Origin of the name Dayan

The name Dayan has Turkic roots and literally translates as “hold on.” In some sources you can find information that this name is one of the names of Allah. In this case, it is translated as “rewarding according to deserts.”

Meaning and characteristics of the name Diane

Little Dayan is growing up as a serious boy and, from the cradle, he is more of an observer than a doer. Often freezes in a thoughtful pose and looks at one point – this behavior of a child is not a reason for panic. He is a bit of a philosopher from birth and certain events make Dayan think a lot to understand what is happening.

At school, Dayan always strives to get to the bottom of things, so he is slow and meticulous in mastering knowledge. In elementary school, he is most often among the C students, and graduates as a medalist. There is no need to rush your child – his own pace of study is ideal for him, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

After graduating from school, Dayan successfully graduates from higher education and begins to build a career. Most often, the owner of the name becomes a businessman. He is spiritually strong, practical, and knows how to benefit from everything that happens, or at least gain experience.

He doesn’t know how to rest and doesn’t want to, and even while on vacation he manages to find a job and occupy his day from morning to night. Every minute Dayan’s brain thinks about a hundred options for the development of events in business. He manages the team well, confidently and responsibly, maintaining his authority and at the same time being on good terms with his subordinates.

If Dayan fails to build his business, then as a simple worker he is bad: stubborn, disobedient, ineffective, he always continues to defend his point of view, considering it unconditionally correct.

In love affairs, Dayan is an aggressor and takes a position of authority at the very beginning of relationships with the opposite sex. It is not uncommon for those around him, looking at his impact on his wife and children, to consider Dayan a tyrant. In fact, he is not one: his family feels as protected as possible and surrounded by care, love and affection.

For the owner of the name, betrayal is the cause of the final and irrevocable breakdown of relationships, both friendly and romantic. His wife does not have the right to even light flirting or ridiculous laughter with a stranger – Dayan’s jealousy clouds his eyes and he will not figure out who is right and who is wrong in such situations: having divorced his wife, he will achieve by all means so that the children remain with him.

Dayan’s circle of friends is limited. He is picky about people, acquaintances and communication, and therefore practically does not let anyone close to him. He values ​​​​friendship and perceives his true friends as sisters and brothers, sharing joys and sorrows with them. They, in turn, receive in Dayan a reliable comrade who is incapable of betrayal.

A bad streak in life can lead Dayan astray and, having failed, he will break. Having lost interest in what is happening around him, he may begin to abuse alcohol and smoke, even if he had never done this before and considered it a vice.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Daychik, Dayanich, Dayanello


Dayank, Dayanchik

According to the church



  • red


  • Jupiter


  • air

Stone talisman





aspen, barberry

Totem animal

electric eel

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