Origin of the name Emin

The territory of distribution of the name Emin is quite extensive, which suggests that its roots should be sought in the Proto-Indo-European language.

In the East, the name Emin (أمين) is considered Arabic. It can be pronounced as Amin, and has a meaning synonymous with this name: “thorough”, “faithful”, “reliable”, honest. Has paired female names – Emina and Amina. The name Emin has exactly the same meaning in Hebrew.

In Europe, the name Emin is often found in Ireland. It comes from the Gaelic “eimh” – “quick”. It can also be heard in neighboring Great Britain, where the name Emin has several pronunciation options: Ivin and Evin.

The name Emin has become widespread in English-speaking countries: England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, USA, New Zealand, Australia, as well as among Muslims in Iraq, Iran, the UAE, India and Pakistan. In Russia it can be found among Armenians, Tatars, Tajiks, Azerbaijanis, Chechens, and in children of mixed marriages. This beautiful melodic name goes well with Russian patronymics and surnames.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Emin

As a child, Emin is an active child who causes a lot of problems for his parents. He constantly strives to run away, climb a tree, dive into a pond. Parents and teachers are not an authority for him; the boy can argue, get angry and even attack an annoying adult with his fists. Emin has few friends; children avoid the bully and don’t want to get involved in trouble. Emin does not show good results in his studies; his academic performance is average. Sports discipline and team spirit are also unknown to him. The boy loves to be left to his own devices.

Over the years, Emin has changed noticeably. He becomes more balanced and understanding. Begins to listen to the words of parents, seeks their support and advice. Emin devotes a lot of time to self-education, trying to make up for what he missed during his school years. He makes reliable friends, and he himself is now ready to come to the aid of his comrade. Emin even becomes slightly pedantic. He strictly monitors the order in the house and carefully looks after his clothes. She devotes a lot of time and attention to health and appearance.

Self-education bears fruit, and Emin is ready for almost any job. He can become an excellent organizer, work with people or equipment. Emin is seriously interested in new technologies, computers, and engineering. He can easily master the profession of a programmer or network administrator, and can become an excellent leader of a robotics club for children and teenagers. In general, teaching activities attract Emin. He awakens to the desire to help the same tomboys as he himself was in childhood to master school science.

Devoting himself to education and work, Emin often forgets about his personal life. He has practically no time left for making acquaintances and communicating. Most often, Emin’s chosen one is a work colleague whom he met at a seminar or lecture. He is united with this woman not only by romantic feelings, but also by common views and beliefs. Emin is a demanding but grateful husband. He will never become a tyrant, and even despite his pedantry, he will not force his wife to strictly put everything in order.

Name days:

April 9, January 8

Diminutive version

Emin, Eminchik, Eminushka


Em, Emmy

According to the church



  • gray
  • gold


  • Saturn


  • water

Stone talisman

marble, jasper, chrysolite





Totem animal


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