- History of the origin of the name Darina
- Meaning and characteristics of the name Darina
- Character traits of the name Darina
- Darina’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession, Business, Darina’s career
- Darina’s health
- Baby name Darina
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Darina
There are several versions about the origin of this majestic and mysterious female name, and such that experts still cannot agree and come to a unanimous decision about the true history of origin.
According to one, this name is of ancient Persian origin; the origins of the name in this case go back to the reign of the great king from the Achaeminid dynasty Darius (Darayavausha).
Another version reduces the name to an Irish derivative of the name Darren. It is worth saying that to this day this name is popular in Europe.
And a third look at the history of the name explains its appearance in Old Slavic times, allegedly, the name appeared as a shortened, diminutive form of addresses to Bozhidara, Teodora.
Today, the name Darina has become widespread not only in modern Russia, but also in Europe and Asia. Statistics show that over the past decade, the name Darina has been among the 30 most popular names.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Darina
It is worth saying that, having several variations of origin, the name Darina has several interpretations. So, for example, according to the version of ancient Persian origin, the name is defined as “victor” (from Dārayava(h)uš, interpreted literally as “Holder of good”).
The Irish version of the origin of the name interprets it literally as “rocky mountain” (from the Irish name Darren).
The Old Slavonic version defines the name as “gifted”, having at its base the word “gift”. This version of the interpretation of the name has taken root most in Russia; Russian linguists define the name literally as “given by God”, “gifted by life”.
The sound of the name is quite firm and courageous, energetically strong, but the nature of the sound does not at all leave an imprint on Darina’s character. The name goes very well with many surnames and patronymics; one might say it is universal. The name has many diminutive and shortened euphonious variations. Little Darinas undergo the holy rite of baptism under the church name of Darius.
The bearer of the name Darina is a model of calm, accuracy and sedateness. Darina has exquisite taste, always looks stunning, she knows her worth and this price is not small. Many Darins have high self-esteem. Darina is friendly and friendly, makes a good impression on strangers, but her loved ones know her real nature: she can be capricious and pretentious. Darina’s friends have a hard time with her, she is very jealous and demanding, but she knows how to make real friends, she is loyal and attached to her friends, and is always ready to help in difficult times.
Character traits of the name Darina
At first glance, Darina is absolutely phlegmatic; it seems that she is indifferent to a lot of things. But this opinion is wrong, since Darina’s natural sedateness and slowness hide her true alertness of mind, sharpness of language, and speed of reaction.
Darina does not accept monotony; she always needs a change of events and vivid impressions in everything. The owners of this name are very insightful women, they have a great understanding of people, often see prophetic dreams, have excellent intuition, but almost never use it.
By nature, Darinas are bright leaders, they are popular in the team, men like them, and women envy them. Darins love increased attention to themselves, are very self-critical, but have an extremely difficult time dealing with any criticism addressed to them from the outside. Because of this, they surround themselves with easy-going, easy-to-communicate people.
Darina’s character traits are largely influenced by the time of year in which she was born. So, for example, owners of the name born in winter are activists, stubbornly proving to others that they are right; they are excellent leaders. They love to teach and order everyone.
Spring Darinas are an example of romance and tenderness. Very cheerful, kind and open, she always becomes a welcome guest in any company.
Bearers of the name, born in the summer, are attractive and sensible women, excellent housewives, skillfully arranging their everyday life.
Autumn Darinas are real mysteries for those around them, always thoughtful and mysterious, dreamy and charming, men fall madly in love with them.
Darina’s family and love relationships
Darina has such a special inner energy and the ability to charm others, so that men always circle around her. But not everyone manages to please Darina. Darina has very strict requirements for her partner; they can choose a man for a very long time, carefully considering certain of his features, since Darina is in no hurry to get married. The owner of this name can temporarily choose a wealthy adult man as her companion, since she has the characteristic feature of always surrounding herself with only the best and most beautiful.
In her intimate life, Darina is quite modest, which often disappoints men who expect something special from such a beauty. However, with her loved one she is able to behave very relaxed.
In marriage, Darina is an exemplary wife, she is incredibly hospitable, clean, and there is always peace and order in her home. The children are fed and cleanly dressed, and a delicious dinner is waiting for the husband on the table. Bearers of the name Monogamous, they endlessly love their husband, are deeply faithful and devoted to him. Treason will never be forgiven. Darina places increased demands on her husband so that he meets her and her level. In general, she takes an active and leading role in the family; she is a powerful woman, accustomed to having everything under her control. She takes the upbringing of her children very responsibly; the children respect her.
Choice of profession, Business, Darina’s career
Bright and attractive Darina always commands respect from her colleagues. Due to her high self-esteem, she simply cannot do anything wrong. Darina always does her work efficiently, she is focused on excellent results, because she simply cannot appear in a disadvantageous light to her colleagues. Male managers often feel sympathy for the Darins, which is absolutely to their advantage. By instilling trust and heartfelt feelings towards herself, Darina can move up the career ladder with absolutely no difficulty. But they do not use this often, because they are not careerists by nature. Darina works for the soul rather than to make money.
Darina does not like to do ordinary, monotonous work; she will leave such work without regret. Darina will feel most comfortable in a male team, since the female gender feels a sense of envy towards her, and female managers may even fire her.
The most suitable areas of activity in which Darins can show their best side will be: restaurant business, cosmetology, theater, musical art, tourism, foreign languages.
Darina’s health
Since childhood, Darina, who is still a little girl, has a high probability of respiratory diseases in the form of various bronchitis and tracheitis. Girls often catch colds; the nature of the cold is protracted and very often causes complications in the lungs. In adolescence, health is quite good; in order to maintain immunity and improve health, parents can send the girl to sports clubs or dances. Due to her impulsive nature, adult Darina has a high probability of developing various nervous disorders and breakdowns.
Baby name Darina
Little Darishas are absolutely charming girls. They are good-natured and sociable, madly love to help their mother. The angelic appearance evokes affection among adults and the love of peers. The girl has a lot of friends, starting from preschool age. Darina is a clear leader among her peers, she is active, smart, enterprising, always started games, shares her toys with others, and will always respond to any request. Children love to play with her and compete to be her friend.
At school, the little representatives of this name study very well and diligently. They are inquisitive and precocious, always have their own point of view and are not shy about saying it. Teachers also love little Darins for their perseverance, diligence and friendliness; in school skits, Darins are given the main roles.
Darinas are little selfish people, they won’t want to share their parents’ love with anyone, in such cases girls should get a small pet. Caring for a little friend will help develop a sense of responsibility, love and awareness that there are those in this world who need protection and care.
It is worth mentioning the distinctive feature of little Darins – this is stubbornness, which manifests itself in everything. In her studies and in helping with household chores, she always finishes everything and finishes it to the end. It is important for parents that this stubbornness does not manifest itself in the girl from the negative side, in the form of opposition to requests, and in the future – opposition to the position of the parents.
At an older age, Darinas are active girls; they often become class or group leaders at the institute, take an active part in the life of the educational institution, participate in theater troupes, participate in beauty contests and win prizes.
Name days:
March 19, August 17
Diminutive version
Darinochka, Darinushka, Darinchik, Daryushka
Darinka, Darik, Dara, Dasha, Darya, Dunya, Rina
According to the church
- red
- Venus
- Mars
- water
Stone talisman
peridot, bloodstone
copper, bronze
rowan, anemone, lemon balm
Totem animal
mosquito, cat, doe