History of the origin of the name Elena

Elena is a female name of ancient Greek origin. The first Helen (ancient Roman version – Helena) in history is Helen the Beautiful, daughter of Zeus and Leda, wife of the Spartan Menelaus and mistress of the Trojan Paris, heroine of the Iliad. There is an assumption that the name comes from the Greek word “Helen” – “sun ray” or “sunlight”. There is a version that the name comes from the self-name of the Greeks “Hellenes”. One of the possible origins of the name is from the Greek word “elani, elani” – “reed torch”. The following forms of the name are common in Russia: Olena, Alena, Elenia, Ilena, Yalena, of Western Slavic origin Helena and Helena, as well as European Helena, Elina, Ilona.

The name Elena was in use among the Rurikovichs (wives of Yaropolk Vladimirovich and Prince Ivan Kalita; daughter of Ivan III and Sophia Paleologus, Queen of Poland; Elena Glinskaya, mother of Ivan the Terrible). The name in various forms was equally used by all classes and has been consistently popular to the present day. Various forms of the name, especially Alyonushka, were often the names of folklore characters. The name Elena is given to a city and community in Bulgaria, named after Helen Equal to the Apostles, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, who became famous for organizing successful excavations to find the relics of the Passion of the Lord and for her missionary activities.

The most common shortened form of the name Elena in Russia is Lena. This form has its own history of origin from the Evenki name of the largest river in Eastern Siberia, Elyuene, which was fixed in Russian as Lena. “Elu-Ene” is translated as “big river”. During the Soviet period, the name Lena was established as an independent name.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Elena

The name Elena makes a very positive impression on the subconscious. It is associated with the words good, gentle, bright, simple, strong, beautiful, leisurely, smooth, cheerful, safe, round, joyful and brave. If you analyze the form of the name Lena, characteristics are added – feminine and kind, and lost – slow, simple, strong and brave.

The letter analysis of the name is interesting because the first letter is repeated twice, strengthening its meaning. The vowel E at the beginning of the name gives the bearer sociability, insight, perseverance, the need for self-expression, intuition, the desire to exchange ideas, a penchant for peacemaking, and sometimes excessive talkativeness. Gives the character a certain duality: ingenuousness is combined with ambition, sociability does not exclude the desire for solitude. Women with this name are wonderful lovers, but rebellious.

The consonant L in the name adds sophistication to its owner, the ability to see and create beauty, artistic and artistic abilities, sensitivity, the ability to give and receive love, the desire to share knowledge and feelings. Such a woman loves and appreciates comfort, new experiences, and communication. Has a hard time withstanding personal dramas, can binge eat or drown stress in alcohol.

If a girl is often called Lena, the letter N has a significant influence on her character. It endows the bearer of the name with a sharp mind, a spirit of contradiction, selectivity in everything, inner strength, a desire for mental harmony and physical health, diligence and diligence, and a rejection of monotonous and boring activities. , responsibility, honesty, commitment and charm. This woman will be a wonderful partner, a wonderful mother and a happy wife.

Character traits of the name Elena

Elena is a pronounced introvert, secretive and reserved. Her openness and sociability are the fruit of her artistry, a mask hiding a sensitive and vulnerable soul. She is curious and trusting, but she endures betrayal and deception very hard, she is vindictive, such experiences aggravate the woman’s isolation and wariness.

The owner of this name is an emotional, creative person, prone to perfectionism, a dreamer and inventor, a cheerful optimist, who appreciates and understands beauty. Elena has a sharp, flexible mind, a synthetic type of thinking and a good memory. She has her own view of the world, she is not proactive, but rather a fatalist. This woman has well-developed intuition. He does not tolerate the mistakes of others, but forgives himself a lot. An iron will lurks in this tremulous and fragile-looking woman. Elena is caring and attentive to close people, kind, but her kindness is passive. He knows how to get along with people, but does not succumb to the influence of others.

Outwardly, the owner of this name is charming and charming, she knows how to be beautiful and attractive. She is feminine and feels young at any age. Elena is very susceptible, has increased excitability, is touchy and gullible, very impressionable, and suffers from an underdeveloped sense of humor. Subject to frequent mood swings, eccentric. Elena’s emotionality argues with her integrity and hyper-responsibility, disturbing her mental balance. A woman with this name tends to indulge her laziness and can be petty and vain. She may be considered an intriguer and a liar, selfish and envious. Needs a warm and calm atmosphere.

Elena rarely makes friends with other women, but she often uses male friendship for her own purposes.

“Winter” Elena is cunning and practical, selfish, callous in soul; those born in the fall are far-sighted and prudent, the “summer” ones are ambitious, vain, lover of intrigue and intrigue, the “spring” ones are capricious and selfish, abusing the love and attention of men.

Elena’s family and love relationships

Elena is a master of flirting, she is a charming and bright coquette. Easily conquers men, turns their heads and controls them. She always finds herself in the center of attention, causing the admiration of men and the envy of women. At the same time, her easy disposition and cunning allow her to have a good relationship even with an unhappy rival. Eccentric and spontaneous, the girl is a flower, Elena often attracts older and more experienced men who take custody of her. But this woman cannot be called passionate. She is rather compassionate and can fall in love with someone she sympathizes with. Her love is close to maternal.

Sex is not very important for the owner of this name compared to emotional experiences. A discreet partner with a moderate temperament will suit her. In her intimate life, she will observe certain rituals inherent to a prim lady.

She responds to a man’s initiative easily and willingly, but she will not express it herself, because she does not need the novelty of sexual impressions. “Winter” Elena, on the contrary, is characterized by sexuality, a tendency to dominate in bed, and often changes partners. The sexiest ones are Elena with patronymics Stanislavovna and Mikhailovna.

Elena can be called an amorous, passionate person. But after marriage, she devotes herself entirely to her family. This is a faithful and devoted, selfless wife and mother. When choosing a life partner, financial situation, status and success will not be of paramount importance to her. It is important for Elena to be able to sympathize and receive sympathy in return. Her family is built on mutual understanding and trust. Sensitive to her husband’s inattention, jealous. Jealous of friends, work, hobbies. However, she rarely leaves her man. She loves her home, family, children, who always come first for this woman. But she cannot be called an exemplary housewife; she is not whimsical in everyday life, and the kitchen is an unpleasant chore for her.

Alexander, Andrey, Vladimir, Valery, Peter, Lev, Stanislav, Dmitry, Yuri, Igor, Konstantin, Roman, Zakhar are suitable for Elena. The union with Anatoly, Ivan, Vasily, Stepan, Mark, Taras is unfavorable.

Choice of profession, business, Elena’s career

Elena is a creative person, often talented. She values ​​independence and freedom. Therefore, a clear schedule, routine, monotonous and monotonous work is torture for her. When choosing a profession for the bearer of this name, the most important factors are communication with different people, a flexible schedule and the opportunity to be visible. Elena can be an actress, singer, fashion model, fashion model, fashion model, tour guide, translator, artist, writer. And, paradoxically, a professional athlete.

She is attracted to beauty in all forms. The opportunity to create beauty or participate in its creation is very important for Elena. These are wonderful needlewomen, decorators, and costume designers.

In business, owners of this name realize themselves extremely rarely. Working at the peak of physical and mental effort is not for them. They do not like to take risks, they lack dedication and perseverance to see things through to the end. But these women are able to generate brilliant business ideas and development strategies for existing businesses.

Elena is an excellent worker, because pride and the desire to be first in everything does not allow her to relax. Elena is often the best in her field, but sharing knowledge is difficult for her; teaching is not easy for her.

Elena’s health

Elena has had a morbid interest in her health since her youth. And not surprisingly, it leaves much to be desired. A woman with this name may suffer from neuroses and other nervous diseases caused by her excitable nervous system and contradictory disposition.

If the owner of the name is far from sports, she is often overtaken by problems with the spine – scoliosis, stoop and other disorders.

The weakest point in Elena’s body is the digestive system. Especially the intestines and pancreas. Associated skin reactions are also common – acne, atopic dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis, age spots and others.

Various diseases of the genitourinary system, and especially the kidneys, also cause trouble.

Proper nutrition, taking into account the characteristics of Elena’s body from childhood, exercise, daily walks in the fresh air, for which it is worth getting a dog, will help prevent the occurrence of serious diseases and maintain health until old age.

Name Elena for a child

Lena is daddy’s daughter. She not only looks like him, but also adopts her father’s habits and character traits. It is important not to allow the girl to play the role of a princess, indulging her selfishness and ambition. In this case, she will not leave the parents the opportunity to have personal space and time.

The girl loves fairy tales. She is a little reserved, may shy away from her peers, is immersed in her thoughts and dreams, but is not devoid of liveliness and fun. Moderately obedient. Lena is trusting, but vindictive; she will take revenge on anyone who betrayed her trust with enviable ingenuity. Since childhood, he has shown categorical judgments and increased emotionality.

Little Lena is kind, she can bring home an animal from the street, but she will not be able to protect it in front of her parents.

The girl has been drawn to beauty since childhood. She often enjoys handicrafts – she sews, embroiders, knits, and she does it very well. She is neat and creative. Thanks to her good memory, curiosity and sharp mind, studying is not a problem for Elena, although she does not like the learning process itself because of its monotony and monotony. She is often especially diligent for the sake of the favor of a particular teacher. She might be an excellent student. She has few real friends, but she finds a common language with everyone.

In her youth, Elena seems shy. But in a familiar company, the girl reveals herself as a sociable, cheerful, cheerful optimist. She will not be an outcast in the team, but she will not be a leader either. She can express her opinion, which will be heard, but she will not gain authority among her peers.

Name days:

January 28, March 19, June 10, July 24, August 10, September 17, November 12

Diminutive version

Lenochka, Lenchik, Lenochka, Lenushka, Yelenka, Alyonka, Alenochka, Alenushka, Elyusha



According to the church



  • gray-blue
  • yellow


  • Mercury


  • water

Stone talisman





aster, orchid

Totem animal

deer, cod

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