Origin of the name Dean
The name Dean has several origins. According to one version, its roots should be sought in Old English. A very long time ago, “dean” was the name of a senior artel worker who managed 10 people, as well as a senior priest or headman.
According to another version, the name Din (دين) is of Arabic origin. It is translated as “faith”, “religion”. The particle Din is often included in Arabic names: Izz-Al-Din, Muhammaddin, Aladdin. It is part of a family name and means “spiritual observer.”
In Hebrew the name Din means “judgment”, in ancient Greek it means “strength”. It is translated from Hindi (दिन) as “day”, and from Chinese as “stability”.
This word probably goes back to the Proto-Indo-European language, from where it spread to both eastern and western national languages. Currently, as an independent name, Dean is widely known in English-speaking countries: Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. In Russia, the name Din is rare; its female version, Dina, is more common.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Dean
As a child, Dean is an inquisitive and cheerful boy. He is a real tomboy, loves to play outside, run to the river, and wander around different places without adult supervision. Dean cannot be called neat, he is not interested in appearance, the main thing is convenience. The boy has an excellent appetite and good health. He does poorly at school and barely makes it to graduation.
Dean loves his family more than anything in the world. He tries not to upset his parents, and especially respects his father. Always stands up for his brothers and sisters. Dean also values friends. He will never betray or let down a comrade.
Dean is straightforward and fair. He does not tolerate tricks, intrigues, or excessive philosophizing. It’s hard for him to cope with all this. Dean should always have a clear plan of action, strict and understandable. If there is no such plan, Dean is lost and may not cope with the situation.
Dean is not afraid of work, he is physically strong and can cope with any hard work. Having no inclination towards science, a man with this name perfectly masters working professions: builder, mechanic, mechanic, turner, welder and others. Here he can achieve a leadership position thanks to his ability to clearly plan and high efficiency. The creative path is not closed to Dean either. He can become an actor or a writer. Dean loves to be the center of attention; he enjoys fame.
As a rule, Dean is good-looking, has a great sense of humor, and loves life and its pleasures. Such a man is always surrounded by women, they themselves seek his attention. And Dean knows how to take full advantage of this. But when Dean meets the one who will conquer him with her beauty, poise and intelligence, he will become a faithful and caring husband.
Dean can marry a woman with a child and love him as his own. He loves children and spoils them. This is an ideal father who will not give lectures and notations about how to live, but will take you fishing, to the forest, and arrange a hike in the mountains. Dean gets along especially well with boys, but if a daughter is born, he will treat her like a real princess.
Name days:
April 4, November 12
Diminutive version
Dynchyk, Dynushka, Dynulenka, Dynulya
According to the church
- brown
- olive
- white
- fire
Stone talisman
topaz, moonstone, amber
topaz, moonstone, amber
Totem animal