History of the origin of the name Eliza

Eliza is a female name, the etymology and meaning of which are quite controversial. So, there are several versions of its interpretation.

According to the first of them, Eliza is short for Elizabeth (Elizabeth, Isabella). Translated from Hebrew, the name means “my God is an oath.” However, everything is not so simple here either, because there are other versions of its origin. The English, for example, translate this name as “swan,” while the Germans use the form Elsa, which translates as “noble maiden.”

The name has always been popular in different countries. That is why we see a large number of abbreviated and reduced affectionate forms: Lisa, Ellie, Lizzie, Lisette, Lisela, Elya, Elsa, Elsa, Elzy.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Eliza

If we proceed from the fact that the name necessarily influences the fate, character and habits of its bearer, then it becomes obvious that the dominant character traits of a woman bearing the name Eliza should be nobility (after all, from German it is translated as “noble maiden”), honesty, justice, commitment and fidelity.

Already from early childhood, little Eliza demonstrates key character traits: she is persistent, stubborn, often impulsive and even sometimes unrestrained. Eliza is not interested in the company of girls and playing with dolls; she is friends exclusively with boys and strives to be like them even in small things, for example, in clothing style or hairstyle.

Eliza loves sports, especially gymnastics and swimming. He is not very conscientious about his studies, because he considers it a waste of time. In childhood and early adolescence, Eliza causes her parents a lot of trouble.

The situation changes dramatically when a girl grows up and begins to realize her beauty and ability to influence the opposite sex. However, complexes begin to appear that she is not like others: not too beautiful, smart, elegant. During this period of her life, Eliza needs a friend and adviser with whom she could share her emotional experiences and problems. Very often, a mother or an older sister becomes such an adviser. Despite external confidence, even self-confidence, in her soul Eliza remains very sensitive and vulnerable and painfully experiences any criticism.

Eliza is a very hidden woman, rarely opening her soul to anyone. She is proud and will not tolerate any criticism. Eliza is sure that she knows better what to do in a given situation, and therefore will not tolerate a different point of view. Eliza’s whole life is a desire to assert herself and prove to others that she is worth something, that she is capable of making independent decisions. Her whole life is a struggle, first of all, with herself, in particular with internal complexes hidden from everyone.

Eliza, if she wants, can realize herself in any profession, especially if she needs to prove something to someone. She will make a good teacher, an attentive psychologist, an artist, a talented actress or singer.

Eliza gets married late, constantly doubting the correctness of her own decision. Without even trying, she is already afraid of failure, suffering that all her efforts are in vain and will not yield results. Eliza’s happy marriage is possible only with a man who will feel her subtle mental organization, understand and support her.

The name Eliza in different phonetic forms is common in different countries. Its most famous representatives are: Eliza Cook (English poetess), Eliza Orzeszko (Polish writer), Elisa Sigichelli (Italian artist), Eliza Tovati (French singer and actress), Eliza Greenblatt (Jewish poetess), Elsa Lanchester (English actress), Elsa Bernstein (German writer), Elisa Bonaparte (sister of Napoleon Bonaparte).

Name days:

June 14, August 17

Diminutive version

Elizochka, Elizushka, Elizonka, Elizy


Elizka, Elya, Ellie, Elsa, Lisa

According to the church



  • lilac


  • Proserpine


  • water

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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