Origin of the name Eric

The name Erik comes from the Old Norse word Eirikr, which can be translated into modern Russian as “eternally reigning monarch.” Eirikr was originally pronounced Erich, but due to the name’s popularity in the Aglo-Saxon world, it acquired the English form best known today as Eric. In Germany and the Czech Republic, the original form of the name, Erich, has been preserved.

There is another version, according to which the etymology of the name has Germanic roots and is translated as “eternally powerful.” With the naked eye one can notice the connotation of the Scandinavian version, from which the new interpretation of the name originated. Taking into account the linguistic features that distinguish residents of different European countries, the name not only acquires different semantic connotations, but also begins to sound differently: Erika, Eero, Eriko. In the Soviet Union it completely turned into the mysterious Eriy. Many people prefer to call Eriya Erik, despite the fact that the name Eriya is derived from the noun “era” and has nothing to do with Scandinavia.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Eric

As a child, Eric is quiet; soft character traits predominate. He is distinguished by restraint and leisurely action. At a young age, he unconditionally submits to the authority of adults and displays a seriousness that is sometimes unusual for children. These are all good character traits for doing science. It is not surprising that many succeed in mathematics and, from a young age, beat their parents at chess and other games based on logic. Eric the child is also no stranger to creativity: a passion for music and playing musical instruments is common.

Character traits inherent in adulthood depend on the time of year in which the child was born.

Eric, who celebrates his birthday in the summer months, is rational. He tries to subordinate every event in his life to his will, which forces him to think about almost any of his actions. “Summer” Eric does not like spontaneous actions. He acts in the same way in his personal life. Therefore, the decision to tie the knot is very difficult for him; he needs to weigh all the pros and cons in order to be one hundred percent sure of his “other half.” Therefore, many never get married, preferring to conduct scientific activities in which they achieve brilliant results.

Eric, who was born in the fall, is distinguished by excessive neatness and selfishness, devotes a lot of time to his appearance, is always well-groomed and dressed to the nines. He does not allow himself too much in his communication; he carefully selects the circle of people with whom he comes into contact. “Autumn” Eric is a creative person, often becoming a poet, musician, and artist. He is interested in collecting, is very hospitable and loves to visit.

Eric, born in winter, has a keen sense of justice. He will not hesitate to rush to defend his honor and dignity in a verbal skirmish, but he will not be afraid to defend himself or the people he cares about in a fist fight. He is not characterized by cunning or falsehood, he is open, always says what he thinks.

Winter gives way to spring, and “spring” Eric is born. He absolutely does not know how to stand up for himself, but with age his character becomes coarser, but his hatred of vulgarity and familiarity remains in him for the rest of his life. Erics born in spring are excellent aircraft designers, musicians, and surgeons who achieve great skill in their field.

Name days:

18 May

Diminutive version

Erushka, Ericka


Er, Eri, Erri, Rick, Ricky, Richie

According to the church



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