History of the origin of the name Evdokia

This is an old Russian name. There are only two versions of the origin of the name Evdokia. One of them is that the name was formed from the ancient Greek name Evdokim (enjoying success, fame). Another is that the name comes from the ancient Greek Eudocia (goodwill, good news), and the name came to Rus’ with Christianity from Byzantium, like other Christian names. This was the name given to girls of different social classes. Now, this is one of the rare names in Russia; bohemian girls often call themselves this in order to be original and stand out from the crowd of people. In the calendar there is the Venerable Martyr Eudokia, living in the second century. She led a sinful life in her youth, then repented and turned to God. She spent her entire life in the monastery, more than fifty years.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Evdokia

The meaning of the name Evdokia is “blessed”, “good news”, “favour”, “having good fame”.

As a child, Evdokia is a friendly, open, sincere, benevolent, intelligent, inquisitive girl. At the same time, she is restless, active, spoiled, and loves when people pay attention to her. Parents will have to punish the child so that she does not grow up to be an unreliable, irresponsible person. She loves her father very much, who is an authority for her. With age, eloquence, sociability, gullibility, and naivety appear. There is a tendency to study well, but due to her character, she does not do this. Evdokia has many friends, a good sense of humor, and a cheerful disposition. She is a loyal and reliable friend, but a girl often has only one true friend. She is the only one with whom she opens up and sometimes gets jealous. Since early adolescence, the girl has many fans.

Evdokia is touchy and doesn’t like it when people make comments to her. Arrogant, vain, loves to be the center of attention. He tries to help others in difficult situations, but does not accept help in his own direction. She is sincere, kind, gets attached to people, lives by feelings, not reason. She respects honest and fair people because she is like that herself. He achieves his goals through hard work and honesty. Thanks to developed intuition and the ability to collect and analyze information, he enters into profitable business deals and easily solves problems that arise financially. There is such a feeling as envy of those who have a better financial situation. Can become a good lawyer, teacher, adviser, accountant, diplomat, pastry chef.

There are high demands on the opposite sex. From many fans he chooses the best one. She gets married out of great love, or she doesn’t get married at all. She is a leader in relationships and takes more than she gives.

She is attractive and beautiful. She takes care of her appearance, knows how to dress beautifully, loves to travel, attend various events, read, cook, improve her home, take care of family, loved ones, and animals. Evdokia is a wonderful housewife, a faithful wife and a caring mother. Family is the most important thing for her, so she can quit her job and become a housewife. A careerist is not about her.

Evdokia has a weakened skeletal system, problems with teeth, lungs, liver, and stomach. She needs to take care of her health from an early age.

Name days:

January 11, February 5, March 1, March 2, March 14, March 20, April 20, May 30, July 20, July 30, August 13, August 17, August 18, August 26, August 27, September 24, September 28 , November 16, December 23

Diminutive version

Evdokiyashka, Evdokiechka, Evdokienka


Evdonia, Evdosya, Evdoha, Evdosha, Evdunia, Evdusha, Eva, Doka, Dosha, Doha

According to the church



  • blue


  • Jupiter


  • water

Stone talisman





willow, violet

Totem animal


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