Origin of the name Bela
“Bela” as a derivative of Bella is a name with Latin roots. It is widespread in Italian and French. It is part of many European two-part names, such as Anabella, Mirabella, Arabella, Isabella, Belladonna, Bellatrix, Bellinda.
As a form of “Bela” the name has several versions of origin. It is very often found in the Caucasus, and in a slightly modified form also in the territories of Central Asia, the former Tigris and Euphrates interfluve – Ancient Mesopotamia.
This is explained by the fact that the root “bel” comes from the name of the god Bel (Baal, Baal) – the main deity in Babylon. His wife, the goddess Belta or Beltis, could also give the basis for the female name Bela.
In the North Caucasus there are independent deities with the name Bel, Bella. For example, in Ingush mythology, the gods Bella and Alla are the most ancient rulers and predictors of destinies.
It is also possible that the common Jewish female name Beile was adapted to the European form Bella, thus creating Bela. Beyle means “beautiful” in Yiddish. Which is quite consistent with the European meaning of the name Bela.
Meaning and characteristics of the name Bela
From Latin “bella” is translated as “war” and “beautiful, beautiful.” In Italian, the noun “bella” means “beauty.” As a derivative from the name of the supreme Babylonian god Bela – “light”, “lord”.
As we can see, any version gives the name the energy of beauty and mystery. Bela will always have a magical component to the name, mystery, a combination of beauty, light and danger. It is no coincidence that in Latin war “bellum” also comes from this root.
Such a woman simply must be beautiful, alluring, but also dangerous and mysterious. This is a very deep nature. In her childhood, Bela will be a little modest, quiet, a sort of “thing in itself.” It can be fun and exciting with loved ones. But not often, Bela loves loneliness and is not at all burdened by it. She is not bored with herself.
She is endowed with amazing imagination, dreaminess, a penchant for music, poetry, dance, expressing herself through cognition or rhythm, rhyme, melody, movement patterns. He reads a lot, thinks, creates entire worlds in his head. She sees meaning and signs in everything, and is prone to mystical and intuitive perception of the world. He has a keen sense of beauty and is filled with energy and positivity in nature.
Bela is kind, but not with broad loving kindness, but with a sense of acceptance, empathy, responsiveness, and compassion. She is more a person of feelings and words than of deeds. But he will not refuse help. However, this deep nature is full of hidden contradictions.
As they say, in still waters there are devils. Bela is definitely a woman with a devilish streak. Can show bitchiness, is prone to adventurism, dangerous adventures, bad, from the point of view of the morality of society, addictions and actions. But this does not happen because of negative character traits, but because of the perception of the world as a kind of mind game.
She feels any falsehood, although she herself can behave theatrically and overact. Lying to her won’t work. And Bela herself lies masterfully, because she herself begins to believe in her lies. In childhood he fantasizes more, but as an adult he can deliberately lie and intrigue.
The name gives a lot of feminine energy, sexuality, and mystery. Such a woman is worshiped, dreamed of possessed and hated. Bela is not created for half-tones of love. The novels are bright, stormy, absolutely incredible in their intensity of passions and events. She will be married several times. Family is more of an extension of a love union than a goal for Bela. Although she can become a housewife, a wife, and a mother. But he won’t be able to give himself completely to this story. Although there are rare exceptions.
But creativity and high goals can completely capture Bela’s heart. She is always gifted by fate with a wide variety of talents. He has natural imagination, taste, sense of style, musicality, literary and acting talent. She is open to any art, any creative heights.
But Bela can devote herself to other interesting and lofty goals: medicine, pedagogy, working with children or the disabled, animals, plants, sports (necessarily a beautiful sport similar to art), travel.
If the peaks are not conquered, Bela will take this philosophically, can calmly rebuild and find herself in trade, organizing events, crafts and handmade. In general, Bela has the amazing ability of the Phoenix bird to rise from the ashes.
Due to circumstances or testing the owners of this name for strength, Fate often metes out to them not only talents, love affairs, success, but also tragic events. A rich inner world and a philosophical view of what is happening save Bela from despair, help her come out of the situation renewed and full of determination to start a new level of the game.
Name days:
There are no Orthodox saints with this name, but they can be celebrated on the days of remembrance of Catholic saints Belina on February 19 or Isabella on June 13, July 21.
Diminutive version
Belka, Belochka, Bellushka, Balonka, Belochek, Lala, Bally, Bellochka, Bellinda, Balusya, Bel, Ella, Elya
Bel, Lala, Ela
According to the church
- Луна
- water
Stone talisman
moonstone, agate
violet, liana
Totem animal