- History of the origin of the name Daria
- Meaning and characteristics of the name Daria
- Character traits of the name Daria
- Daria’s family and love relationships
- Choice of profession. Business, Daria’s career
- Daria’s health
- Name Daria for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
History of the origin of the name Daria
There are several versions of the appearance of the name Daria, and the first of them goes back to Ancient Persia, where the male name Darius was widespread. Darius, in turn, has ancient Greek roots and originates from the name Dareios, which in Greek means “winner.”
The second version of the appearance of the name Daria is Slavic, it is connected with the names Darin and Daryon. Literally these names are translated as “gift”, “gift given”. Another variant of the name is the form from Darina – Daryana. This name was common among the descendants of the Slavs.
The third version is more modern, according to it, Daria is a shortened form of the name Dorofey. The diminutive form (Dara) is an independent name.
From Farsi Daria is translated as “strong”. The martyr Daria, famous for her unearthly beauty, is the patron saint of Daria.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Daria
Daria is slow, thinks a lot, takes her time in business, treats vanity with impatience, prefers to think a hundred times before doing something. She strives to do her work efficiently, so she does not like being pushed on, in such a situation she gets lost and withdraws. In this regard, Daria is often mistaken for a limited person with whom it is very difficult to find a common language.
Daria is kind from birth, knows how to show sympathy, but is overly stubborn, sometimes ruthless and domineering. She herself considers the manifestation of such qualities to be the norm and does not pay attention to the opinions of others on this matter.
Feeling like the head of the family (often, without actually being one), she does not tolerate it when people contradict her or do not do as she said. Matriarchy reigns in her family.
By nature, Daria is phlegmatic, sociable, artistic, and excitable. Daria remains a child both at 20 and at 50, so she attracts people to her by presenting herself as an easy-going, problem-free person. When communicating with people, he does not conflict and easily adapts to a new environment or in a new situation.
She has an analytical mind, but is not inquisitive by nature. He can solve problems intuitively, but he rarely uses it, because he doesn’t rely on his intuition, but in vain!
Daria is extremely impressionable, it is difficult to part with everything she is used to, she worries for a long time and has a hard time enduring failures and difficulties.
Outwardly, she is freedom-loving to the point of immorality, but internally she strictly observes generally accepted norms and rules of morality, including.
Character traits of the name Daria
Daria has a daring character. It contains masculine traits, such as cruelty, obstinacy, tenacity, and temper. Decisive and purposeful, she prefers male society, feeling more comfortable in it than in female society.
Daria is attached to her friends, is sensitive to friendship, and a quarrel or discord with a friend/friend is perceived by her as the loss of a loved one. He can take responsibility for a friend, or vouch for him, without hesitation. Since she is born with a nature of rudeness inherent in her, problems arise with finding friends: the people around her must have patience and know that Daria’s positive qualities appear some time after the first acquaintance.
Daria is not vindictive, she is quick-tempered, but she quickly moves away, and so quickly that those around her do not even have time to understand what happened. In her actions she is firm, decisive, imposes her vision of the world on others, while looking at the situation soberly, not thoughtlessly, and balancedly. Relies only on your experience, knowledge and intelligence. Considers herself intellectually developed and smart.
Dasha is smart, grasps everything on the fly, and, despite the lack of hard work, builds her life successfully.
Daria is a dreamer, and although she does not tend to make thoughtless decisions, she will not refuse acute situations or adventures. By quickly adapting to the situation, you remain a winner. Positions himself as a bright personality.
He engages in self-flagellation, condemning himself for daring actions, but this quickly passes, without leading to any conclusion. He doubts the attitude of other people towards himself – whether they love him or not, appreciate him or not, tell the truth or deceive him. Easily loses his temper, especially when he is not in the mood.
Daria cannot live without love; the absence of love leads to mental illness.
The name Daria needs love, without it Daria fades and this causes frequent mental disorders.
Daria’s family and love relationships
Daria is unpredictable in relation to the male sex. Opens up and opens up in response to similar actions of a man. In a new relationship, he closes his eyes to the chosen one’s past and begins life itself from scratch. Jealous, she can go for checks, driving herself into hysterics with a self-invented ending.
In marriage, she is overcome by laziness and homebodies. She is too faithful and the very word betrayal is alien to her. Dasha is often the leader in family relationships, but sometimes her husband, knowing the character of the chosen one, allows her to think so. Despite this, Daria’s family is friendly and strong, where she creates comfort with tenderness, loves to cook and clean up.
She prefers to spend her free minutes from household chores doing embroidery, knitting or drawing. Sewing clothes for herself is not a problem for her.
Daria feels insecure in sex, sometimes she cannot decide for herself whether she wants a serious relationship with a person or not, being in confusion. Relies on every moment’s impulse, but later regrets it. Closed to a man at the moment of intimacy, not vulgar, not capable of games.
Daria is very sincere and does not waste time on trifles. Even a chance meeting with a man she likes brings her to the registry office.
Choice of profession. Business, Daria’s career
Daria cannot determine a single professional field for herself, she changes jobs, looks for a new one, without regretting anything, since she feels better and more confident in her new job than in any previous one. The professions of a journalist, insurance agent or psychologist are suitable for her.
Success awaits her in business as well. Daria loves to lead and is not bad at it. The team doesn’t like her, but they are afraid of her and appreciate her for her ability to organize work correctly. She brings any business she starts to completion, and if the goal of life is to realize herself as a business lady, she achieves this.
“Summer” Daria is too lively, beautiful, attractive, she is attracted to the service sector.
Daria, born in autumn, is silent and mysterious. Realizes himself as the head of a company or store.
Daria, born in winter, is persistent, thoughtful, and the profession of a teacher, educator or coach suits her.
Daria, born in the spring, is dreamy, has her head in the clouds, and demonstrates oratorical abilities. Often such a Dasha finds herself in the creative field as a critic or art critic.
Daria’s health
Daria does not have excellent health. She has weak bronchi and lung problems. She should not smoke and needs to spend more time outdoors and go for daily jogging.
Constipation and hemorrhoids accompany Daria throughout her life. This is facilitated by improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Dasha also has a poor metabolism and is prone to becoming overweight if she does not adhere to a certain diet. He often goes on diets and goes to gyms to correct his figure.
Due to excessive temper and self-criticism, she needs the help of a psychologist, and the sooner she starts visiting him, the better her psycho-emotional state will be in the future.
Name Daria for a child
Little Dasha grasps information on the fly and quickly remembers it without knowing it. She has good taste since childhood, loves to fantasize, is sweet and charming, everyone around her likes her and makes them want to cuddle herself. She plays active games and will not approach a group of children playing on the street until she is called.
Dasha is a prosperous child: pretty, friendly, knows how to make friends, does not make people feel jealous.
In her youth, she is called bright, with a sparkle, because already in these years she loves to command others. He can get into a fight, establishing his own order in the team.
Young Dasha cannot be alone, it eats her up and plunges her into melancholy, so she rushes into society, goes to clubs and sections, walks with friends and girlfriends. At home, Daria is a helper, loves order, and will prepare food if she sees that all family members are busy.
At school she is a drummer, a good memory helps, but restlessness gets in the way.
Name days:
March 14, April 1, April 4, August 17, August 18
Diminutive version
Dashenka, Dashunya, Dashulya, Daryushka, Daryusha, Daryona, Darina, Darunya
Dasha, Dashka, Darya, Dara, Danya, Dashukha, Daryokha, Daryukha, Dashura, Dashuta
According to the church
- vermilion
- brown
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
rowan, anemone
Totem animal
giraffe, mosquito