History of the origin of the name Euphrosyne
According to tradition in Rus’, at baptism, a child was given a name in honor of a saint revered on a certain day. Names borrowed from other peoples sounded unusual and difficult in colloquial speech, so they took on a simplified colloquial form. These changes also affected the name Euphrosyne, it began to sound like Euphrosyne. The name came to Rus’ from Ancient Greece, derived from the word “euphrosyne” – joy, fun. In Roman mythology, this name was borne by one of the three graces, goddesses of beauty, grace and feminine charm, and in ancient Greek – one of the three harites, goddesses of fun and joy. The calendar mentions the Venerable Euphrosyne of Alexandria, who lived before Christian times, in the 11th century. In the guise of a man, she lived in a monastery, prayed and fasted until she came of age spiritually. There are also saints Grand Duchess Euphrosyne of Moscow, Princesses Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Euphrosyne of Staritskaya. Euphrosyne Day is celebrated on January 28, February 30, May 5, June 20, July 8, October 19, November 22, December XNUMX.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Euphrosyne
The meaning of the name Euphrosyne is “joy”, “gaiety”, “good thoughts”.
As a child, Efrosinya is a cheerful, energetic, assiduous, intelligent, emotional girl. She is attached to her father, she likes spending time with him more than helping her mother with household chores. She studies well, reads a lot, shows success in the exact sciences, teachers praise her. She is friends with boys and often spends time alone, doing some activity that she invents for herself. The child has a weakened immune system and often catches colds.
Sociable, simple-minded, obligatory, hardworking, persistent, Euphrosyne has well-developed intuition, knows the value of money, and spends it wisely. Thanks to these qualities, he reaches great heights in life. Already at the university she begins to engage in scientific work. She will make an excellent scientist. Efrosinya devotes herself entirely to science and work. She has authority, people around her listen to her advice. Working too much and not getting enough rest, which often leads to depression. She will also make an excellent psychologist, teacher, historian, art critic, and politician.
The owner of the name has few friends, and they are mostly men, but she is a very reliable, cheerful, interesting friend. She simply does not have enough time for personal matters and friendships. She is not influenced, but she herself is capable of convincing anyone.
A true lady, fragile, very beautiful, charming and feminine, she has many admirers, but she gets married late or doesn’t get married at all. Stubborn, demanding, not easy to get along with. The marriage may end in divorce, but over time she is able to get used to marriage and sacrifice a lot for the sake of family happiness. Doesn’t like doing housework. Doesn’t know how to handle children and doesn’t pay them enough attention. Doesn’t help children raise their grandchildren. But if Euphrosyne was born in the fall, then this is the complete opposite, she has many friends, gets married early, is an excellent housewife and mother.
Enjoys sports and active recreation. There are health problems, but even in old age she will remain a capable, active person.
Name days:
January 11, February 28, November 19, December 22, May 30, July 20
Diminutive version
Euphrosyne, Efrosinyushka, Frosya, Frosyusha
According to the church
- crimson
- blue
- Mercury
- Jupiter
- air
Stone talisman
tin, electrum
Totem animal