Origin of the name Bulat

Many centuries ago, the name Pulad (Fulad) appeared in the Persian language. It was translated as “steel”, “steel”. In that distant era of wars of conquest, daggers made of steel were very popular among warriors.

Later, steel bladed weapons with a pattern on the surface began to be called damask steel. Mikhail Yuryevich Yuryevich wrote: “I love you, my damask dagger, my bright and cold comrade.”

The name Bulat came to Muslim peoples from the Turks, who borrowed it from the Persians. Among the Turks it sounded like Bolot. Initially, this name could be found in the folk epic. The fabulous Bulat was a hero who possessed remarkable strength, fearlessness and perseverance.

Among the most famous Bulats of our time we can highlight the poet, bard Bulat Okudzhava. His father was Georgian, and his mother was Armenian. So it is difficult to determine the nationality of the name here. In Kazakh families, Bulat is a fairly common name. Most often, first-born children are given this name.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Bulat

People named Bulat are talented and organized. Most often, their talent is clearly manifested in art. They are born speakers, agitators and propagandists. The idea that they have been nurturing for a long time is brought to life by the masses years later. In other words, Bulat is not used to frittering away over trifles; he is a man of action.

Bulat’s selfishness is manifested in his rejection of other people’s opinions. He, one might say, believes only in himself and relies only on himself. At the moment of defeat, mistake and even complete collapse, Bulat does not retreat from the intended task, but again goes to it only in other ways.

Bulat does not have the appearance of Apollo. These are people of short stature, with irregular facial features. But the inner core, charm, intelligence, obsession have a magnetic influence on women. In the “woman and man” tandem, Bulat is always the leading party. The woman who will be next to him will know true love and at the same time pain and despair.

Bulat is generous. Money for him is a means to achieve his cherished dream. He loves comfortable and expensive clothes not because he is dapper and fashionable, but because he feels confident in them. And confidence in himself and the future for Bulat is his life credo.

Name days:


Diminutive version

Bulatyk, Butalushka, Bulatonka, Bulatya


Steel, Bull

According to the church



  • white


  • Jupiter


  • water

Stone talisman





oak, thyme

Totem animal


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