- Origin of the name David
- Meaning and characteristics of the name David
- Character traits of the name David
- David’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession, business, career of David
- David’s health
- Baby name David
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
Origin of the name David
The name “David” is translated from Hebrew as “beloved.” Some sources contain the meaning “beloved” or “favorite.”
The king of Israel is known by this name, although there is constant debate about the authenticity of his historical personality. It is believed that the second king of the Israeli dynasty from Bethlehem is the most legendary biblical figure, who is recognized by at least three major religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam). The place of origin is considered to be Muslim countries in which the name of this person is pronounced as “Daoud”.
The legend of the victory in battle of the unarmed young man David over the huge Goliath still inspires creators, and new archaeological finds lift the curtain on the contribution of the king of Israel to the prosperity of the state.
In Russia, it was customary to pronounce and write the name in documents as “Davyd”; it is believed that the popular surname “Davydov” was derived from it.
It is interesting that historically the name “David” became a baptismal pair for the name “Gleb”, since the latter was long considered pagan. This rule applied to persons of the princely family of Rurikovich.
This name, in a modified state, is widespread throughout the world (David, Davido, Taaveti, etc.).
Meaning and characteristics of the name David
The bearers of this name are distinguished by characteristic poise and equanimity; they rarely doubt their actions or actions. Self-confidence easily flows into selfishness, which makes the character of such a man distinctive. Like others, he has his shortcomings and undeniable advantages.
Sociability, openness, and friendliness do not prevent a man named David from being stubborn and decisive. It is difficult to call him soft and try to control by outlining a goal; David persistently strives to achieve it independently.
The owners of the name are easy to recognize by their share of egoism, which, however, adorns it. He is susceptible to praise and flattery, and feels the need to be appreciated. David is not evil, does not hold grudges, and is definitely not greedy. He is able to forgive, showing rare generosity, however, after betrayal he will stop the slightest contact. His temper and touchiness may hinder him throughout his life, but he is easy-going.
Such a man is an innovator, he seeks novelty, tries to comprehend special sensations, feelings, nuances and shades. At the same time, it is difficult to say that he wastes himself on trifles and trifles; the breadth of his nature is not lost in them.
The man named David is self-confident and pragmatic. Such a person can show empathy, keep his word and has the gift of persuasion.
Physically strong and resilient, Davids love to explore the world and travel, trying to show leadership qualities even while traveling. All his life the bearer of the name tries to improve himself, and he succeeds to the maximum. He has a good sense of humor and appreciates this trait in others.
Character traits of the name David
Being an ambitious and purposeful person, David has a strong will. The combination of such qualities of a fighter allows him to reach any planned heights. At the same time, he does not expect mercy and gifts from fate, but tries to independently move towards the peak of his capabilities and resources. His authority is undeniable, since he is used to keeping his promises and does not waste words in vain. A love of risk and hot sensations add spice to his streamlined practicality.
The seasonality of the name leaves an imprint on the character of the owner.
- “Winter” representatives are distinguished by determination, talent, some self-confidence and persistence. For them there are no severe prohibitions and barriers; they consider any obstacle as a challenge to their skill and fortitude. They are prone to extravagance, but at the same time they know how not to slip into a vulgar parody.
- “Spring” men with this name are eccentric creators, ardent and passionate. They tend to violate prohibitions, living as they want, and not as they should according to moral laws. Sometimes he has failures, but such men are not inclined to learn lessons, continuing to follow the same rake.
- “Summer” Davids are multi-talented, they are aimed at self-development and the manifestation of artistic inclinations. Their life is decorated with bright colors of manifestations of emotions and feelings. David is surrounded by people who are attracted to his openness, sociability and romanticism. He is always ready for feat and adventure.
- “Autumn” representatives are practitioners who stand firmly on their feet and value actions and deeds. They are honest and reliable, they do not believe empty talkers who scatter false promises. Such men are valued in the team; at home they are undisputed leaders.
David’s family and love relationships
David is not offended by female attention, so he is picky in choosing his beloved. They attach great importance to their appearance; David highly values elegance and grooming. A representative of this name, with all the attentiveness and courtesy, will not fail to inform his lady that he is bored with her, if she really gets tired of her. Women are attracted to the bearers of this name by their inner core, which, combined with generosity, creates an explosive cocktail of masculinity. His temperament and sexuality attract partners.
David is monogamous, but before he meets real love, he will bathe in numerous love affairs. Having fallen in love, he gets married and stops valuing relationships on the side. A woman who wants to have a relationship with David should remember that the process of “hunting”, conquest, and easy prey are important to him.
The first marriage is unsuccessful and soon collapses, because the man is not ready for a family home. It will be possible to create a happy marriage only after being fed up with male freedom.
In women, David values strength and self-sufficiency, a tenacious mind. Being a beautiful young lady, she should also become a good conversationalist and a reliable friend.
Such men are brilliant family men who put family at the forefront. He will do everything for prosperity and a secure life. At the same time, David’s wife will have to put up with his difficult character and outbursts of jealousy.
Choice of profession, business, career of David
Routine and monotony are contraindicated for David. Such a man is a personality of action, a smart strategist.
Davids are recommended military specialties where they can use their tactical abilities. In the diplomatic sphere, his abilities will bring success. Dreams of travel and the spirit of wandering can make David a mountaineer and geologist. Strength and endurance, a desire for sports provide an opportunity to express oneself in a sports career. It is important to remember that team options are not the best choice; such men are better at personal achievements.
The activity of such a man is changeable, he searches for himself in different areas until he finds his calling. A career as a musician, actor, architect and work in other creative fields is developing well.
The bearer of this name will be able to make a career in business. His business inclinations allow David to earn good money. Business will be successful if a man is passionate about his business, and his analytical inclinations, intelligence and prudence are the best companions in the grasp of a business man.
David’s health
The physical condition of the bearer of the name is excellent. However, living constantly under stress can harm the functioning of the nervous system.
David is prone to being overweight and even obese, so it is important to control his eating behavior. Eating in excess will not do him any good. Also, due to the relationship with food, there is a risk of frequent food poisoning, possible liver and pancreas diseases.
You should also be more vigilant with your cardiovascular system, take care of your heart muscle and eyes, and try to avoid overwork.
Baby name David
As a little boy, David shows responsiveness, he is kind and open to communication. He is sociable and able to make friends with others. He does not create problems for his parents, being a conscientious, diligent student and a friendly classmate.
David is prone to activity, he plays outdoor games, loves sports, perseverance is not his trump card.
David grows up in a world of emotions, they are important for his development. His mother has a great influence on him, this continues throughout his life, she remains his best and faithful friend, although his father retains a decent dose of attention on him.
This child has a serious and serious opinion that is not childish and is not afraid to defend it. David will always come to the aid of the weak, he is a worthy hero fighting for his honor.
In adolescence, such a child shows more balance and control over his feelings and expressions of emotions. Sometimes he is hampered by egoism, which he himself does not recognize, seeing himself as a confident and independent guy. However, this minus is compensated by his kindness and responsiveness. David the teenager is known for honesty and justice; at a time of youthful maximalism, this is fraught with breaking contact with those who do not meet his expectations.
Those around him should be more careful with criticism; David cannot stand the loss of authority. At the same time, this guy is kind and generous.
Name days:
January 5, January 10, January 27, February 8, February 14, March 1, March 5, March 18, April 25, May 15, May 20, May 31, June 4, June 5, June 14, June 26, July 8 , July 9, July 15, August 6, September 18, September 19, October 2, October 7, October 15, October 31, November 14, December 16
Diminutive version
Davidik, Davidushka, Davidka, Dodenka, Dodechka
Dava, Davi, Dodya, Dodik
According to the church
- brown
- Mercury
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
amethyst, ruby
laurel, poppy
Totem animal