- History of the origin of the name Evgeniy
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Evgeniy
- Character traits of the name Evgeniy
- Family and love relationships of Evgeniy
- Choice of profession, business, Evgeniy’s career
- Evgeniy’s health
- Name Evgeniy for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Evgeniy
Ancient Greece gave the world a number of popular names, among them Eugene. Initially, it was given only to the offspring of nobles and was pronounced Eugenius, Eugenius. An ancient mythological character, the son of the fertility god Pan, was called Eugenios. Later the name passed to Rome, Byzantium.
In the III – VI centuries. More than ten martyrs bearing this name suffered for the Christian faith. Their canonization and subsequent veneration contributed to his expansion in Europe and then on other continents. In various countries it is used in the forms: Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, Eugen, Eugen, Eugenio, Evgenis, Eugene, Evgen.
It was brought to Rus’ a long time ago, but it became popular only in the 19th century, when local aristocrats called their heirs Eugene in the French manner. Then a fashion for its female counterpart was formed. In the last century it gained recognition among large sections of the population.
Today the name Evgeniy is quite rare, being in the 35-37th position in the ranking of male names in Russia.
The list of famous people with this name included: two Roman emperors, four heads of the Catholic Church, the Italian monarch of Beauharnais, the princes of Savoy and Sweden, several dozen Orthodox hierarchs. The list is completed by the Decembrist Prince Obolensky, the poet Baratynsky, directors Vakhtangov, Ginzburg, Tashkov, orientalist Bertels, and economist Yasin. Also famous are the pilot-cosmonaut Khrunov, conductors Mravinsky and Svetlanov, writer Petrov, sculptor Vuchetich, actors Samoilov, Lebedev, Shutov, Leonov, Morgunov, Mironov, singer Martynov and others.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Evgeniy
The word is translated as “noble”, “noble”, literally – “good birth”. In scientific circles, the term “eugenics” is associated with selection, genetic improvement of the human population.
An exotic version connects it with the Welsh root “eoghunn”, which is interpreted as “lamb”, “young”. Although researchers think that the English Owen is a separate name, and not a derivative of Eugene.
In its muffled sound one can hear beauty, calm, and warmth. Multiple abbreviated versions – Evgesha, Gesha, Zhenya, Zheka, Zhesha, Ena, Enyusha, Genya reflect dissimilar experiences. Their spectrum is wide: from fearlessness, harshness, slowness, weakness to activity, joy, simplicity, greatness and power. The outdated addresses of Evdeniy and Vedeneya are gentler and softer, and are now almost never used. Common surnames came from them.
The energy of the name is average, but positive, most likely, gives the personality balance.
The duality of the auditory perception of the name suggests that its bearer is endowed with contradictory qualities. The presence of a match for the fair sex can also reinforce the trend. Zhenya will not necessarily be weak, but timidity is likely. On the other hand, delicacy and subtlety of sensations may affect.
Astrologers believe that Mercury, Venus, and the constellations Taurus and Pisces are responsible for the name. His talismans: jasper, ruby; colors – white, blue, light blue; symbol – seahorse; plant – linden; flowers – forget-me-not, foxglove; element – fire.
Character traits of the name Evgeniy
Evgeniy is indeed noble, good-natured and peace-loving. From an early age, his intelligence, dreaminess, high intelligence and receptivity are manifested. Tends to live in a fictional universe and ignore real, sometimes serious, phenomena. Therefore, he often develops detachment and superficiality.
He has a mediocre will, is indecisive, vulnerable, but a sharp mind, erudition, sparkling humor, and flexibility in behavior provide the owner of the name with respect in society. Moderately sociable, alternating liveliness with episodes of laziness and solitude. What is important to him is how he looks in the eyes of others; he strives to demonstrate impeccable manners and knowledge, although he is not overly ambitious.
Sentimental, sometimes susceptible to other people’s influence. Having hidden his true feelings, in company Evgeniy takes on the image of a cynic, masking his uncertainty with swagger and imaginary indifference. Not aggressive, easily forgives insults. Prefers compromise to conflict, reason to physical strength, irony to fight.
In friendship, he is devoted, generous, ready to help, an innate altruist and philanthropist.
Injustice, evil, and vices upset the Evgenies, but they treat everything philosophically, do not openly rebel, adapt to circumstances, and make deals with their own conscience.
Troubles are hard to deal with, problems knock them out of their usual rut and make them worry. In a difficult situation, Zhenya becomes hot-tempered and absent-minded. Stubbornness and excellent intuition allow him to overcome difficulties.
Family and love relationships of Evgeniy
The wives are exceptionally gallant with the ladies, even if they harbor hostility towards them inside. They are attracted to honesty, decency, and mystery in women. But rude, insincere people repel them, laying the foundation for an unflattering opinion about all girls.
They feel comfortable with a wise, affectionate companion who will understand the fragility of their soul, listen, and console. At the same time, it must carry a mystery.
When falling in love, Evgeniy idealizes the object of his adoration, which is why he is often disappointed. In his youth he starts countless affairs, gets married late, and remarriages are possible.
In the family he is caring, attentive and tactful, avoids any quarrels, and gladly shares household chores with his wife. He loves an atmosphere of mutual understanding and harmony, and gets along well with his wife’s relatives. But if the “other half” regards his warmth as weak-willed, then he makes a mistake.
Frivolity, inconstancy and jealousy remove him from the status of an ideal spouse. He himself, alas, is inclined to cheat, but the slightest suspicion of his beloved’s infidelity makes him angry, depressed and gloomy. He is not the first to file for divorce; he tries to preserve the union, including for the sake of the children.
Evgeniy adores and pampers his beloved children, and does not shy away from their upbringing and shared leisure time.
The sexuality of the owner of the name is intense, but fades over time. The partner will have to fuel the passion with experiments and mystery.
Evgeny, as a rule, finds happiness in a pair with Larisa, Ekaterina, Yulia, Tatyana, Svetlana, Natalya.
Choice of profession, business, Evgeniy’s career
A “noble” man understands various fields, gravitates towards the exact sciences, he has logical thinking, he likes to solve mathematical problems and puzzles. Thanks to his ingenuity, Evgeniy chooses the professions of scientist, programmer, engineer, and architect. He will make an exemplary financier, statistician, and analyst.
Creativity and artistry lead him to the field of art: he succeeds as a stage manager, musician, writer, stage director, and artistic director. By the way, he likes to manage the team and processes; in the role of manager, he is obligatory and scrupulous.
A career as a journalist, pilot, photographer or designer reveals his romanticism and rich imagination.
Performs assigned duties carefully, meticulous to details, however, does not make maximum efforts. For full return, it is necessary that the work interests and captivates Zhenya, otherwise he will begin to shirk work, especially in adulthood.
He advances dynamically in his career and finds a common language with colleagues and superiors. The material part of the activity is significant: he cannot imagine well-being without a decent salary, prosperity, and the ability to support his family.
Economy and prudence bring him success in business. The main obstacle on the way is Evgeniy’s adventurism, rash decisions and unjustified risks. An experienced adviser or partner will be needed so that he does not go bankrupt and does not fall into debt. Unfortunately, this subject does not approve of the partnership.
Evgeniy’s health
The namesakes of Pushkin’s Onegin are strong in nature, but nervous, which causes their health to suffer. The bronchi, lungs, and organs of vision are vulnerable. They suffer from colds, infectious diseases, are susceptible to melancholy, depression, neurocirculatory dystonia, encephalopathy and epilepsy.
The wife needs to strengthen her immune system and be wary of hypothermia and viruses. He is recommended to have proper rest, long sleep, a measured work pace, and a rational daily routine.
He gets tired quickly, to restore energy he will need a varied diet, walks in the fresh air, and giving up bad habits. Alcohol is the most destructive.
The optimal types of exercise are martial arts, tennis, and dancing. Hiking, traveling, and swimming have a positive effect on your well-being and mood.
Name Evgeniy for a child
Little Evgesha is a gifted, cheerful, curious and independent child. Obedient, balanced, practically does not play pranks. Since childhood, he has been drawn to reading, writes poetry, and is thoughtful and careful.
He studies hard, pleases mom and dad with his academic performance, support and talents. Sometimes he lies to his elders – his parents are called upon to teach him openness, firmness and composure. He will benefit from participation in clubs and encouragement of creativity and self-expression. In adolescence, discipline, achievement motivation, and overcoming passivity are relevant.
Zhesha idolizes his brothers and sisters; it is convenient to give the name not only to the first-born.
It is considered to be suitable for those born under the signs of Aries, Pisces, Leo, Cancer and Virgo.
Combines with patronymics Alexandrovich, Alekseevich, Anatolyevich, Borisovich, Vladimirovich, Dmitrievich, Ivanovich, Nikolaevich, Olegovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich.
Name days are celebrated on February 3, 25, 26, March 4, August 31, September 20, December 7, 23 and 26.
Name days:
January 21, January 31, February 3, February 25, February 26, March 3, March 9, March 20, August 3, August 31, September 20, September 23, October 8, October 29, November 11, November 20, November 24 , December 7, December 23, December 26
Diminutive version
Evgenchik, Evgenyushka, Zhenechka, Zhenyushka, Zhenchik, Evgeshka, Evgeshechka
Zhenya, Zhenya, Zheka, Zhenyok, Jack, Jackson, Genya, Gesha
According to the church
- blue
- Mercury
- Venus
- fire
Stone talisman
linden, foxglove and forget-me-not
Totem animal
seahorse, pearl barley