Origin of the name Dinislam
The name Dinislam is found quite often in the East. On the territory of Russia, this beautiful male name is especially common in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. It has Turkic roots and means “Muslim”, “faithful follower of Islam”, “submissive to Allah”. The name consists of two parts combined into a single word, the emphasis in which should be placed on the letter “a”. The particle “Din” means “faith”, “religion”; “Islam” – “follower of Islam”, “submissive to Allah”.
The very name Dinislam requires from its bearer careful, unwavering adherence to religious tenets. Dinislam simply must have strong convictions, be wise, and strive for justice. But this man, like no other, should observe moderation. If he follows religious principles too zealously, this can cause considerable problems and disagreements in the family. Not all relatives will agree to live in the same house with an ardent and intolerant adherent of religious views.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Dinislam
Little Dinislam is incredibly attached to his parents, he loves and respects them, and always tries to provide all possible help. A man will retain a reverent attitude towards his parents for the rest of his life. He tries to live with them in the same house, or nearby. Dinislam is very attentive to his mother’s advice and loves to have intimate conversations with his father.
He should not be underestimated – this man is not as selfless as he might seem at first glance. He will not miss the benefit, not at all focusing the attention of others on his interest in any business. He gives the impression of a caring and attentive person, and in fact he is. At the same time, Dinislam does not allow himself to be used; he is too smart and reasonable to trust insidious people.
Dodgers, cunning people and manipulators avoid this man; they intuitively feel that they will not profit here. And good acquaintances, friends and relatives can always count on Dinislam’s support. This man lives his life without any masks, he is always honest and truthful. Dinislam is not attracted to monotonous, routine work. This is a creative personality, original and spontaneous. When choosing a profession, he needs to pay attention to creative specialties, law, design or architecture.
Dinislam may reach great heights in his career, but this will never make him arrogant. He needs career growth only in order to provide well for his family and to be able to help his parents. Dinislam is a supporter of a large family; he loves children very much. This man carefully looks at the girls, tries to find among them the only one with whom he will be truly happy.
He is interested in a calm, sweet, well-mannered girl who can become a good mother to his children. In his large and beautiful house, all household members and guests are cozy and warm, and Dinislam’s wife rightly considers her husband the best man in the world.
Name days:
not in the church calendar
Diminutive version
Religion, Islam
According to the church
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- Venus
- land
Stone talisman
citrine, alexandrite
yarrow, hawthorn
Totem animal