- Origin of the name Bogdan
- Meaning and characteristics of the name Bogdan
- Character traits of the name Bogdan
- Family and love relationships of Bogdan
- Choice of profession, business, career of Bogdan
- Bogdan’s health
- Name Bogdan for a child
- Name days:
- Diminutive version
- Abbreviated
- According to the church
- Color
- Planet
- Element
- Stone talisman
- Metal
- Plants
- Totem animal
Origin of the name Bogdan
The name being analyzed is Slavic, only Eastern Europe is familiar with it. It is not difficult to hear two components of Russian and related languages - “given by God.” Belongs to the theophoric category, containing a mention of a deity. Researchers only argue about whether it is original or whether it penetrated with the preaching of Christianity as a copy of the Greek “Theodotus” – “dedicated to the Most High.” The first saint with this name suffered for his faith in Christ in the 3rd century AD. and it became popular in Rus’.
The name Bogdan in the lands of the Slavs was characterized by uneven demand – more often it was received by residents of Ukraine, Poland and Belarus, less often by Russia. Perhaps this fact is explained by the fact that in our country, after the baptism ceremony, it was replaced by an analogue corresponding to the calendar, and relatives preferred the latter. There is still a female version of it. In some regions it changed to Bozhidar, Baghdan. Abbreviated addresses: Bogdik, Bogo, Bogdasik, Bobi, Dan, Danko.
In the Middle Ages, the Moldavian rulers Bogdan I and II, the commander and hetman Khmelnytsky, and the guardsman Belsky gained fame. Over the past three centuries, he has been glorified by: the domestic artist Villevalde, the Soviet teacher Bondarsky, the lawyer Kistyakovsky, the Romanian writer and publicist Hashdeu, the Bulgarian statesman Filov, the Polish agrophysicist Dobzhansky, the actor Stupka, the hockey player Kiselevich and many others.
Today it cannot be considered exotic; the fashion for it is on the decline. It is among the twenty (ranking positions 17-20) of common male names among Russians.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Bogdan
As mentioned earlier, it is translated as “given by God,” “the gift of the Lord,” “participating in the Creator.” Since ancient times, long-awaited children or those born under unusual circumstances were named this way.
It conveys a sense of strength, masculinity, activity, greatness and courage. Possessing notes of sharpness, power, dynamism and laconicism, it is considered purely masculine. Diminutive forms generally do not soften. During phonosemantic analysis, a certain coldness is revealed.
Such properties can contribute to the formation of assertiveness, independence, dominance and steadfastness in the bearer of the name. The personal characteristics under consideration are acceptable for a representative of the stronger sex; with adequate upbringing, they will form a holistic, strong-willed character. Low sounds reduce energy: vibration 94 fps, radiation – 000%.
Astrologers associate it with Mercury and warlike Mars, the constellations Taurus and Aries; talismans – carnelian and marble; colors – orange, brown, yellow, green; symbol – bat; plants – laurel and immortelle; element – air.
Character traits of the name Bogdan
A person named Bogdan is gifted with a persistent character, determination and confidence, which reflect positively and negatively on his destiny.
Among his virtues are: kind-heartedness, sociability, receptivity, and among his vices are stubbornness, selfishness and arrogance. He strives to create a close circle of acquaintances with whom he is comfortable: his friends are certainly obliged to share his views. He is principled, categorical, enters into disputes, defending his opinion.
Predisposed to simplification, laziness and slowness. But the desire for well-being makes him make efforts and remain active.
He knows how to find a profitable place in society and highly values his own talents. Sometimes he shows indecisiveness, but developed intelligence, intuition and erudition help fight timidity.
Bogdan adapts to the conditions, is able to cope even with complex troubles, from the outside it seems that everything comes easy to him. He himself tries not to get nervous over trifles, using practical thinking to solve pressing issues. Although he wants to achieve various benefits, for happiness he needs peace and mutual understanding.
The owner of the name has intense and deep emotions, he hides them, but if, for example, his anger manifests itself, then unpleasant consequences are possible. Under the influence of innate morality, he does not cross the boundaries of what is permitted.
He is attracted by adventures, in his youth he is prone to adventurism – primitive instincts and the makings of a leader rage within him. With age he calms down, transforming into a respectable and sedate gentleman.
Family and love relationships of Bogdan
A guy with this name likes dozens of different girls, but he falls in love with one. He is looking for a wife with a soft and flexible nature, eager to become the head of the family. He leisurely chooses a companion, meticulously evaluates her mood and mind. Doesn’t pay much attention to appearance. It is important that the bride establishes contact with her future mother-in-law.
If his wife sympathizes with him and does not contradict him, then he envelops her with care and warmth. With her he is always open and sentimental, realizing himself as a romantic and a dreamer. The woman next to this gentleman is truly adored.
He is a good family man and provider. As a father he is consistent and moderately strict. In general, she shifts the care of the heirs onto the shoulders of her friend. The root causes lie in Bodie’s own childhood: his mother plays the main role in his development. The mature owner of the name inherits the described model.
Sometimes his prosperity is overshadowed by jealousy. The slightest suspicions or flirting of the missus threatens long-term quarrels and cooling. After the divorce, he becomes despondent and for a long time does not decide to re-union, as if anticipating its failure.
This man has sexuality, but its manifestation requires love and trust. The partner’s honesty is the key to his relaxedness. Intimacy is an excellent way to please your beloved and assert yourself. However, Dan will not dare to brag or talk about his secret victories in company.
Harmony is achieved in pairs with Anastasia, Diana, Evgenia, Elena and Polina.
Choice of profession, business, career of Bogdan
The person bearing the name equally succeeds in the field of creativity and in the field of ordinary professions. He will make an exemplary teacher, politician, doctor, economist, psychologist, scientist, musician, engineer, painter or artist. Ambition and a desire for prestige turn him into a showman. Meanwhile, the bohemian lifestyle unnecessarily relaxes him, so caution and asceticism will not interfere in the world of art. Perseverance and belligerence can lead him to the army. Here he is distinguished by exemplary discipline, patience and innumerable achievements.
Phenomenal memory and curiosity assist him in obtaining education and advanced training. And hard work, combined with ingenuity, makes an indispensable worker. His performance is equally influenced by the amount of material reward and moral motivation. Expects fun from work. He earns enough, but his expenses also increase.
He moves up the career ladder rapidly, can be cruel and uncompromising, believing that “the end justifies the means.” Despite this, his colleagues and superiors value him. Having become a leader, he reaps the fruits of intractability: he is upset by conflicts and misunderstandings.
Bogdan’s temperament seems to be made for business: he achieves brilliant triumphs in competitive confrontation, develops rational plans, and clearly understands what is required for the profitability of the enterprise. In tandem with a responsible partner, he is even more effective and quickly masters the market.
Bogdan’s health
Thanks to composure, the “God-given” individual maintains enviable health. He is hardy, does not shy away from physical exercise, and has a strong immune system.
At the same time, in adolescence the Bogdans suffer from neuralgia, in adulthood they are diagnosed with problems with digestion, and in old age – with the heart and blood vessels. The cause of illness is suppressed emotionality. Their nervous system requires not external, but real serenity.
Those with the name are recommended relaxing massage, acupuncture, and auto-training. Alcohol and smoking are serious enemies of their well-being: when intoxicated, Bogdan loses control over his own personality, becomes aggressive and rude. In addition, alcohol provokes exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new pathologies.
The subject’s physique is typically mesomorphic and endomorphic, stocky and rugged. To keep the body in good shape, it is advisable to engage in strength sports and proper nutrition, aimed primarily at preventing excess weight. A balanced diet should consist of natural ingredients, and the abuse of food additives and refined foods should be avoided.
Name Bogdan for a child
Little Bogdanchik is a smart, sweet baby, but capricious and wayward. If parents have enough endurance and wisdom, these shortcomings will gradually disappear. He will have to be raised without overprotection, relying on authority.
This son needs proper rest. It is important to keep an eye on his friends, because he is subject to bad influence. In adolescence, it is important to combat laziness and idleness and stimulate interest in learning.
The situation is sometimes disappointing: Bogdan remains the only offspring of the couple, but the presence of brothers and sisters has a beneficial effect on the boy’s psyche.
It is advised to combine the first name with the patronymics Mikhailovich, Stanislavovich, Viktorovich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Vitalievich.
Suitable for those born under the signs of Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus and Leo.
During the baptism process he is named Theodotus. Name days are celebrated on March 4 and 15, May 12 and January 14.
Name days:
March 4
Diminutive version
Bogdashka, Bogdanchik, Bogdanushka, Bodyushka, Bogdasya, Bogdik, Bogdanek, Danechka, Danushka
Bodya, Bodka, Boyda, Boni, Danya, Danko, Dan, Dani
According to the church
The fief
- green
- Mercury
- Mars
- air
Stone talisman
green marble
laurel, immortelle
Totem animal