History of the origin of the name Ekaterina

The name Catherine has an ancient history, but its true origin is shrouded in mystery. According to the generally accepted version, it appeared in Ancient Greece and sounded like Haykaterine, which meant “eternally pure.” It became known to the whole world thanks to the Christian saint Catherine of Alexandria (287-305 AD), who lived and suffered for the faith in Egypt, which at that time belonged to the Roman Empire.

Another interpretation connects it with the image of Hecate, the ancient Greek goddess of moonlight and the underworld. But there is no convincing evidence for this hypothesis.

It gained popularity in Catholic countries back in the Middle Ages. Here it not only transformed into Katherine, Katalina, Katie, Katarzyna, Kate, but also received a male counterpart – Katherine. Probably the reason for this was the cult of the mentioned martyr – the patroness of girls, happy marriages and family life.

But in Rus’ it remained rare and even exotic for a long time. In 1648, the tsar from the house of Romanov, Alexei Mikhailovich, named his daughter this way. Over the next two centuries, mainly royals and noblewomen were called in this way, including foreign women, for example, Catherine the Great (born Sophia). In the XNUMXth century, the name spread among merchants and peasants, becoming very fashionable. The second wave of its popularity in Russia occurred in the last three decades.

Both the full version and the abbreviated versions are used – Katerina, Katya.

Diminutives include Katyusha, Katenka, Katyusha, Katyukha, Katerinka, Rina.

Among its famous winners are: Queen Catherine of Aragon, the Medici and Valois, the above-mentioned Russian Empress, actress Katharine Hepburn, who received 12 Oscar awards, Pulitzer Prize winner – journalist Katherine Graham, USSR statesman – Furtseva, chess player – grandmaster Lango, geophysicist Blinova, Olympic champion – figure skater Katarina Witt and many other outstanding figures.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Ekaterina

Translated, the word means “pure”, “immaculate”, “unsullied”. This is, first of all, spiritual purity and courage. The term “catharsis” is close – “purification”. You can hear goodness, light, tenderness, simplicity and beauty in the sound. The energy of the name is powerful, but calm.

The short form “Katya” is pronounced more rhythmically and energetically. And “Katyusha” is feminine and light. From a psychological point of view, its use as a name for combat vehicles is paradoxical. It is generally accepted that the wartime song of the same name is to blame. However, in the theory of psychoanalysis, this is a manifestation of the unconscious assessment of the name as masculine.

The doctrine of sound vibration states that at a vibration of 103 fps, the radiation of the name is 000%. This is a high indicator, indicating the physical and mental resilience, altruism, and courage of this group of representatives of the fair sex.

In astrologers, Katya is patronized by Jupiter, the planet responsible for activity in society and self-realization. The constellation of the name is Sagittarius; colors – blue, red, dark green; stones – peridot, agate; plant – cedar; flower – lotus; animal – swan; element – fire.

Character traits of the name Ekaterina

Katerina is distinguished by her developed intelligence and self-esteem. Already from childhood, both are evident: the girl loves to read and study, but she also likes outdoor games, championship among her peers, and praise. As you grow older, self-doubt and the search for non-existent shortcomings appear. This makes her withdrawn, which is regarded by others as arrogance.

The ladies to whom this article is devoted are strong, reasonable, ambitious, independent, demanding of themselves and others. They combine a masculine mentality with feminine intuition and rich imagination. They are reserved, prudent, “majesticly calm,” generous and friendly, but sometimes prone to outbursts of anger. As undoubted ladies, they are beautiful and have excellent taste.

It is believed that Katyas are divided into two types: active, tougher, decisive and passive – soft, good-natured and timid. Probably, each of them has all the features, but upbringing and external circumstances serve to accentuate them unevenly. Although the women themselves remain integral individuals who do not suffer from contradictions.

As the interpreter of names Pavel Florensky wrote, they are characterized by a “heroic nature”, finding reasons for heroism even where there are none. Self-affirmation and the desire for noble deeds are a significant component of their existence. They are tactful, but they lack spiritual subtlety and empathy.

The need for respect and recognition that they hide sometimes makes them vulnerable. They tend to be stubborn, but in the end they will choose a compromise.

Family and love relationships of Catherine

The owners of the name leave their parental family early, but are in no hurry to create their own. Their chosen one must prove that he is worthy and win a “pure” beloved. In friendship and love, they are selective and faithful. Others value reliability. The spouse also makes them feel more confident. Although even in marriage, Katerina continues to rely on her own strength, neglecting help and claiming leadership.

As a rule, such a person does not make mistakes in choosing a husband and finds a person close in spirit. Being a good housewife and mother, she is sometimes burdened by household responsibilities. If she devotes herself to her family, then she lacks communication in a team, the opportunity to realize her abilities and talents. Combining career and family life often occurs to the detriment of home, which is why the queens’ namesakes are not always considered exemplary spouses and educators. But this is not so: for their relatives they are always a support.

They do not cheat on their spouse, and demand reciprocal fidelity, and are scrupulous in matters of morality. It is desirable that the husband of such a person be a good sexual partner. A heightened aesthetic sense also affects Catherine’s sexuality. The beauty of relationships is important to her. Intimacy is possible only in the presence of love and the deeper the feeling, the more intense the passion. But she is shy, especially during the day. Girls born in winter are more temperamental.

Strong alliances are formed with Vladimir, Ivan, Evgeny, Peter and Yaroslav.

Choice of profession, business, career of Catherine

Individuals with the name under study are extremely conscientious workers, regardless of the field of work. Innate careerism and the desire for self-affirmation allow them to achieve success in any job, which significantly distinguishes them from most individuals.

Successful professions will be manager, engineer, advertising specialist, economist, journalist, TV presenter. The desire for an interesting, rich life leads Katya to art, science or social activities. She will make a wonderful actress, artist, director, dancer. She is also capable of becoming a dedicated physician or teacher. If she has a more pronounced economic sense, then a position in the field of production and service, agronomy will suit her.

Determination and ingenuity help such women succeed in business. Natural authority promotes skillful management of subordinates, and rationalism contributes to making the right decisions. But they have to restrain their impulsive impulses, avoid abuse of position, and learn to come to terms with other people’s superiority.

Persistence and stubbornness are the key to Katerina’s success in sports. They give preference to both strength and aesthetic, spectacular sports: athletics, figure skating.

Catherine’s health

Most Catherines cannot boast of good health. Since childhood, they are susceptible to colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Due to taking antibiotics they suffer from digestive problems. According to statistics, people are often treated for infertility.

Possible pathologies of the thyroid gland, kidneys, and the development of rheumatism. With age, cholecystitis progresses, diabetes with complications, thrombophlebitis, polyarthritis, and visual impairment occur. In most cases, the listed ailments are observed in “January” ladies.

Katya often receives birth injuries, and neurological pathologies are common among them. The nervous system is subject to stress, they have breakdowns due to increased demands on themselves. Therefore, the bearer of the name should take care of herself, get enough sleep and rest, spend time in nature, and exercise moderate physical activity. She should avoid hypothermia and heat, eat normally, engage in meditation and auto-training.

Name Ekaterina for a child

Little Katya is an obedient and reasonable child, but she needs to be given some freedom. When choosing a name for a newborn, it is worth remembering that overprotection can seriously harm the child.

At an early age, the baby competes with her brothers and sisters, but will be a loving sister and helper for them in the future, as well as for her parents.

It is recommended to call girls born under the signs Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus and Scorpio this way. The name is not suitable for the signs “Gemini”, “Pisces”. It is believed that it should not be given in honor of the mother, grandmother or other relatives, otherwise the heiress will grow up sick and weak.

Katya’s name day is celebrated on February 5, February 17, March 20, December 7 and December 17.

Name days:

February 5, February 17, March 20, December 7, December 17

Diminutive version

Ekaterinka, Ekaterishka, Katerishka, Katyusha, Katyunya, Katunya, Katusya, Katusya, Katyulya, Katyona


Katya, Katyuha, Katyura, Katyakha, Katyasha, Katrya, Rina

According to the church



  • blue


  • Jupiter


  • fire

Stone talisman





cedar, lotus

Totem animal

swan, termite

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