Origin of the name Diaz

The name Diaz has two origins and interpretations. The first version traces it to the Arabic Diya (ضياء) – “brilliance”, “radiance”.

The second version is to the Spanish Diaz – “divine”. It is likely that the Arabs borrowed the name Diaz from the Spaniards during their campaigns of conquest.

Rodrigo Días de Vivar is a national hero of Spain, better known as El Cid Campeodor. He was a real knight of that time who dedicated his life to the fight against the Moors. Before the next battle, Sid was wounded by a poisoned arrow and died. His wife Doña Jimena dressed the dead man in armor and seated him on a horse so that the morale of the army would not fall. Folk tales and songs are dedicated to the life and exploits of Sid, as well as the heroic poem “Songs of My Sid,” Corneille’s tragedy “The Cid,” Robert Southey’s romances “The Chronicle of Sid,” and Massenet’s opera.

The name Diaz is widespread in Spain, Portugal, Latin America, Cuba and other countries where there is a Spanish-speaking population. The surname Diaz is also common. In Russia, the name Diaz was given in the post-war period after the surname of Jose Diaz, the leader of the anti-fascist resistance and the Spanish popular movement.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Diaz

As a child, Diaz is a cheerful and stubborn tomboy. He is constantly running somewhere, examining something, studying it, drying it, preserving it, crumbling it. Diaz loves wildlife, he sketches beetles and butterflies and tries to identify them from books. The boy loves to travel; trips instill in him a feeling of delight and give him new impressions. Diaz is a good student at school, but he cannot be offended or ridiculed, otherwise he will hold a grudge for a long time. It is also difficult to force Diaz to do something against his will; he is stubborn and is always ready to stand his ground to the last.

Diaz constantly expands his knowledge about the world and reads a lot. There is no area to which his interests do not extend. Diaz does not limit himself to the exact sciences or the humanities; he is a holistic person who is interested in everything. He is well versed in new trends in science and art, and speaks several foreign languages. This man can become an art critic, artist, designer, historian, linguist, teacher, journalist, blogger.

From an early age, Diaz was a patriot of his region. He loves heroic legends and chronicles and is interested in history. A heightened sense of justice and a desire to help others often pushes Diaz to engage in volunteer and community work. He is ready to feed the homeless, fight for the rights of victims of domestic violence, and treat animals. Diaz has a kind heart, he is attentive and careful. This man can become a military man, police officer or politician. The main thing is that the scope of his activity satisfies the internal need – to be useful to society.

Diaz loves his parents and values ​​family ties. He has many fans, but Diaz often waits for the one he will proudly call his wife. He chooses a modest, kind, intelligent girl who will share his various hobbies. It is very important for Diaz that his parents like his future wife; he also seeks mutual understanding with his mother-in-law and father-in-law. Diaz is a caring father and faithful husband. He is an excellent owner who loves his home and tries to make it as comfortable as possible.

Name days:

February 12, September 2

Diminutive version

Diasik, Diasonka


Dee, Disick

According to the church



  • blue
  • Orange
  • violet


  • Sun


  • water

Stone talisman

garnet, opal, shell rock





Totem animal


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