Origin of the name Damir

Damir is a male name with several versions of origin. According to one of them, Damir is a shortened form of the name Dalimir. The name came to the Slavs from the nomads, originally it consisted of two words “dal” and “imir” (“great, famous”) and had the meaning “gift of the great.” The second part of the name was eventually transformed by the Slavs into “mir” (“peace”) and “mir” (“universe”) and acquired the meaning “giver of peace,” “founder of the world,” and over time, “giver of peace” was shortened to “Damir.” . In the territory of modern Russia, the name was rarely used, but it is present in the Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian languages.

There is a version that the name Damir, like Timur and Dimer, is one of the variants of the Tatar name Timer. The Turkic word “timer” is translated as “iron” or “persistent”. Now the name Damir is very popular among the Tatars.

In Soviet times, the name Damir was reborn from the slogans “Long live the world” and “Give us a world revolution” and acquired a new meaning.

In Arabic there is the word “damir” with an emphasis on the second syllable, which, depending on the context, has the meaning “conscience, mind, thought, secret intent, pronoun” and is not used as a name. If the stress falls on the first syllable, the Arabic word “damir” takes on the meaning “lost.”

There are no Christian saints with this name, and therefore this name is not in the Orthodox naming book.

The following forms are Damirka, Damirushka, Damik, Mir, and the Female form named after Damir.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Damir

The sound characteristics of the name are neutral, only some signs are slightly expressed – good, beautiful, bright, safe, joyful. Thus, the bearer of the name has a rare opportunity to freely express himself in the eyes of others due to personal qualities, and not under the weight of the emotional-subconscious significance of the name.

The meaning of the first three letters of the name characterizes Damir more fully. The consonant D determines in the bearer of the name thoroughness, a tendency to think and think through his actions, a sense of proportion, charm, and sometimes whims. This is a warrior capable of recklessness, courage, and cruelty. He is a man of his word, always ready to help. A man with this letter in his name is a romantic, experienced in love, a faithful, family-oriented partner who does not like to take responsibility for conflicts and separation. He has very developed intuition and extrasensory abilities. The symbol of the beginning – the vowel A – encourages the owner of the name to action, to work, to search for new sensations. This man is a leader in love, takes initiative, strives for mental and physical harmony. It is important for him to choose his own path in life and occupation. A man with the consonant M in his name is a peacemaker, charming, caring, sometimes shy, has a developed imagination, loves nature, strives to see and experience as much as possible. He is characterized by subtle irony, tolerance for other people’s shortcomings, and a certain aloofness. The owner of this name plans his life.

Character traits of the name Damir

Damir is a balanced, friendly, generous, energetic, serious, courageous, independent man. By temperament – sanguine. He has a great understanding of people, very insightful. Never hurts anyone’s feelings, sociable, tactful, polite, modest, but bright, skillfully endears himself. He has many friends and is the center of any company. All his life he has been taking care of his childhood friends, helping and supporting him in any situation.

Damir has a broad outlook, developed intelligence, and is very inquisitive. This man is an interesting storyteller, always full of ideas, which he generously shares and infects those around him with his enthusiasm, turning him into like-minded people. Creative, passionate nature. Literally “burning” with the idea. The owner of the name always keeps his life under control – he carefully plans and follows the plan.

The bearer of this name has a decisive, strong-willed character. He rarely deviates from his decisions, trusting more in his knowledge and intuition than in someone else’s advice. Damir is always happy with life and his successes, considers himself lucky, lives for today. When faced with life situations that he cannot change, he does not enter into a fight, but is distracted by hobbies, sports, and art. In sports he is able to achieve outstanding results. Despite all the external lightness of character, he is very vulnerable and sensitive to criticism.

“Winter” Damir loves adventure, extreme sports and travel. He is passionate and ambitious, independent, purposeful, and avoids conflicts. Damir, born in autumn, is neat, punctual, distinguished by purposefulness, increased curiosity, independence, and sociability. Career success, the thirst for acquiring new knowledge and skills, the desire to be the best in his field comes first for him, to the detriment of his personal life and family.

Family and love relationships of Damir

Damir is a bright, charming, outwardly attractive, gallant gentleman. He has a developed sense of humor and is easy to communicate with. Damir understands women and knows how to approach them. He always has a lot of fans and girlfriends. His sex life is vibrant and varied, he is a sophisticated, sensitive and sensual lover, expanding his knowledge and skills. He loves experiments and easily captivates his partner with them, takes care of her and her pleasure. Does not tolerate explanations or clarification of relationships. He is one of those who would prefer to part politely when feelings fade away, and easily maintains relationships with former lovers.

Damir appreciates cheerful, active women. He will take an independent, energetic, ambitious, independent girl as his wife and will support her in her desire to develop and build a career. Damir is unexpectedly faithful in marriage. He loves children, of whom he usually has two or more, and enjoys taking care of them, spending time with them, teaching them, organizing leisure time, and encouraging their intellectual development. This man’s organizational talent also manifests itself in family life – his loved ones are never bored. He plans picnics, hikes, and trips with a large group to the mountains, fishing or hunting. Damir’s family knows how to value an active lifestyle and sports.

The bearer of this name is a grateful child; he takes care of his parents all his life, takes care of them, protects them, and protects them from problems.

By temperament, women with the names Ada, Alexandra, Bella, Daria, Ekaterina, Ivanna, Leah are very suitable for Damir. By character, Agatha, Elsa, Inga, Regina, Magdalena are suitable for him. With Adriana, Bozhena, Chulpan, Darina, Elvira, Elena, Linda, Matilda, he will be disappointed.

Choice of profession, business, career of Damir

Damir’s main talent is his outstanding organizational and leadership skills. He knows how to captivate and lead the entire team, an excellent psychologist. Damir generates ideas and generously shares them. Creative director is a position invented for people like Damir. In areas where the creative aspect is important – marketing, mass media, design studios – it will have its place. Could be a director or screenwriter. Can be a lawyer on issues of human rights, freedom of speech, politics.

Damir often independently chooses the path that leads him to success. He successfully builds his career and helps others. He easily makes business contacts. Damir can be a successful entrepreneur. He can engage in science, he has extensive knowledge and is capable of non-standard solutions. Damir is an excellent teacher who knows how to get people interested in his subject, encouraging you to learn new things, ask questions and look for answers.

The owner of this name is distinguished by diligence and efficiency, he is decisive and strong-willed, but he can be too impatient, so tasks that require long-term implementation, long-term planning and long-term investments are not for him; he may stop halfway due to loss of interest.

Damir is capable of achieving great success in professional sports. Especially suitable for him are football, hockey, boxing and other sports that involve tactical thinking and require great physical and mental effort, efficiency, energy, speed and endurance. Coaching also suits him.

Damir’s health

Thanks to his passion for sports since childhood, Damir can boast of good health until old age. Of course, like everyone else, he is susceptible to colds and viral diseases, but he endures any illness easily, without complications. Due to an active life, he may neglect proper and regular nutrition and proper sleep. This can lead to chronic fatigue and problems with the digestive system. Damir needs to rest regularly, change his environment, and watch his diet. Sports injuries also take place in Damir’s life. But usually he quickly regains shape, and if he can’t return to sports, he easily changes his occupation, maintaining peace of mind and a healthy nervous system.

Name Damir for a child

Damir is a cheerful, sweet, flexible, sociable, very friendly, not shy, but not arrogant child. He easily masters etiquette, is polite and attentive to loved ones. He respects his parents and makes efforts to make them proud of him. Damir is inquisitive, smart, loves to read, studies for pleasure, is in a hurry to put his knowledge into practice, serious and independent. This is the case when investing in education is more than justified.

He is a lively, active, athletic boy. Is a peer leader in the company. His ideas always attract like-minded people, but he does not suppress or humiliate anyone. The boy’s success among his friends is due to his charm, easy disposition and ability to captivate with his idea; it’s always interesting to be with him. He always has his own opinion, defends it, because he is confident that he is right, and is not ready to listen to the opinions of his opponents. Participation in conflicts and increased activity lead to problems with discipline. With age, friendliness and diplomacy take over, Damir will learn to resolve disputes peacefully.

The boy loves animals, and if he gets a pet, he takes full responsibility for it and takes feeding and maintenance seriously. It is important that next to Damir there is a person who is authoritative for him, capable of directing the irrepressible energy and extraordinary abilities of this child in the right direction. Then he is able to achieve considerable success in life.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Damirchik, Damirochka, Damironka, Damirushka, Damik, Mirchik, Mirochka, Mirushka


Damirka, Mirka

According to the church



  • green


  • Sun


  • land

Stone talisman

moon rock





Totem animal


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