Origin of the name Denmark

The rare female name Denmark has more than one version of origin. According to one of them, it is derived from the Kazakh name Danna, which means knowledgeable, wise. According to other scholars, this is a diminutive form of the European name Danielle, meaning “God is my judge.” Over time, the name Denmark became an independent name. According to the third version, this is a Tatar name made up of two parts – “dan” and “iya”, respectively – “glory” and “place of birth”. It turns out in translation – a source of glory. Currently, among the Tatars, Denmark is a synonym for the name Thalia, which is translated as native. There is also an Arabic name Denmark, which is derived from the male name Dani, meaning close. There is no saint with that name in the Orthodox calendar, so name days are celebrated on the name day of the name given at baptism.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Denmark

The meaning of the name Denmark is “source of glory”, “famous”, “glorified”, “powerful”, “close”, “native”, “wise”, “knowing”, “God is my judge”, “joy”.

Since childhood, Denmark has been a kind, sympathetic, responsible, diligent, obedient, quiet girl. She is very modest and does not cause problems for her parents, but she needs to be protected from bad company, as she is dependent on other people’s opinions and influence. She doesn’t always study well, but if she wants to, then with her diligence and diligence she will definitely achieve good results in her studies. She is interested in theater and music, and is able to see beauty in ordinary things. She doesn’t like conflicts, avoids large companies, and doesn’t have many friends. Emotionally fragile, she lacks stamina and vitality, and there is a desire to always protect the girl.

Denmark is not vain, she gets along with everyone around her, gets along in any team where she is valued and respected for her gentle character, hard work, and responsibility. She is attracted to complex professions that require intelligence and the ability to think. She also chooses a place of work where she needs to communicate with people. Can become a manager, teacher, educator, physician, technician, philosopher, psychologist, art critic.

Denmark always has a lot of fans, she is a very feminine, romantic and mysterious person. Marries for great love. In defiance of parents, he may leave the family early for the sake of a loved one. If this relationship does not work out, she does not get married for a long time, looking for a worthy, reliable, responsible, intelligent man with a sense of humor. She becomes an excellent wife, mother and housewife. For the sake of her family, she is ready to give up her career and become a housewife. Children are looked after, cared for and cherished throughout their lives; for her they will always remain little children. There are always a lot of guests in her house.

Denmark does not change with age, it remains friendly, this attracts people to it. There are more friends. They love her and are ready to help her at any moment. But only those who are close to her in spirit become true friends. Sincerity and a sense of humor often make a girl the life of the party.

Denmark is interested in religion, esotericism, and magic. She likes to be alone, often lives in fantasies and dreams, this complicates her life. Her health is fragile, she often suffers from colds and has problems with her teeth.

Name days:


Diminutive version




According to the church



  • yellow


  • Sun


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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