History of the origin of the name Elnara

The roots of the name Elnar should be sought in the Proto-Indo-European language. This is a complex name consisting of two roots: “el” and “nara”. Both of these roots have variants of interpretation, and depending on them, the understanding of the name Elnara changes.

In the Turkic language, “el” means “Motherland”, “country”, “people”, this is what the tribes of nomadic warriors were called. In Syriac and Hebrew, “el” (אל‎) means “God.” In ancient Syrian cuneiforms, El heads the list of gods and is called “the father of all gods.” He can be embodied in eight angels: Anael, Gabriel, Samael, Michael, Sashiel, Raphael, Cassiel, Uriel.

“Nara” is translated from Turkic as “pomegranate”, and from Syriac as “fire”, “light”, “flame”. Thus, the name Elnara can be interpreted as “pomegranate country”, “Homeland of the pomegranate” or “light of God”, “fire of God”.

“Nara” is translated from Turkic as “pomegranate”, and from Syriac as “fire”, “light”, “flame”. Thus, the name Elnara can be interpreted as “pomegranate country”, “Homeland of the pomegranate” or “light of God”, “fire of God”.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Elnara

As a child, Elnara was a well-developed, intelligent child. She picks up everything on the fly, studies well, and plays sports. Elnara is a very sensitive person, disharmony causes painful feelings in her. She is endowed with a special vision of the world and can express it in music, painting, and literature. Her approach is always original and unique.

Elnara approaches any matter thoroughly. If she needs, say, to buy curtains, she will first study all the available options, compare prices and designs, and only then make a purchase. She never regrets the choice she made, because she never grabs the first product she comes across or likes.

Elnara is subject to other people’s influence and knows about it. Therefore, the girl chooses a friend whom she can trust and seeks support from this person. Elnara knows how to cope with problems on her own. Any work thrives in her hands. In addition, she is an excellent analyst, sees the causes of events and the underside of people, and knows how to use this knowledge to her advantage.

Elnara is very energetic, constantly working or creating. Self-realization means a lot to her. She is an excellent organizer who is able to infect others with her enthusiasm. Elnara is efficient, proactive, and does her work efficiently and quickly. She likes to work for results, overcome difficulties and receive satisfaction from what she has done. Research activities are perfect for this girl. She can become a travel agent or teacher, or head a hotel or restaurant.

Thanks to her attractiveness and bright mind, Elnara arouses the interest of men. But she does not believe words, she relies only on deeds. She chooses a reliable, respectable man as her husband who is able to create her comfort and coziness. Elnara is a wonderful housewife, her house is always clean, the refrigerator is full of food, things are put in their places. She is hospitable and loves to show off her wealth. Elnara does not spoil her children; she is inclined to a natural, free upbringing. She respects her husband, listens to his opinion, and supports him.

Name days:

February 22, September 5

Diminutive version

Elnara, Elnarochka, Elochka, Elenka


Ella, Elya, Nana

According to the church



  • Orange
  • blue
  • ocher


  • Луна


  • land

Stone talisman

garnet, amethyst





Totem animal


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