History of the origin of the name Dayan
Dayana is a female name, the origin and meaning of which is still debated. So, basically three versions of its origin stood out. According to the first, Dayana is one of the variants of the name Diana, translated from Latin meaning “divine”. The second version claims that the name Dayan is derived from the Hebrew Dayan – “God the Judge.” The third version defends the opinion that the name Dayana is of Turkic origin and means “traveler”, “pilgrim”.
The name Dayana does not have many abbreviated and diminutive variants. Among the main ones are Dina, Dana, Dayan, Daya.
Since Dayan’s name is not in the church calendar, name days are not celebrated.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Diana
Of course, the origin and meaning of a name necessarily leaves an imprint on the fate of its bearer, and the name Dayan is special in this regard, because it is interpreted differently in different languages. But no matter what version we take as a basis, a woman named Dayana still stands out for her majesty, unprecedented attractiveness, determination, justice and penchant for adventure.
Since childhood, Dayana has been a girl who loves to command. If in a children’s company there is a child named Dayana, then you can be sure that she is the leader. Diana loves when people listen to her and fulfill her every whim. If she is denied some service, then Dayana will be mortally offended, because she will think that she is not loved or respected. For Dayana, authority is above all else, so she works with all her might to build it and subsequently maintain it. It is clear that such power and even superiority of Dayana contributes to the emergence of many enemies – people who do not want to obey the arbitrary and dictatorial nature of a woman.
In terms of choosing a profession, Dayana is a generalist who can realize herself in any field, the main thing is that she finds a way out for her ambitions. Dayana will make a good doctor, a responsible financier, and a thoughtful psychologist. Television and show business are areas in which she will feel like a fish in water. Whatever profession Diana chooses for herself, she always strives to occupy a leadership position, because recognition is everything for her.
At first glance, it seems that Dayana is an absolutely insensitive, uncompromising and tough woman who goes ahead and does not disdain anything to achieve her own goal. Outwardly, everything really looks exactly like this, but behind the external inaccessibility there is often hidden a very sensitive and vulnerable woman who is having a hard time experiencing her own defeats and at times really wants someone to help her, to take on at least part of the responsibilities that Dayana has taken upon herself. A woman avoids conflict situations whenever possible, but not when this is a fundamental issue.
Dayana usually gets married late, having carefully weighed all the pros and cons. In her personal life, Dayana is sentimental, romantic and sensitive. She is honest, decent and faithful, so these are the qualities she demands from her chosen one. Dayana’s marriage is usually strong and reliable, based on mutual trust and honesty.
Dayana is a very purposeful and persistent woman. She is capable of sacrificing a lot to achieve her own goal, but it often turns out that the goal is achieved, but there is no feeling of happiness. Diana experiences such moments with difficulty, but does not stop there, but moves on to new goals and achievements.
The name Dayana is common in different countries. Its most famous representatives are: Diana Ross (American singer), Dayana Abdrakhmanova (Kazakh model), Dayana Keaton (American actress), Dayana Kirillova (Russian singer).
Name days:
Diminutive version
Dayanka, Dayechka, Dayka, Yanka, Dayanushka, Dayusha, Dayechka, Dayenka
Dana, Daya
According to the church
- Луна
- air
Stone talisman
oak, lily of the valley
Totem animal