- History of the origin of the name Dmitry
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Dmitry
- Character traits of the name Dmitry
- Family and love relationships of Dmitry
- Choice of profession, Business, Dmitry’s career
- Dmitry’s health
- Name Dmitry for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Dmitry
Dmitry is a very popular male Russian name that is of Greek origin. The interpretation of the name is associated with the Greek word “Demetrios”, which means “dedicated” or “belonging” to Demeter. In ancient Greek mythology, Demeter is the goddess of fertility and the patroness of agriculture, so the name Dmitry is often associated with the meaning “farmer”, “fruit of the earth”. The name came to Russian soil from Byzantium and very soon became widespread among all segments of the population, and remains popular to this day. According to the church calendar – Demetrius. The patron saints of Dmitry are considered to be the holy Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy – the protector of family and home, healing from mental and physical suffering, the great martyr Dmitry Prilutsky, canonized, Dmitry Thessalonica – the great martyr who suffered for the Christian faith, as well as many other saints who resigned their trace in the history of the Russian church.
Days of Angel Dmitry: February 24, May 28, June 1, November 8.
Short form of the name: Dima, Dimon, Dimasik, Dimulya, Dimchik, Dimka, Mitya, Mityai.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Dmitry
The name Dmitry is energetically strong, carrying both calmness, reliability and impulsiveness. Boys named Dima are similar to their mother, both externally and internally, maintaining a strong spiritual connection with her throughout their lives. Since childhood, he has been capricious, demanding of others, and has an unstable nervous system. His mood can change quickly: from a sudden attack of whim to violent fun. With age he becomes calmer, more patient and more restrained, but at the most unexpected moment Dmitry can “explode” and give free rein to his emotions. Resentment and injustice can throw him off balance and make him furious. Having learned to restrain his emotions and energy, Dmitry becomes strong-willed, efficient and persistent. It is these qualities that help him achieve considerable victories in life.
Character traits of the name Dmitry
Dmitry is a strong-willed, sociable, practical person with a flexible character. He is always open to communication, but does not tolerate lies and injustice, is impulsive, and openly expresses aggression. He is not vindictive by nature, so he tries to erase the offender from his life and stops communicating with him. He has subtle intuition; as a rule, all Dmitrys are naturally gifted, but not everyone can realize their talents in life. They are straightforward and categorical in their statements, sometimes they lack a sense of tact and diplomacy, which negatively affects their communication with others and people close to them.
Dmitry is friendly, good-natured, he has many loyal friends who value him for his excellent sense of humor, love of life and willingness to help in difficult situations. Some owners of this name become withdrawn and have an analytical mind, but most of them are choleric, prone to risk, adventure, often reckless and show excessive courage. Dmitry goes towards his goal without seeing obstacles and without thinking about the consequences of his actions. One of his shortcomings is that he wants to get all the benefits of life at once, in one jerk, and does not know how to achieve what he wants by performing confident, deliberate actions. Prefers to solve problems and achieve goals with one, but powerful blow. Despite his determination and strong character, Dima really needs the support of people who believe in him, then he is ready to move mountains. In the absence of support in life, in case of failure or defeat, he may become addicted to alcohol and lose faith in himself. Becoming withdrawn, he prefers to keep his mental pain to himself.
Dmitrys, born in the summer, are endowed with excessive emotionality; it is difficult for them to control their emotions, which sometimes simply go “off scale.” Emotional outbursts lead to negative consequences and are reflected both in his career and in his personal life, complicating relationships with his significant other. Summer Dimas are amorous, jealous and selfish; it is difficult for them to create a strong and friendly family.
Winter Dmitrys are distinguished by their ambitious nature and have leadership qualities that manifest themselves in their personal lives and when achieving their goals in life.
Dmitry, born in autumn, is a practical and rational man. He is a family man who strives to provide for his family. He is not greedy, he knows how to spend money and spend it with pleasure on beautiful clothes, vacations, and things necessary for the family.
Spring Dimas are stubborn, capricious and unpredictable. These are people who are always in search of the unknown, new, and exciting. He pays great attention to self-education, is very intelligent and witty.
Family and love relationships of Dmitry
Dima is amorous and romantic. A new feeling and emotions capture him quickly, but his interest in the chosen one, whose heart he has conquered, also quickly fades away. When seeking a lady’s favor, he is not afraid to face difficulties; he is used to getting what he wants. Possessing high moral values, they enter into their first intimate relationship late; already in adulthood, they think about missed opportunities and actively try to make up for them. They have a moderate temperament, are charming and courteous with women, and know how to impress them. Dmitry often has several marriages, but there are also inveterate bachelors for whom the authority in life is their mother; no woman can compare with her to become his wife. Dima adores beautiful, well-groomed women, values comfort, coziness, and loves to receive sensual pleasure. I’m not used to limiting myself in anything. Before marriage, he easily starts new relationships, falls in love, often changes his likes, and looks for the one and only one with whom he wants to connect his life. He chooses as his wife a thrifty, charming and intelligent woman who is capable of giving not only affection and tenderness and creating comfortable living conditions in the house. He dreams that his chosen one will take care of him, please him in everything, fulfilling his desires, although he himself can be selfish and stingy in showing love, attention, and tender words, which upsets his other half. Dmitry is jealous and suspicious, although he himself is prone to cheating, therefore, as a rule, he has several marriages, and he will sincerely love each of his wives. Even after breaking up with his wife, he tries to maintain friendly relations with her, and is touchingly attached to his children, whom he cares for all his life.
Choice of profession, Business, Dmitry’s career
Dmitry will have success in entrepreneurship and business. He is a strategist with logical thinking and excellent intuition. However, Dmitry should avoid adventurous, risky situations that could unsettle him. In Dmitry’s life there are both ups and downs, in any life situation he is able to make the right and correct decision. Dmitry is inventive and hardworking, inclined towards technical sciences. He can become a successful engineer, programmer, web designer, architect, designer, doctor, researcher. His decisive character and fearlessness come in handy in such professions as stunt coordinator, race car driver, Dmitry often becomes athletes.
Sociability and openness to communication help to achieve heights in professions related to communicating with people and occupy leadership positions. He has creative abilities; among men named Dmitry there are talented artists, composers, writers, actors and singers.
Dmitry’s health
Dmitry has been susceptible to colds and respiratory diseases since childhood. Tonsillitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis are not uncommon for him. With age, his body becomes stronger and he practically does not catch colds. He takes care of himself, is very suspicious in matters of health, and always follows all the recommendations of the attending physician. In old age, heart problems are possible, so it is worth paying special attention to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Name Dmitry for a child
Dima is a capricious child whose mood often changes. Requires attention and care. Dima is my mother’s favorite, similar to her in appearance and character. Mothers pamper the baby, protect him from difficulties in every possible way, he grows up in love, affection, all his whims and whims are immediately fulfilled. Can throw a tantrum in a store, demanding the desired toy. Parents should teach their child patience and make it clear that not everything in this life can be achieved right away. Dima idolizes his mother and maintains a spiritual connection with her into adulthood. Dima is a sociable and kind child, he has many friends, he is able to stand up for himself and protect a friend from an attack by an offender. Loves justice.
During his school years he grows up to be an active, capable boy. He strives for knowledge, has mental abilities, he has every chance of becoming an excellent student. Dima is characterized by the desire to be the best in everything and achieve success in any business. Teachers encourage his hard work, perseverance, and prudence. Loves active sports, outdoor recreation, hiking and adventure. Dmitry often attends sports sections and clubs; he tends to completely immerse himself in his hobby, to which he devotes all his free time.
In adolescence, he becomes capricious, impulsive and hot-tempered. It is difficult for parents and teachers to find a common language and understanding with him. Growing up, he becomes more tolerant and tries to control his emotions.
Name days:
January 4, January 8, January 21, January 31, February 7, February 9, February 11, February 17, February 19, February 24, March 22, March 25, March 28, March 31, April 1, April 23, April 26 , May 2, May 28, June 1, June 5, June 10, June 15, June 16, June 18, June 26, July 3, July 17, July 21, August 1, August 14, August 17, August 20, 25 August, September 8, September 9, September 13, September 19, September 24, September 28, September 30, October 4, October 10, October 17, October 21, November 1, November 3, November 8, November 10, November 14, November 22, November 25, November 27, November 28, November 29, December 2, December 14, December 17
Diminutive version
Dymochka, Dymushka, Dymchyk, Dymonchyk, Dymulya, Dymulka, Dymusya, Dymuska
Dima, Dimka, Dimon, Mitya, Mityai
According to the church
- red
- blue
- purple
- Pluto
- Saturn
- land
Stone talisman
opal, lapis lazuli
elm, rowan, chrysanthemum
Totem animal
tiger, walrus