History of the origin of the name Denis

The name Denis has ancient Greek roots. It came from the name Dionysios. This name is often associated with Dionysus, the younger Olympian god, the god of winemaking and fertility, and the patron saint of wine consumption. Because of this, Denis is often credited with the title of a merry fellow and a reveler.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the name Denis began to be used as a name in its own right. Literally it is translated as “belonging to Dionysus”, “subject to Dionysus”.

It is believed that the female names Denise, Dionisia, Denisa were formed precisely from the name Denis, and not vice versa.

The name Denis exists in both Orthodox and Catholic calendars. In Catholicism, Saint Dionysius of Paris is revered, who is the patron saint of France and Paris.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Denis

Denis’s shortcomings include a fair amount of enthusiasm, a penchant for imagination, abuse of fantasies and sophisticated deception. This has been going on since childhood: little Denis more than once gets out of difficult situations with the help of lies and lies, inventing incredible stories and citing non-existent “facts”, and doing it so cleverly that the people around him believe him completely and irrevocably. At a more mature age, lies interfere with Denis both in his career and in his personal life, as people gradually begin to become disillusioned with him.

If Denis learns to control his fantasies or direct them in the right direction, he will be able to achieve incredible heights in any type of activity.

Denis is prone to alcoholism, so at a young age it is better to limit yourself in drinking alcohol, otherwise in the future the addiction will lead to the destruction of both family and professional activities.

In general, Denis is very cheerful, sociable and mischievous. In an unfamiliar company, he can easily tell a couple of jokes and laugh at them himself, without considering himself a clown or a jester. And yet, he can only be truly bright, open and expressive in his own time-tested company. It’s never boring with him.

Character traits of the name Denis

Denis lives by moral standards, but does not always see their strict limits. A sensual person often follows feelings and emotions, forgetting about the mind.

Denis is a connoisseur of beautiful things and exquisite evenings, and he himself receives guests with an open soul and Russian generosity. Loves walks and travel. Friendly, has good comrades both among males and females.

There is self-interest in Denis’s character. He can easily marry for convenience or draw up a marriage contract for his own benefit.

Touchy and hot-tempered, he often provokes conflicts in his family, at work, among friends. Can’t stand loneliness.

Denis is helped in achieving success by such traits as caution, patience, responsibility and commitment.

Slave in cases involving risk and adrenaline. All you have to do is lure him into such a situation with your finger, and he’s right there! Thanks to his penchant for leadership, he quickly puts everyone in their place and turns the situation so that everyone except him is led.

The older Denis is, the more perseverance and patience he displays, which come and become recognized with experience.

Family and love relationships of Denis

Love is important to Denis, he looks for it for a long time, and eventually finds it. Denis has many fleeting meetings and relationships that do not lead to anything serious. Denis receives love and sex in full and without much effort. He skillfully extinguishes his jealousy; he himself is not a faithful person, but it is almost never possible to suspect him of treason.

Denis is prone to arranged marriages and treats this calmly and coldly. He loves beautiful and well-groomed women, puts these qualities first, and only then – the female mind, soul and iq level. Relationships begin with trust and mutual respect.

He does not find happiness in his first marriage; more often than not, his second marriage is successful and lasts a lifetime. But even in a happy marriage, he looks to the side and can, without remorse, cheat on his wife, hiding this fact from everyone and forever. Denis loves children, plays and engages with them not because it is necessary, but because he has a sincere desire to do so. Children are raised on the idea of ​​freedom and the right to choose.

Denis’s family must live separately from his parents. Coexistence and living together will lead him to depression, breakdowns and divorce.

Denis’s wife is easy-going, open, relaxed and modern. He does not hide his feelings in front of his wife, speaks and acts straightforwardly. He courtes his future wife for a long time, as if laying siege to a fortress.

Choice of profession. Business, career of Denis

The spheres of tourism and show business were created for Denis, or he was created for them. Everything related to adventure and risk also attracts him. Denis is always in good standing with his superiors; they view him only as a good worker with bold ideas, his own vision of problems and their extraordinary solutions. Denis can find himself as a manager or advertising agent.

Denis is lucky in financial matters, so when he participates in lotteries and drawings, he always remains in the black. He easily and thoughtlessly spends the money he wins and wins again, but he can always stop. Tends to accumulate money, always has savings “just in case.”

Denis is partly a creative person, a wonderful dreamer with an analytical-synthetic mind, which gives space to his thoughts. These qualities help Denis become an actor, writer, journalist or artist.

Denis’s health

Denis grows up as a sickly boy and often suffers from infectious diseases, but by his youth his body gets stronger and Denis practically stops getting sick. At an older age, he is predisposed to alcohol addiction, which can seriously harm his health.

Due to his stress resistance, Denis is prone to depression, frequent lack of mood, and psychosis. This is mainly due to family problems, career “brakes” or problems in business. Sleep is disturbed and general fatigue appears. To avoid this, it is recommended to follow a daily routine, take daily walks and do not forget about sports activities.

Name Denis for a child

While still very young, Denis is too active, cannot sit still, and is curious about everything around him. Always ready for new games, loves to play in the company of older children.

At school, studying is easy, he is ready to absorb information like a sponge, he thinks quickly, but due to his restlessness and lack of effort, as a rule, he does not study very well. If he likes the activity, subject or topic of the lesson, he becomes more diligent, but, whatever one may say, Denis takes little knowledge out of school. If the teacher breaks one large task into many small ones, then this could very well lead Denis to a red certificate.

Innate curiosity contributes to Denis’s further development into the status of a scientist, if he himself is so inclined.

There is so much energy in him that it is enough for those around him: he easily goes on adventures, rash, crazy actions, dragging his friends along with him and taking on the role of organizer of the whole process. True, this energy does not last long and Denis goes out without completing what he started and letting down everyone he managed to involve in the process.

On walks, you need to keep an eye on him at any age, right up to graduation. His agility and agility force Denis to engage in active games with his peers, forgetting about his own safety.

Later, youthful maximalism and passion develop into a deep passion, and if you manage to find something you like, this business becomes your life’s work, brings income and success. On the way to this, Denis is capable of making many mistakes, having tried his hand at various professions.

In his youth, Denis was an inquisitive and sociable boy. In any company he is a cheerful fellow and without much effort he can become the soul of that very company. He easily gets along with new people, and just as easily finds new friends in absolutely any environment.

Name days:

January 17, February 6, March 5, March 23, March 28, March 29, May 4, May 19, July 8, July 9, August 17, August 31, September 10, September 19, October 16, October 18, October 25 , October 28, November 3, November 14, November 23, December 2, December 12, December 30

Diminutive version

Deska, Desik, Deniska


Des, Den, Denchik, Dusya

According to the church



  • gray


  • Mercury
  • Venus


  • water

Stone talisman

peridot, malachite, sapphire




chestnut, lavender

Totem animal


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