Origin of the name Chloe
The name Chloe, most popular in Western European countries, came to modern culture from the Greek language. “Chloe” translates to “young shoot”, so the name can be translated as “young green” or “blooming”. In Greek culture, “Chloe” was one of the honorific epithets for Demeter, the goddess of fertility. For the Greeks, this name was associated with youth, rebirth and eternal youth. This was the name of the heroine of the immortal pastoral novel “Daphnis and Chloe”, which tells about the love of a Greek boy and girl against the backdrop of idyllic landscapes.
This name was Latinized and gradually entered the culture of the peoples living on the territory of the Roman Empire. The most popular name is Chloe in Ireland, Great Britain, USA, Italy and France. In Russia this name is rare, although over the last 10 years more and more parents have chosen it for their daughter.
When giving such a name to a girl, parents usually associate it with beauty, freshness and health.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Chloe
The name “Chloe” inevitably leaves a noticeable imprint on its owner, giving even the most open and sociable Chloe an aura of mystery.
Chloe is seductive, full of ancient power and where logic is powerless, they act on instinct. Little Chloe is charming, she is always in a great mood and expects only good things from life. The girl loves long walks, interesting trips, and reads a lot and randomly.
For women with this name, nothing is impossible – they are confident that they can handle any job and easily take on new projects. Chloe tries to combine work and household chores; she can be both a brilliant specialist and a wonderful mistress of a large house. In love, Chloe is generous, there are no restrictions for her and she is not afraid to break the rules.
Having become a boss, she knows how to create a great working and friendly team out of any team. She maximizes the potential of each employee, but mercilessly fires those who destroy the friendly atmosphere of mutual support.
For the emotional Chloe, it can be difficult to restrain herself; in the heat of a quarrel, she can say harsh things, which she later greatly regrets. Chloe easily admits her mistakes, is ready to apologize if she feels guilty, but never takes on someone else’s guilt.
Chloe easily finds new friends, she immediately becomes part of a new company, she easily communicates with people of any social class, she is interested and enjoys making new acquaintances. Chloe is very sensitive, but in a critical situation she is able to instantly pull herself together and take control of what is happening into her own hands.
Despite her affection for friends and colleagues, Chloe easily changes jobs; she likes to discover new countries and areas of activity. Her actions may seem illogical and devoid of purpose, but Chloe acts on inspiration, relying more on intuition than on sober calculation.
She is very musical, has a keen sense of poetry and seeks harmony in everything. Chloe loves to do things with her own hands; women with this name are fond of needlework and sometimes achieve high professionalism in their hobby.
Name days:
doesn’t celebrate
Diminutive version
Khloechka, Khlosha, Klosenka, Klosya
Chloe, Chloe, Clorinda, Clot
According to the church
- green
- Луна
- air
Stone talisman
emerald, opal
olive tree, heather
Totem animal