Origin of the name Elvina
The exact origin of the name Elvina is still not known. According to one version, the most popular in the West, this name appeared in Estonia; it is translated as white, light or pale. In this country there is a belief that Eve was the ancestor of Elvina. Others believe that the name takes its roots from Spain; translated from Spanish it means princess. According to others, the name came from Mongolia, its translation is tender. In the Turkic language, many names with the root “el” are translated as homeland or people. This is another version that the name is of Turkic origin. And translated from Hebrew “El” means God. Some etymologists claim that the name is of ancient Germanic origin, a modified form of the name Alvina, meaning friend or mistress of the elves. In any case, when baptized in the Orthodox Church, the girl is chosen another name she likes, because this name is not in the calendar.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Elvina
The meaning of the name Elvina is “pale”, “white”, “bright”, “princess”, “tender”, “homeland”, “people”, “God”, “friend and mistress of the elves”, “shining friend”.
As a child, Elvina grows up as a shy, shy, silent girl. But despite this, she is always open and willing to play with children her age. Diligence helps Elvina get excellent grades at school, and concentration helps her to achieve success in music classes. The girl’s range of talents is very wide: in addition to her musical tastes, she is very flexible, which allows her to dance delightfully and also sing. She will prefer a good book to new friends, because reading is Elvina’s favorite pastime.
In adolescence, agreeableness will develop in conjunction with isolation, which will affect the small number of close friends. The teenager will also avoid noisy companies. Elvina will inherit her father’s appearance, and take her character traits from her mother. After graduating from school, she will easily enter the desired specialty, but it will be a direction that does not involve leadership positions.
When performing work duties, Elvina is particularly responsible and focused.
The matured Elvina does not change much when compared with her childhood years. Calmness and kindness remain her faithful companions throughout her life. But adult life can force the owner of this name to hide such wonderful character traits, and in a fairly successful manner. Detachment from crowds of people will give rise to a love for your own home, in which there is no place for noise, but only comfort reigns. Due to the absence it is possible to be alone with herself, Elvina can become irritable.
Despite all the timidity inherent in the owner of the name, she has a rather strained relationship with her parents. She is also very rarely affectionate with her chosen one, which can be perceived as an unfriendly tone. This attitude can be influenced by the birth of children, which will reveal Elvina’s feelings from a completely different side: she will completely devote herself to the process of raising them, pushing other concerns into the background. Here jealousy towards your chosen one will begin to manifest itself, and attempts will be made to lead the entire family. Her mother-in-law probably won’t be able to get along with her.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Elvinka, Elvinochka, Elvinushka, Elvinchik, Elvishka, Elichka, Elyushka, Elinka, Vinochka, Vinushka
Elya, Elka, Wine, Vinka, Vishka, Vinny
According to the church
- dark green
- Uran
- fire
Stone talisman
pine, immortelle
Totem animal