History of the origin of the name Dominic
Dominica is a female name, the origin and meaning of which is still debated. It is obvious that the name has Latin roots and is derived primarily from the masculine Dominic, which in turn is translated as “belonging to the Lord.” Hence, the name Dominic can be interpreted as “belonging to the Lord.”
On the other hand, in Italian, Portuguese, “Domenica” means the seventh day of the week, Sunday, that is, “the day of the Lord.”
Since the name has Latin roots, it is natural that it is widespread throughout the world in various phonetic variants, which, however, does not negate its origin.
So, variations of the name Dominic are: Domna, Dominic, Domenica, Dominga, Domnicia. Abbreviated and diminutive forms are: Nika, Nikusya, Nikusha, Doma, Dom, Domi, Mika. Some of these names are used both as completely independent names and as derivatives of others (Nika – Dominica, Veronica).
Name days are celebrated on September 16 and November 15.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Dominica
Of course, a person’s name necessarily influences his character, way of seeing the world and his attitude, and habits. The name Dominica is no exception in this regard. The fact that the female name Dominic is paired with the male Dominic in itself can tell a lot about the character traits of a woman. Thus, Dominica is a woman who has borrowed many purely “male” character traits, including: rationality, authority, integrity, courage, determination.
As a child, little Dominica is a bright and extraordinary personality, stubborn, purposeful and decisive. The girl clearly knows what she wants, and therefore achieves what she wants at any cost. Dominika is smart and has a mathematical mind, so studying first at school and then at university is not a problem for her. What others spend days doing, Dominica is able to accomplish in a matter of hours.
Dominika is a very sociable girl. She is not only smart, but also moderately ironic, witty, and won’t mince her words. In any company, Dominica immediately reveals herself, her character and intelligence. People like her, they take an example from her and even try to imitate her. At first glance, it seems that Dominica is a very sincere, frank and open woman. However, this is not always the case: somewhere deep in the soul sits a worm that constantly tells you that Dominika did something wrong, that someone didn’t like her, that there is always someone who mocks a woman. Outwardly open and sincere, Dominica is actually a rather reserved person, often unsure of herself, who painfully experiences all failures. Sometimes it seems to a woman that no one notices her successes, while everyone pays special attention to her defeats.
Dominica’s life partner should ideally be a man who will convince her of his own uniqueness and originality, support and comfort her. And the sooner such a person appears on her life path, the more confident and happy the woman will become.
Distinguished by her mathematical mindset and logical thinking, Dominika most often finds herself in the professions of an engineer, scientist, and researcher. It is in these areas that her scrupulousness, perseverance and determination will lead to brilliant results and victories. However, professions related to art are not alien to Dominika: she is quite capable of realizing herself as an actress, artist, and singer.
The name Dominica is common in different countries. Its most famous representatives are: Dominika Cibulkova (Slovak tennis player), Dominika Maria Pecinski (Swedish singer), Dominique McElligot (Irish actress), Dominique Dussault (French singer), Dominique Blanc (French actress), Dominique Swain (American actress).
Name days:
January 21, July 6
Diminutive version
Dominichka, Dominikushka, Dominichka, Dominikonka, Nikusha
Dommi, Domna, Home, Nika, Mika, Mina, Monica
According to the church
- white
- Mercury
- water
Stone talisman
plane tree, aster
Totem animal
mother bear