Origin of the name Eldar
The etymology of the male name Eldar remains unclear. According to one point of view, the word appeared among the Scandinavian peoples, combining two roots: “fire” and “warrior”. According to another, in Ancient Greece there was a name Iliodor (Heliodoros), which meant “sun gift”, from which the name Eldar was formed. According to the third point of view, the Turkic peoples have the words “il” (country) and “dar” (master). These words created the noun Ildar (Ildar, Eldar), translated as “head of state.” Let us note that there is also another option for translating the name from the Turkic language. After all, Il means God (Allah), which means Ildar is “God’s gift.” Thus, the name Eldar became widespread in different cultures and religions. On the territory of Russia, the name is found in various variations in Muslim republics. It is absent from the Orthodox calendar, so its bearers celebrate their name day on the day of remembrance of the martyr Iliodor (December 2).
The meaning and characteristics of the name Eldar
Since childhood, Eldar has impressed those around him with his seriousness and responsible attitude towards the instructions of adults. The boy always has a pet, the care of which he takes full responsibility for. Eldar is not an excellent student: he lacks leadership qualities, he does not need to be among the first students. He prefers exact sciences, planning to connect his future profession with them. Teachers respect him for his balanced and strong-willed character, for his desire to help weak and lagging comrades. Eldar loves solitude, enjoying it, although he cannot be called a true introvert. He has trusted friends with whom he often communicates. He attracts them with his generosity and optimism. This man can realize himself in technical professions, although he can also reach heights in pedagogy. Eldar has a commercial streak, which helps him run his own business with dignity. In the event of bankruptcy, he, mobilizing all his strength, will quickly get back on his feet. Eldar never needs finances, having savings.
Eldar is a very loving man. His chosen ones outwardly resemble his mother, whom he practically idolizes throughout his life. All of Eldar’s partners are soft and good-natured by nature. He himself is temperamental and passionate. However, deep down he is vulnerable, experiencing failures very acutely. If we talk about marriage, we note that Eldar does not fully understand the seriousness of marital relationships. Often a marriage breaks up precisely on his initiative, since he does not want to accept the everyday life and routine of family life. Among the owners of this name there are many who marry more than twice. Often Eldar can take out anger on his loved ones. He doesn’t like small children, but as they grow up he becomes their best friend. Eldar cannot boast of good health. Therefore, he can be advised to pay attention to disease prevention from his youth. This man is subject to constant reflection, therefore, frequent depression. Exercising (rowing, swimming and running) will help him maintain vitality.
Name days:
April 9, May 6, June 22, July 3, September 2, October 11, November 21, December 2
Diminutive version
Elka, Eldashka, Eldarchik, Eldushka, Darik, Darchik, Darushka, Darochka, Ilka, Ilchik
El, Ellie, Elik, Dar, Dara, Dora, Il, Ilya
According to the church
- violet
- Jupiter
- land
Stone talisman
cypress, tulip
Totem animal