Origin of the name Darius
The masculine name Darius and its feminine counterpart Daria came to modern languages from Persian. The archaic Old Persian version sounded like “Darayawaus”, which can be translated as “possessing good (good).” Where “dara” is translated as “one who owns”, and “vaush©” is “kind”. Perhaps the name was originally even longer and was translated as “possessing a good thought.”
From Persia, this name came into the ancient Greek language, losing some of the syllables and becoming “Dareios”. The Romans borrowed the name from the Greeks and transformed it into the sonorous “Dareus”.
This name was borne by several famous Persian kings, starting with Darius the First, who went down in history as a reformer and an outstanding statesman.
By naming the child this way, the parents assumed that the reflection of the glory of a great man, his intelligence and strength fell on him.
In Russia, the name was rarely used; saints with this name were not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar, although the female paired version “Daria” is still very popular. In the last twenty years, the number of boys with this name has increased significantly.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Darius
Little Darius grows up to be an impressionable and sensitive child; he understands well the thoughts and moods of those around him and suffers if his parents quarrel. This baby thinks a lot, he is attentive to details and begins to analyze what is happening early. The older he gets, the less grades and praise are important to him, although Darius is always very strict with himself. He may be dissatisfied even after doing well in an exam if he feels that he was capable of more. Darius is not afraid of public condemnation, he is not turned on by the delight of the crowd – he himself is the strictest judge of his actions, if he believes that he did the right thing, then he will calmly react to any criticism.
Darius is capable of strong and deep feelings; he truly idolizes his chosen one, but places high demands on her. He is a sensitive and loving husband, a caring and gentle father. Darius expects from his loved ones the same inquisitive interest in the world that he himself possesses; he is upset and disappointed if members of the household do not want to work on themselves and learn new things.
In his work he is diligent and consistent, Darius can perform boring duties for a long time, he completes any task conscientiously. He works best in large-scale projects that require a fresh look at the problem and non-standard solutions.
Darius is a talented leader, he loves to expand and enlarge his business, he likes to modernize production, and change the structure of the company. He sees well the weak points in any organization and knows how to correct the mistakes of his subordinates with a few small decisions. He is demanding of his partners and ruthless towards his competitors, although he respects others’ strength and intelligence.
Sometimes he seems invulnerable, but this is not the case at all. Sometimes men with this name experience difficult periods of disappointment in life and apathy. The best way to help Darius in difficult moments is talking with friends and walking in nature.
Darius loves to travel, but is cool about moving and changing activities. He prefers to live in his homeland, although he is keenly interested in other people’s traditions and innovations. Darius is well versed in art and poetry, he is willing to pay dearly for luxury goods, and loves to surround himself with beautiful things.
Name days:
July 25, December 19
Diminutive version
Darik, Darusya, Darenka, Darusik, Daryanya, Dashik
Dar, Dare, Daren, Darish, Darshan
According to the church
- green
- blue
- blue
- Neptune
- water
Stone talisman
platinum, gold
poppy, reed
Totem animal
whale, albatross