History of the origin of the name Egor

Egor is a Russian male name, formed, like Yuri, from the Greek name Georgios, which means “farmer” and is one of the epithets of Zeus, the patron saint of agriculture and farmers. “Egor” is a phonetic variant of the name Georgiy. The name Georgiy came into Russian in the 10th century. But due to the peculiarities of Old Russian pronunciation, the name was transformed into Eorii. During the correction of church books in the 17th century, the name Georgiy was borrowed again and again turned out to be distorted due to the phonetic laws of the Russian language of that time, this time into Egorhiy, Egoriy, Egor.

In the 1930th century, with the development of literacy, the name George again acquired the consonant G and began to be pronounced as it was recorded in church name books and calendars. But by that time the name Egor had become widespread and popular, and in the XNUMXs it documented that it acquired independent status. It was believed that Egor was the Russian version of the Greek name George.

In modern Greek, the form Georgios was also not preserved, but was transformed into Yori. The unity of all forms originating from the name Georgios is confirmed by the fact that in church calendars all these forms are assigned to the same historical characters and dates. Both Yegor and Yuri receive the name George at baptism.

Derived variants of the names Egor: Egorka, Egorushka, Egonya, Egosha, Gora, Zhora, Gosha, Goga.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Egor

The name Egor has an interesting phonosemantic meaning; it is determined by a small number of pronounced characteristics: good, big, courageous, active, simple, cold, beautiful, majestic, and especially strong, brave and powerful. Emotionally and subconsciously, the name characterizes the bearer as a man with a strong, strong-willed and domineering character, energetic, active, but emotionally closed.

The letter composition of a name forms in its owner various spiritual qualities, which sometimes contradict each other. The consonant G at the beginning of the name determines the development of perfectionism, pedantry, sacrifice, determination, curiosity, conscientiousness, and dependence on the opinions of others in the bearer of the name. A man with this name understands life, its cause-and-effect relationships, and is attentive to details. He is freedom-loving and charming, he has a rich sexual fantasy. The bearer of such a name is distinguished by innate aristocracy, and therefore can be squeamish.

The owner of a name with the vowel E is sociable, insightful, peace-loving, diplomatic, persistent, direct and simple-minded, but power-hungry. He has well-developed intuition, he understands the world. For this man, self-expression and mutual exchange of ideas are important. In love, he strives to maintain independence; he is not burdened by loneliness, but does not strive for it.

The stressed vowel O determines the presence of developed intuition, strong and deep feelings, the desire for self-knowledge and understanding of one’s place in life. Men with this letter in their name are looking for their calling, they know how to handle money, they know how to see the main thing, sifting out the little things. These are closed, even mysterious people.

Character traits of the name Egor

Egor is decisive, energetic, active, practical, responsible and observant, a pedant. He is independent, freedom-loving, closed, unapproachable, even withdrawn. He is very respectable, neat, loves order in everything. Yegor is reasonable, every decision is carefully thought out and calculated in advance. He is confident in himself and his future. Has good intuition. Has an analytical mind. The bearer of the name is a business person, stress-resistant, quickly navigates and finds a way out of any situation. Egor is a truth-teller. He is conscientious and reliable and does not forgive lies. Self-esteem and honor are not empty words for him. Egor is sensitive, prone to deep emotions and anxieties.

Egor is efficient, economical, businesslike, and stands firmly on his feet. He is independent and decisive, boldly and effectively overcomes obstacles on the path to success, and often achieves a high position in society. Sometimes he is obsessed with a cause, an idea, a goal. It can be difficult for Egor to maintain and increase the results achieved through hard work and effort.

Egor is quick-tempered, cocky, grumpy, can be boring and annoying, stubborn, vindictive, and conflictual. He may get carried away with alcohol or succumb to his excessive sensuality, going all out. Lucky in life, this man often takes risks – gambling, extreme entertainment and other sources of adrenaline often attract him. “Martovsky” Egor can be proud of his strong will, “April” Egor has childish spontaneity and good nature, is sociable, diplomatic. Born in May, Egor is witty and cheerful. “Summer” Yegors are charismatic, sociable, and jealous. “September” bearers of the name are sincere and collected, respect order, while “October” ones are changeable, suffer from self-doubt, are sensitive, amorous. Egors born in November are overly independent and reserved. “Winter” Egors are self-confident, resourceful, energetic, capable of eccentric actions, talented and capricious.

Egor’s family and love relationships

Egor is amorous, avoids loneliness and, after a breakup, quickly finds a replacement for his lost partner. He is sexy, sensual, affectionate, passionate, gentle and caring lover. Easily excited. Knows how to receive and give pleasure to a woman. Welcomes his lover’s sexual experience, appreciates variety and willingness to experiment. He himself, with his characteristic curiosity, gains sexual experience from each subsequent partner. Egor Anatolyevich is the sexiest. “Augustovsky” Egor is soft, leisurely, affectionate, temperamental, loves long foreplay and is looking for a partner to match himself. Those born in December are hardy and voluptuous, very demanding of the cleanliness of their mistress.

Egor will choose a modest, discreet, straightforward, responsible, businesslike and decent woman as his wife, although he may be carried away by a bright coquette. Such relationships usually end in disappointment and the development of depression. Does not forgive a woman for vulgarity or provocative behavior. He confesses his love after long deliberation and testing of his own feelings, but with his beloved he is open, simple-minded, and frank. He often pursues women who are higher than him on the social ladder.

Marries either too early, or after thirty years. May dissolve his second marriage and return to his first wife. Egor is very economical, his house is in order and everything works. He is an excellent family man, ready to agree to second roles, yielding to his wife’s ambitions, but he personally controls all her decisions and the last word is always his. He loves children, but is a strict father.

Olga, Vera, Christina, Maria, Ada, Anna, Aurora, Alexandra, Evgenia, Elizaveta, Nadezhda, Natalya, Nina, Rima, Tatyana, Svetlana, Serafima, Yana are suitable for Egor’s marriage. But with Valeria, Varvara, Veronica, Elvira, Christina, Elena, Galina, Victoria, Lyudmila, Louise, Ekaterina, Agnia, Anastasia, Maya and Polina, he will fail.

Choice of profession, business, Yegor’s career

Egor is a very educated person with diverse interests. He does not stop at one lesson, mastering related fields that are absolutely far from his main specialty. He can be creative – draw, make films, play in the theater, write poetry or scripts. Or maybe an engineer, an architect, a military man, involved in politics, sports, exact sciences, for example, physics or mathematics, or travel. He has a developed pedagogical talent; he can teach any skill available to him, share his experience and knowledge.

The ability to think big, determination, business acumen, willingness to take risks, hard work and responsibility will allow Egor to build his own business. He does not give in to difficulties; failure is only a reason for him to change his strategy. Does not stop there, continuing to move. Since it is difficult for him to part with money, investing in someone else’s business is not for him.

The bearer of the name is ambitious and reaches significant career heights. Egor is an excellent organizer, but a very difficult boss. His subordinates will have to put up with his pedantry and grumpiness. But he is valued for his integrity, ability to work, and commitment.

Egor’s health

Egor can boast of good health since childhood. It easily tolerates seasonal viral diseases and tolerates childhood illnesses without consequences. But the tendency to accumulate grievances and deeply experience emotional upheavals can negatively affect the nervous system and lead to the development of functional psychogenic disorders. For the same reason, there may be problems with the cardiovascular system, strokes and heart attacks are possible.

Passion for work and busyness can lead to problems with vision and the digestive system. Egorov has professional injuries associated with sports. Extreme hobbies also lead to this.

Yegor’s unhealthy passion for alcohol may also have consequences.

Name Egor for a child

Egorka is a healthy, strong baby, spontaneous and active. This is an independent, honest and proud child. Feels insults and criticism deeply. It is important for him that they are honest and frank with him, then he will be sincere and open.

This boy is businesslike and practical. He knows how to manage his pocket money, collects and multiplies it. Egor is hardworking and diligent, has an analytical mind, is inquisitive, neat, and a good student, but he is often hampered by stubbornness and conflict, both with classmates and teachers. It is not easy for adults to become an authority for a child who is confident in himself and that he is right. It’s difficult to gain his trust.

Egor always takes an honorable place among his peers, he is respected and listened to. Can be cocky. Often has interests and hobbies, loves sports. In adolescence, problems are possible due to the child’s distrust, irritability, temper, touchiness and isolation.

Egorka loves dogs very much and dreams of having a pet; she will be happy to receive a four-legged friend as a gift. He will raise him himself and take care of him.

Name days:

January 11, January 21, January 30, February 4, February 10, February 17, February 27, March 6, March 7, March 17, March 18, March 23, March 24, April 5, April 17, April 18, April 20 , April 26 , May 2 , May 6 , May 10 , May 26 , May 29 , June 8 , June 19 , June 27 , August 3 , August 13 , August 31 , September 6 , October 15 , November 10 , November 16 , 9 December, December 31

Diminutive version

Egorka, Egorchik, Egorushka, Egonya, Egosha, Goshunya, Egunya


Goga, Zhora, Gosha, Gunya, Mountain, Grief

According to the church



  • blue


  • Jupiter


  • fire

Stone talisman

sapphire, peridot




contiguous, topol

Totem animal

white bull

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