Origin of the name Emma

The ancient origin of the name is not disputed by etymologists; they cannot come to a consensus on the origin. The obvious version is an abbreviation of the Hebrew name Emmanuel as an ancient variant of the feminine form. Another assumption is the German name, the literal translation of “whole”, “universal”. The option with Latin roots is not rejected either. The meaning of the name in this case is “precious”, “spiritual”. The name is present in Arabic, but has a different translation – “reliable”, “faithful”.

Historians give their examples of the very first bearers of the name Emma, ​​who with their actions immortalized it, proving greatness and nobility. Emma of Normandy, born around 982, was able to sit on the throne as Queen of England, and then Denmark and Norway, over the course of almost 70 years of her life. It was during this period, after the Norman invasion of England in 1039, and Emma was directly involved, that the name became widespread.

The name is not in the Orthodox calendar, but its presence in the Catholic calendar is the merit of another Emma – Gurkskaya is known as the patroness of monasteries and during her life in the years 980-1045 she was able to found a diocese, later receiving the status of a holy Catholic Church.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Emma

The secret of the name Emma hides many character strengths that form a rich inner world. This is self-criticism, independence, hard work. Does not accept lies, pretense on his part, and those around him. Some nervous excitability is replaced by periods of emotional detachment. Those close to her need to accept Emma’s imperfection and provide her with personal space.

Already from early childhood, that same excessive pedantry manifests itself, influencing others, sometimes not in the best way. Strict adherence to one daily routine, toys arranged in a certain sequence – all this must be taken for granted, otherwise whims and depressive moods are guaranteed.

By school time, the girl will learn to take control of her emotions and avoid conflict situations, which will eliminate possible ones with peers and teachers. Creative impulses will manifest themselves more strongly – it’s difficult to guess the direction: everything from music to drawing can attract you at different times.

As a child, Emma is plagued by scratches and all kinds of bruises. With age, physical injuries are replaced by mental ones, and neuroses can provoke heart disease and cause dermatitis.

Discipline, accuracy, together with spiritual qualities such as participation and indifference to the problems of others, make Emma a person with multipotential. She is able to prove herself in fields of activity from psychology and sociology to accounting, economics, and medicine. But ideally, her dream job should satisfy her needs and express her inner self. Having tried himself in the role of, for example, a designer, without hesitation he will change his previous stable but boring job. The attitude towards money is quite cool, the more surprising the likelihood of receiving an inheritance.

The romantic nature is carefully hidden behind a mask of indifference and coldness. Her impeccable appearance attracts fans, whom Emma most often neglects. Only after meeting the only right man in her opinion is she able to put someone else’s desires more important than her own. Compromise and compliance will turn her into a real homemaker, a loving mother, combining caring for her family with her hobbies and needs.

Name days:

January 4, January 14, June 27, June 29

Diminutive version

Emmochka, Emmushka, Emmonka, Emmulya, Emmulka, Emmulchik, Emmusha, Emmunya, Emmusya, Emmuska


Emmka, Emmy

According to the church



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