History of the origin of the name Ermak

In the past, the name was very common among the Eastern Slavs. This fact confirms the surnames Ermakov (Russian version) and Ermak (Ukrainian version) that exist today. There are several versions of the etymology of the name:

  • a popular version of the name given at baptism. With the help of the nominal suffix – the name Ermak was formed from various baptismal names – Erm, Ermey, Ermil, Ermiy, Erma, which come from the name of the ancient Greek god Hermes (the name Hermes in translation means “bringer of wealth”). The calendar also mentions the ancient Greek names Hermippus (derived from Hermes and hippos – “horse”), Hermocrates (derived from Hermes and kratos – “power, strength”), Hermogenes (derived from Hermes and genos – “kind”) and Ermolai (derived from Hermes and laos – “people”);
  • The name Ermak has a nickname origin. In ancient times, along with names, nicknames were also commonly used, many of which were derived from the names of household items. In some regions, peasants used the word “irmak” to refer to a small millstone for a hand mill. In the Novgorod and Arkhangelsk regions, “ermak” is a colloquial version of the word “armyak” (men’s outerwear).

Meaning and characteristics of the name Ermak

Nowadays, the name Ermak is not very common, but if parents decide to name their son after the Don Cossack Ermak Timofeevich, they will need to devote a lot of time to raising him. A person with this name is proud and self-confident.

The bearer of the name is also characterized as a calm, simple and balanced person. He has a good sense of humor. If he is very worried inside, no one will guess about it, and if necessary, he will show himself to be a sweet and kind person. Ermak will not associate with dubious company; he carefully selects his friends, they are reliable and trusted people. A man achieves success in any business he begins, luck is favorable to him, but Ermak is very dependent on the opinions of others. He needs to be sure that they trust him. Very often, a man gains followers, he becomes a leader, achieves financial well-being and success in the field of science or politics. Ermak’s views are often different from the views of the people around him, but they have common sense. The man is ambitious and honesty is very important to him. To achieve his goals, he can use radical methods, but he is always honest with himself.

He considers the beautiful half of humanity a gift from heaven, protects his other half from danger, and will be a faithful and honest spouse. Family ties for Ermak are sacred and unshakable; in relationships he is faithful and passionate, but does not forgive deception. A man’s straightforwardness may confuse him at first, but if a woman is patient, she will appreciate his directness and openness. A man values ​​honesty, openness, empathy and kindness.

He protects his family from adversity; children for a man are the most sacred thing. In the circle of friends and relatives, Ermak can perform extraordinary actions (for example, climb a tree and publicly confess his love to his wife).

Name days:

8 of August

Diminutive version

Yermasha, Yermola, Yermochka, Yerma Yermolaika, Yermosha, Yermolaychik


Erma, Erm

According to the church



  • vermilion


  • Mars


  • air

Stone talisman

rock crystal, jasper, amethyst




garlic, nettle, onion, tobacco, mustard, asparagus, heather, beans, radish, hot pepper

Totem animal


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