Origin of the name Dilyara

Dilyara is one of the rare, exotic names. This is what girls are called mainly in Muslim countries. The name is of ancient Persian origin. There are several consonant names with the root “dil”, which means “soul, heart”, these are Dilara, Dilraba, Dilia. The name Dilara is etymologically translated as beauty, beloved. Translated from Persian – smart, in a good mood, from Bulgarian – kind, sincere. According to some sources, this name comes from the Proto-Armenian language. This name is not included in the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, so name days are not celebrated. And the owner of this name is given any other name at baptism.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Dilyara

The meaning of the name Dilyara is “soul”, “heart”, “smart”, “beautiful”, “beautiful”, “in the mood”, “kind”, “spiritual”, “beloved”, “delighting the heart”, “in love”, “beloved”.

As a child, Dilyara is a kind, sweet, gentle, calm, courteous girl. He gets along with his peers and, moreover, becomes a leader among them. But she tries to be equal with everyone, without showing her power, although she loves to be the center of attention. Good, often – excellent, studies, active, takes part in all social events. He goes to various clubs, loves to read, sing, dance, and has a penchant for foreign languages. She is witty and cheerful. The teachers love and praise her. She continues to maintain relationships with them even after finishing school. Parents are proud of their child. Helps mother with housework and raising the younger children in the family.

Dilyara is ambitious, charming, and can easily build a career in show business, sports, creativity, even in the military sphere. She is a responsible, efficient, professional worker, she brings any task she starts to completion, so her bosses, like her colleagues, value and respect her. She understands people well, so it’s difficult to deceive her. Purposeful, but achieves her goal only in an honest way. Can achieve success in scientific activities, medicine, law.

Dilyara has many fans, she is very attractive, both externally and internally, but her natural modesty, timidity and shyness do not allow her to let them get close. Moreover, she has been looking for a worthy man for a long time, knowing her worth. She looks closely for a long time, selects the right person, and only then, having fallen in love, completely surrenders to him. She chooses as a husband a reliable, kind, intelligent, decent person who shares her interests, and a representative of the opposite sex. Happy in marriage. Becomes a loving, kind, devoted, faithful wife and mother. For the sake of loved ones, she makes any sacrifices; she can leave her career and become a housewife. An excellent, hospitable hostess, the house is clean, comfortable and orderly.

Dilyara knows how to attract attention, has charm and wit. She has many friends and acquaintances. She is a sympathetic and wise person, she will listen to anyone and will definitely come to the rescue, she can give practical advice, assist, and sympathize.

Dilyara devotes a lot of time to her appearance, follows fashion, keeps up with the times, visits salons and fitness clubs. He dresses according to his mood, never knows what he will wear the next day. The representative of this name has good health.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Dilyusha, Dilyarochka, Dilek, Dilyarik



According to the church



  • lead


  • Saturn


  • land

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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