- History of the origin of the name Demyan
- The meaning and characteristics of the name Demyan
- Character traits of the name Demyan
- Demyan’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession, business, career of Demyan
- Name Demyan for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Demyan
Demian is a male ancient Greek name, possibly of Latin origin. This is a popular version of the Greek name Damian, which translates as “submissive”, “humble”. There is a version according to which the name Demyan comes from the Latin male name Damianus, which means “dedicated to Damia.” Damia is the goddess of fertility and abundance in Greek mythology. In the past, the name was popular among peasants and monks (among Orthodox saints there are more than 10 named Damian), today it is considered a rare name. The English version sounds like Damon, Damien, Bulgarian – Damyan, French – Damien, Greek – Damianos, Italian – Damiano.
There is also a version of the origin of the name Demyan from the ancient Greek name Damianos, which is derived from the word “damaso”, translated into Russian as “conquer”, “subdue” or “pacify”. In Rus’, Damian was considered the patron saint of doctors and artisans.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Demyan
The bearer of the name is characterized as a reliable, calm, scrupulous, discriminating and conscientious person. He wants to be loved, strives to please others, feels responsible to his family and friends. Demyan’s tastes are clearly defined and distinguished by sophistication. The man is somewhat meticulous and has strict demands for order and cleanliness.
Demyan’s soul is tender and sensitive, the emotional side is very important to him, and he takes friendship very seriously. He tries to be useful and helpful to his friends, ready to lend a shoulder to a friend at any moment, give him his vest, help with advice. In personal relationships he is selective; he will not extend the hand of friendship to the first person he meets. A man will never forget betrayal or insult, and it will poison his life.
Demyan loves sports and tries to watch his diet. She devotes a lot of time to her appearance and clothes. He does not like it when actions are limited; his desire to be independent is due to selfishness. To achieve a goal, he chooses a direct path, losses do not stop him, and he does not make compromises.
Character traits of the name Demyan
A man named Demyan is an emotional, sociable and inquisitive person. He is reliable, ambitious and energetic, which helps him a lot in life. He has prudence, honesty and sincerity. Outwardly, he is always cheerful and good-natured, but behind this cheerfulness hides a vulnerable and proud person. He is usually friendly with friends, but sometimes his actions are determined by calculation.
Demyan is distinguished by such positive qualities as calmness, delicacy, practicality, eloquence, good nature, complaisance and compliance. He is artistic and has a developed sense of humor, which makes him an interesting conversationalist.
Negative traits of Demyan are impetuosity and harshness in actions and statements, causticity, some conflict, pride, the desire to achieve success at any cost and hypocrisy. He is vindictive and remembers old grievances. Demyan may often experience depression.
Demyan’s family and love relationships
Demyan is romantic and very charming. He likes the feeling of being in love. He often falls in love and is also often disappointed in his chosen ones. Demyan is characterized by inconstancy in relationships. He usually marries for love, although there is often some calculation involved. He chooses girls who have a fairly high social status. In the family, Demyan loves leadership. He is strict and demanding with children. He sometimes lacks complete openness and trusting relationships with loved ones.
He experiences some difficulties in relationships; he lacks the authority and flexibility to control the situation. In the search for a soul mate, a man may be hampered by excessive demands – for example, it will be very difficult for him to make a choice between a beautiful, spectacular, but narrow-minded girl and an interesting, educated young lady who is not to his taste. He shows condescension towards himself and is very sensitive in matters relating to his well-being.
Choice of profession, business, career of Demyan
A man with this name attaches great importance to his career and often achieves professional heights thanks to his perseverance and hard work. Demyan is respected in the team and tries to achieve leadership positions. Successful areas of activity for Demyan could be art, pharmacology, economics and trade. Demyan can become a writer, artist, journalist, designer, restaurateur, cook, psychologist, engineer, physicist. Demyan can achieve good results in entrepreneurial activity. He is often jealous of the success of others and tries to become more successful.
Name Demyan for a child
In childhood, a boy needs affection and tenderness; he is very shy, impressionable, and attached to his mother. He behaves well, wants to be appreciated and loved, but the boy’s grades at school are strongly influenced by emotional interaction with teachers. The better they are, the more Demyan will try not to let the teachers down and earn their praise. Prefers to engage in artistic activities. He is economical, seeks stability and confidence in the future.
Name days:
March 8, July 14, October 20, October 30, November 13, December 10, March 7, October 18, November 3, November 14, December 3
Diminutive version
Demyanchik, Demyanochka, Demyanushka, Demyasha, Demushka, Demochka
Dema, Demchik, Demych, Demyanka
According to the church
- white
- Mercury
- land
Stone talisman
noble opal, agate
cedar, mistletoe
Totem animal