History of the origin of the name Asya
The history of the origin of the name Asya is very ambiguous. Of all the existing versions of the origin of this name, there are three main ones:
- Scandinavian;
- Greek;
- Turkic
According to the Scandinavian version, Asya is one of the forms of the name Asta or Astrid. The translation of this name into Russian means “divinely beautiful” or “passionate”.
According to the Greek version, the name Asya comes from the name Anastasia and means “reborn.”
According to the Turkic version of the origin, it is believed that the name Asya is derived from such female names as Asiya and Asiyat, which are very popular among the Tatars.
The name Asya is often used as an affectionate appeal to such female names as the Bulgarian name Asena, the Armenian name Hasmik, the Kazakh name Aysel and others.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Asya
Asya is a friendly, smart and sociable person. She is feminine and beautiful. Asya is kind, responsive and very trusting. She always empathizes with friends and acquaintances. She wants to help everyone in difficult situations.
Asya is a responsible and reliable person. She has energy and is able to act decisively and correctly in difficult situations without losing her head. Asya always knows her goal and has sufficient inner strength and courage to achieve what she wants.
Her element is issues of spirituality, personal growth, culture and self-improvement. In these areas, Asya can achieve exceptional results. She is ready to work fanatically and with full dedication if she does what she loves. Asya can become a talented teacher, psychologist, sociologist, medical worker, artist, musician, actress and even a successful politician.
Asya experiences disappointments hard. She gets along well with others, does not like conflicts, but she will not easily give up her opinion. He is a pleasant and open person with whom you want to communicate. She has high ideals and finds it difficult to combine them with real life. This negatively affects the nervous system.
Asya loves the usual order in life and it is difficult for her to get used to something new; she needs time to adapt to the situation or to a new team. She’s not punctual. Asya also does not like routine; she constantly puts off boring things for later.
Asya is a sentimental, romantic and passionate person. She tends to idealize her lover. Therefore, there is enough disappointment and betrayal in her life. But if Asya decides to break up with a loved one, she will do it, no matter how hard she experiences the breakup. Asya is trying to become a good wife, housewife and mother. Family values are very important to Asya. And motherhood can become the meaning of her life. She can create a warm atmosphere in the house and is always happy to have guests. Asya runs the household economically and skillfully. However, she does not want to deal only with the house; she also wants to achieve career heights.
Asya loves to look good, so she enjoys visiting the fitness center, sauna and swimming pool, as well as walking and training at home.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Asenka, Asechka, Asyushka, Asyunka, Asyulya, Asyutka, Asyulik, Asyulchik, Asyunkik
Aska, Asyuta
According to the church
- violet
- Mercury
- air
Stone talisman
Totem animal
a monkey