History of the origin of the name Boris
The name has bright and strong energy; in ancient times it was given to boys born into families of great warriors. Glory and a great destiny awaited a boy named Boris. There are other versions of the origin of the name. According to one of them, Boris translated from Turkic means “profit” or “benefit”, and according to another, it comes from the name Bariz, which is translated from ancient Persian as “heir”. The patron of the name is Prince Boris, he is called the first Russian saint canonized by the Russian and Byzantine Church. He and his brother Gleb were brutally murdered on the orders of his older brother Svyatopolk, who fraudulently seized power by killing Boris’s father, Prince Vladimir. Their remains were buried in Vyshgorod, and to this day miraculous healings are performed over the tombs of the holy martyrs. Days of the angel Boris: February 7 and 17; May 15; June 13; August 6; October 1 and 15; November 23 and 25; December 5, 6, 10 and 15. Shortened form of the name: Borya, Borusya, Boriska, Borusya, Bosya, Borechka, Borka.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Boris
Boris is the owner of a firm, stubborn and strong, sometimes despotic character. This is a decisive, persistent and principled man who is used to achieving what he wants. It has the strongest energy and is capable of emotionally devastating a weaker opponent and suppressing his will. He easily subjugates people to his will, and can be secretive and arrogant, even with people close to him. Borya is a fighter who is not used to and does not know how to lose. For a long time he cannot come to terms with losing and does not admit his mistakes. By nature he is quick-tempered and impulsive, cannot stand routine and routine. Hard work and perseverance help him overcome obstacles and move towards success.
Along with a strong-willed character, he has a cheerful disposition and natural charm, which he skillfully uses. Boris has many fans, he has been surrounded by female attention since his youth, has many novels and affairs, which he does not take seriously. He approaches marriage with full responsibility. For Boris, the family is a quiet and calm haven, where he gains strength to implement new plans and ideas. Boris is polygamous and often starts relationships outside of marriage, carefully hiding this fact from his wife. Although the family plays an important role in his life, his career and the status he occupies in society come first. He devotes himself completely to work, not only for the sake of material well-being, but also for self-improvement, self-affirmation, and satisfaction of his ambitions, of which Boris has quite a few. Among men named Boris there are businessmen, politicians, scientists, military men, lawyers, and talented doctors.
As for Boris’s health, he is a strong and resilient man, with great love for life. However, Boris is prone to nervous breakdowns associated with mental and nervous stress at work. There is a high chance of injury from accidents, you should be careful while driving. Attention should be paid to vision.
Despite his difficult character, you won’t be bored with Borya. This is a wonderful, cheerful friend who, although he can be quick-tempered and harsh, also quickly moves away without harboring resentment or evil. Boris is an optimist who is not afraid of difficulties and strives only for success, charging everyone around him with his energy.
Name days:
6 of August
Diminutive version
Borechka, Borenka, Boryushka, Boryusya, Boryusik, Boryusha, Boryasha, Borchik
Borya, Borka, Boriska, Boryukha
According to the church
- violet
- Mars
- fire
Stone talisman
mulberry, iris
Totem animal