History of the origin of the name Batyr

The name Batyr is of Turkic origin and goes back to the ancient Turkic roots “bayatur” and “batur”. Derivations from this root can be found not only in Turkic languages; the Russian word “bogatyr” is also of Turkic origin and is the most accurate translation. The same root word is also found in Arabic. In many cultures, “batyr” not only meant a strong person, famous for his good deeds and bravery, but also served as an official title. Already in the 8th century, the form “bagatur” was used as a personal name by the Khazars and Bulgars and was quite honorable – this was the name of one of the Khazar kagans.

In modern Turkic and Mongolian languages, the word “batyr” also means leader, boss and hero.

By naming a child this way, parents want to see their son as a brave, decisive and influential person. The boy should grow up healthy, handsome and visually attractive. A name with an intensifying particle is often used, for example, Batyrkhan or Batyrbek.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Batyr

Little Batyr is very attached to his family, especially to his mother, he is ready for any feats for the sake of her praise. He is very sensitive to criticism and can burst into tears over an innocent joke. Over time, he becomes thicker-skinned, but even an adult Batyr can easily be turned on by a caustic joke or an unexpected blow to his pride.

Batyr has a great sense of humor, he can often make fun of himself, but you should not join in these jokes, in many ways this is his way of hiding embarrassment and self-doubt.

Despite his sensitive nature, he does not lack courage, and in this Batyr fully justifies his heroic name. He is ready for real feats, but only if he is completely confident that he is acting for a noble goal. Batyr does not specifically seek adventure, but he often gets caught up in stories.

Batyr often marries on the advice of his parents or friends, without really knowing his chosen one. However, such a marriage is not always unsuccessful, largely due to Batyr’s ability to find the good in people and his passion.

In his work, Batyr is ready to perform real feats, unfortunately, this often leads to rash decisions and mistakes. However, Batyr’s drive and hard work help him solve any problem. He likes to take on several tasks at once and knows how to divide his attention and responsibility between them.

Having strengthened his character and overcome his youthful timidity, Batyr often turns into a good boss who can control the management of a large enterprise and get along well with his business partners and subordinates. He is very sensitive to his business reputation and can often refuse a profitable deal if it contradicts his moral principles.

Batyr loves competitions, he likes to win and receive awards, he knows how to give one hundred percent. Thanks to this, he can achieve significant success in sports, especially if he feels the love and support of loved ones.

When shopping, he often gets carried away and spends significantly more than he planned. Batyr loves to give gifts and knows how to choose for everyone exactly what will please him the most.

Name days:

doesn’t celebrate

Diminutive version

Batyrchik, Batyrushka, Batyrenko, Batyrka


Bat, Dad

According to the church



  • lilac
  • purple
  • white


  • Sun


  • fire

Stone talisman





rowan, sedge

Totem animal


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