights and can achieve a high social position. This is a purposeful and persistent person. Farid achieves success only due to his hard work and intelligence; he will never resort to betrayal or deception. Farid has developed leadership qualities. He can become a good leader or entrepreneur. Farid could become a famous athlete. He can also choose the profession of a psychologist, teacher or lawyer.

Farid is a sensual and gentle man. He is caring and tries to predict all the girl’s desires. Sometimes his concern may seem intrusive. Farid’s wife must be able to sincerely admire him, then their union will be strong and durable. Farid loves his family and they play a big role in his life. He is serious and strict with children. Farid takes care of children, participates in their upbringing, monitors their development and success, and tries to help children get a good education.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Faridushka, Faridonka, Faridochka, Farik, Farochka, Farushka, Faronka


Faridka, Fara, Farka, Farri

According to the church



  • gray-blue


  • Saturn


  • water

Stone talisman






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