Origin of the name Donat

Ancient Rome is considered the birthplace of the name Donatus. The name comes from the word “donatus”, which translated from Latin means “donated”, “gift”, “gift”. From the word “donatus”, in turn, the participle “donatianus” was formed, which had the meaning “belonging to Donatus”. Both of these words were Roman generic names, from which two variants of a separate name were derived – Donatus and Donatos. In the territories of other states, the name spread along with the Christian faith.

The name was popular, and there were many Donatus among the first martyrs. From the parable of Donatus of Euria, you can learn about the miracles that this famous bishop, the dragon slayer, performed. Residents of the city of Evria suffered because the water in a nearby lake became undrinkable. Bishop Donatus, together with the believers, went to the lake, from the waters of which a huge serpent rose to meet them. The bishop whipped the dragon with a whip, making the sign of the cross over him. The dragon died and the waters of the lake were cleared.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Donat

Donat makes you feel good at first glance and gives the impression of a positive person. He has a respectable appearance, he is always calm and calm. In fact, Donat knows how to control himself without showing what is going on in the depths of his soul.

Little Donat is convinced that he knows everything and can do everything, so he often comes into conflict with his peers and parents. After another skirmish, he seeks consolation and understanding from cats, dogs, birds, whom he loves with all his soul. The animals respond to him with boundless devotion and loyalty.

He is selective about school subjects; he is ready to study his favorite subjects for hours, reading a lot of additional material. From early childhood he showed himself as an engineer and designer. Donat can independently disassemble and reassemble a bicycle, hang glider, computer, or any complex toy. He is interested in collecting, loves to read science fiction, and prefers football and basketball among outdoor games. By high school, Donat is a fully formed personality. He does not like to attract attention to himself, observes life from the outside, has his own principles and adheres to them. He is intolerant of people who do not share his point of view; in the depths of his soul he despises them.

Donat should choose the profession of inventor, designer, athlete, dentist or mathematician. He is more interested in working with machines than with people. He likes to disassemble and reassemble motors and repair electrical appliances. Donat cannot be called a careerist; he is more attracted to the middle link, which is between performers and managers. He will make a good administrator, controller, and timekeeper.

Donat takes a long time and carefully chooses his life partner; he needs a calm woman, a good housewife. He cares for his chosen one according to all the rules, sometimes she herself has to delicately hint to him about the desired wedding. A woman will not go wrong – she will get a real gift, a faithful husband, a loving father, an excellent family man.

Name days:

January 25, April 30, December 30

Diminutive version

Danik, Donatik, Donatushka


Don, Nat

According to the church



  • violet


  • Sun


  • fire

Stone talisman





reed, cypress

Totem animal


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