History of the origin of the name Bronislav

The sonorous, strict name Bronislav, by its origin, is an Old Slavic name. Any Slav can easily identify two roots here, which in time immemorial merged into a single word. We are talking about the roots “bron” and “slav”, formed from the words “borodit” and “slava”. The verb “harrow” in this case has nothing to do with agricultural work. Here it has a different meaning, “to harrow” means “to protect.” The interpretation of the name Bronislav is “to defend, to protect glory”, or “glorious in defense”.

Despite the bright sound and strong energy, the name is losing its popularity every year. Although two decades ago it was quite in demand in the northern and central regions of the Russian Federation. The stressed vowel in this complex name can be “a” or “i”, it depends on the area where its bearer lives. In both cases this is considered correct. There is no such name in the church calendar, since it was invented by the pagans.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Bronislav

Bronislav is distinguished by independence, determination, he is very mobile, active, and persistent in achieving his goal. This calm, self-confident young man, if necessary, will be able to support himself and his loved ones.

He strives to become a leader and may try to achieve the desired heights at the expense of others. Someone else’s influence is disastrous for him; he will definitely free himself from it. This person loves cheerful, noisy companies and spends a lot of time with his friends.

Bronislav has many health problems. He should be careful about his diet as he is prone to food poisoning. River fish and seafood pose a particular danger to his stomach. Sometimes Bronislav is cunning, feigning attacks of illness. He especially often abuses this in childhood, not wanting to go to school.

Bronislav sincerely believes that in a love relationship the man should always have the upper hand. He needs a calm, patient girl who knows how to understand and forgive. This man pays a lot of attention to his companion’s appearance and her sexuality. Sexuality is the main criterion for assessing the chosen one. Bronislav may marry a bright, sensual girl.

In family relationships, Bronislav puts sex first. He needs violent passions and sexual foreplay. During the honeymoon period of his life, his professional activity rises to incredible heights; he is able to move mountains and pull the moon from the sky. The chosen one should remember that Bronislav does not tolerate vulgarity in clothing and actions. Vulgarity acts on him like an icy shower and can quickly cool down hot feelings.

This man can be a reliable spouse, but you can hardly expect fidelity from him. He loves children and spares no effort in working for the good of the family. Bronislav will definitely become successful if he works for himself. He should go into personal business, law, and medicine. Perseverance, perseverance, and intuition will help him achieve heights in his chosen business.

Name days:

18 of August

Diminutive version




According to the church

The name is not in the calendar


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