History of the origin of the name Demid

Research by linguists about the origin of the name Demid is ambiguous. A version of the origin of the name Demid is considered, according to which ancient Greece should be considered the birthplace of this beautiful, sonorous name. First, the name Diomedes appeared in the ancient Greek language, which was used to call male infants with the sole purpose of appeasing the supreme deity, the great Zeus. Over time, the name changed and began to be pronounced as Demid. This male name came to Russian soil in a slightly different guise – Diomede, but after a while it also began to be pronounced as Demid. Demidov Day is celebrated according to the Christian calendar on August 29, along with the beginning of the third, nut or grain Savior. Nuts ripen for this holiday, and pies are baked from new flour in homes. August 29 is considered the day of the holy martyr Diomede, a famous healer. While receiving patients, the doctor Diomede simultaneously tried to introduce them to the Christian faith, for which he was subsequently punished by the authorities. He was beaten to death with a whip.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Demid

The two names mentioned above, Diomedes and Demids, have different meanings, although the general meaning is preserved in them. Diomedes means “the advice of Zeus”, Demids means “God’s thought”. In both cases, a single religious meaning can be traced. It was not without reason that the ancient Greeks appeased the supreme deity with this name. Little bearers of this name have been distinguished by excellent health and flexible character since childhood. These good-natured, calm children very rarely cry, are always in a good mood, and are not capricious. In kindergarten, they have smooth relationships with everyone – with teachers and peers, who like the bearers of this name for their ability to be good comrades.

Demid will also have no problems at school, the boy belongs to the so-called “golden mean”, he studies smoothly, without jerks, and acquires thorough, fundamental knowledge. The boy does not cause trouble for anyone – neither teachers nor parents. Demid is also not threatened with serious upheavals in his later life. However, everything depends on the time of Demid’s birth. Summer Demid is distinguished by his reticence; he can be unsociable and gloomy. At the same time, he is a diplomat; he will not enter into confrontation if he believes that it is better to give in on a small matter in order to subsequently win on a large one. Summer Demid is focused on his career, he is quite cunning and in order to achieve the goal he has set for himself, he can resort to deception. This is a very hardworking, persistent and tenacious man.

Winter Demid cannot be called a diplomat; when making decisions, he is often too harsh. But he is sociable, energetic, he is called a generator of ideas, and he will definitely bring many of them to life. In the professional sphere, he can be an excellent organizer, and does not refuse this role even at friendly parties. Winter Demid is considered a dreamer; he is prone to frequent changes of professions. The family life of the bearers of this name is calm and happy. Demid is very careful when choosing a wife; he needs a balanced woman who will voluntarily yield leadership in the family to him.

Name days:

July 3, August 16, August 28, September 2

Diminutive version

Demushka, Demidushka, Demidka



According to the church



  • violet


  • Jupiter
  • Mercury


  • air

Stone talisman

sapphire, jade




mother and stepmother

Totem animal


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