Origin of the name Diana

Diana is a name of Latin origin, meaning “divine.” In ancient Roman mythology, Diana is the goddess of the moon and the hunt (the analogue in ancient Greek mythology is Artemis).

The name Diana has always enjoyed great popularity in the world and has never gone beyond the 200 most common names.

It is clear that the name Diana cannot be in the church calendar, since it symbolizes a pagan goddess, therefore, trying to still name the child with this name, parents usually give another one – a church name.

The prevalence of the name led to the appearance of numerous abbreviated and diminutive forms: Dina (some linguists consider it a separate name), Dianka, Dianochka, Dinochka, Dinusya, Ana, Dayana, Di, Didi.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Diana

So who is Diana? Why has this name become so popular in the modern world?

For an ordinary person, the name Diana is associated primarily with the Roman goddess of the hunt and the moon, fertility, and the patroness of the animal and plant world. If in Ancient Greece the cult of Artemis (aka Diana) was very widespread, then in Rome Diana was not popular in patrician circles: it was believed that Diana was primarily the patroness of slaves, because it was in her temple that they acquired immunity.

Character traits of the name Diana

Of course, it’s no secret that a name often becomes a determining factor for a person’s way of life; it necessarily leaves an imprint on the bearer, rewarding the latter with certain negative or positive character traits. Hence the statement that people with the same names necessarily have something in common in behavior, attitude towards life and towards other people.

Diana, associated primarily with the goddess, automatically borrows authority, grandeur, strength and beauty from the prototype.

What is the modern Diana like?

It is believed that in early childhood, little Dianka was a very naive and sincere girl, open to people and everything new. There is a lot of her everywhere, she pays attention to everything, is interested in everything. Dianka is the soul of a children’s company; not a single birthday or just a holiday is complete without her participation. She is funny, smart and interesting.

Over time, Diana begins to realize that not everything is so wonderful in this world: there are people who willingly use her simplicity and naivety for their own purposes. Realizing this unpleasant fact, Diana withdraws into herself and limits her social circle. This is precisely what causes stress and depression, to which a girl is prone at a young age.

Diana is usually naturally endowed with a sharp analytical mind, but she does not particularly want to study. From an early age, she usually decides on her future profession and clearly learns only what will be useful to her in life. She practically does not pay attention to other subjects, content with simply the lowest positive rating.

As experience and practice show, Diana has a penchant for exact sciences, which is why she often connects her life with them.

When you first meet Diana, you may think that she is too slow, smooth and phlegmatic, making her easy to deceive. However, believe me that this is not at all the case: behind the ostentatious slowness lies a sharp mind, practicality, which often reaches the point of commercialism, strength of character and even aggression, if you suddenly decide to deceive her.

Diana constantly controls herself and controls every step, especially if work requires it. To achieve results, Diana will do anything, so do not be surprised that the attitude towards you on the part of the woman bearing this name suddenly changed from supportive to neutral-indifferent: having received what she wanted, Diana will lose all interest in you.

As in her youth, Diana always acts as the life of the party, but only in the circle of well-known friends: the young and mature Diana is wary of everything new.

Diana chooses her friends from her circle. The key qualities when choosing are kindness, compassion and inability to betray. Diana carefully protects her inner world and does not allow anyone unnecessary or random to approach her.

Diana’s family and love relationships

Diana is a person who approaches the world and her place in it with enviable practicality, even commercialism, so it is not surprising that a woman makes certain demands on her life partner. To be absolutely precise, these are quite high requirements. Diana will never pay attention to a man who does not know how to take everything from life and will not be able to guarantee her a comfortable life.

Diana usually gets married early, guided in her choice by a sober assessment and intuition. A marriage with a woman bearing this name will be strong and reliable, but only as long as the chosen one can guarantee her a cloudless and comfortable life.

Diana does not tolerate betrayal, so her husband needs to think carefully before paying attention to others: having learned about the fact of betrayal, Diana will not think for a minute about the possibility of saving the relationship.

Diana is very ambitious, and therefore constantly wants to hear a lot of compliments addressed to her. She wants to be not only loved, but idolized, therefore, for the sake of peace in the family, a man should shower her with flowers and gifts.

Diana is very sensitive and feminine, capable of strong feelings, so she has every chance of becoming a good wife and mother who will not spoil her children too much: Diana’s inherent firmness will not allow her to lose her head over her beloved children. Diana dotes on children, but she is able not to idolize them, but to perceive them objectively.

Diana maintains an even relationship with her husband’s relatives, not letting them into her family, but not rejecting them altogether.

It is believed that Diana’s most successful marriage is possible with men bearing the names: Arnold, Andrey, German, Isaac, Lev, Izyaslav, Rodion, Savely, Eduard. Less successful – with Ruslan, Ivan, Peter, Victor, Dmitry, Yuri.

Choice of profession, business, Diana’s career

Diana has a penchant for exact sciences, so it is natural that she chooses the profession of financier, accountant, and analyst.

Diana makes a successful businesswoman, because her innate abilities and intuition help her achieve success in seemingly hopeless matters.

Diana is not afraid to take risks; she is convinced that those who do not take risks do not deserve success. Often taking risks, Diana focuses exclusively on intuition, so it seems that the woman is irresponsible.

The ability to communicate with people, sociability and openness make Diana a welcome member of any team. A woman bearing this name has excellent organizational skills, so she will make an excellent leader. Diana is objective and sober-minded, so she does not demand unrealistic things from her employees – she sets a high bar exclusively for herself.

In her work, the main thing for Diana is not to get distracted by minor problems, but to choose a specific goal and clearly move towards it.

A woman named Diana does not always treat any work with reverence: for her it is not an end in itself, but a way to earn a living.

Diana is very scrupulous and careful, balanced and focused, so she may well be realized in the field of medicine.

A woman named Diana does not like monotony, so she often changes her job and even her field of activity if it ceases to be profitable.

Diana’s inherent practicality forces a woman to constantly keep up with the times, adapt to the new demands of the modern world and find her place in the sun even in the most difficult conditions.

Diana’s health

It is believed that the name leaves an imprint not only on a person’s fate, but also has a great influence on his physical health. Some resources on the Internet claim that Diana’s health depends on the time of her birth: if a girl was born in the first half of the day, then she will grow up much healthier and stronger than one who was born in the afternoon.

Women named Diana are attributed with numerous illnesses: colds, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others.

Based on numerous sources, it can be argued that little Diana is often very sick, various infections stick to her, so a lot of attention should be paid to her hardening. It is worth sending your child to swimming, because it can have a positive effect on the deficiencies of the musculoskeletal system (very often Diana is diagnosed with scoliosis).

With age, Diana may have problems with the nervous system, in particular, she is susceptible to depression, from which it is difficult for a woman to get out of it without the help of a psychologist.

At an older age, Diana, who does not pay due attention to her health, may be diagnosed with diabetes.

In general, despite all the risks, it should be remembered that a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can prevent any disease and improve the quality of life.

Name Diana for a child

The name Diana is breaking records of popularity all over the world, not only because of its association with the all-powerful goddess, but also due to its euphony and the presence of many endearing variants.

The peak of the name’s popularity occurred during the life of the British Princess Diana, who became an idol for a whole generation of people. It is clear that, by naming the child in her honor, the parents sought to convey to their children the beauty of the princess, her sense of style, taste and greatness.

This name was and is worn by irresistible representatives of different social groups (from royalty to ordinary people) and professions. So, the most famous Dianas of the world are: Diana Spencer (aka Lady Di, Princess of Wales), Diana de Poitiers (favorite of the French king Henry II), Diana Arbenina (singer), Diana Duane (writer), Diana Green (skater), Diana Damrau (opera singer), Diane Keaton (actress).

Name days:

June 9, June 10

Diminutive version

Dianochka, Dianushka, Dianchik, Diana, Dunka


Dianka, Di, Dean, Didi, Dina, Diya, Anna

According to the church

Daria, Anna


  • yellow


  • Луна
  • Pluto


  • water

Stone talisman

selenite, diamond




oak, lily of the valley

Totem animal

leopard, deer, beaver

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