History of the origin of the name Asiya
Etymologists cannot accurately determine the origin of the name Asiya. According to one version, the most popular in the Arab and Muslim world, this name is of Arabic origin, translated as healing, comforting, derived from the Arabic name Asiya. This name was borne by the wife of Firaun, who persecuted believers in Allah and demanded to worship him as a god. But despite this, Asiya believed in the sermons of the prophet Musa, for this reason her name was inscribed in the history of the Islamic religion. Others argue that this name is of Hebrew origin, translated as active. According to the third judgment, Asia is an ancient Greek name, that was the name of the Oceanid, the daughter of Ocean and Tethys, in her honor a part of the world was named – Asia, which means the east. From Latin it is translated – from Asia. The Orthodox do not have such a name, so name days are not celebrated. At baptism, the owner of the name is given any other name.
The meaning and characteristics of the name Asiya
The meaning of the name Asia is “comforting”, “healing”, “healing”, “action”, “active”, “eastern”, “from Asia”, “rebellious”.
The girl grows up very emotional, capricious, even hysterical. It will not be easy for parents to raise Asia; they need to make every effort to raise her into a more tolerable person. She is proud and persistent, wants to be a leader everywhere and in everything, but she often does not always succeed in this, for this reason she can become withdrawn and not communicate with anyone, and cannot tolerate criticism addressed to her. Despite this, she is kind to others and impressionable. She is very persistent, hardworking, does not study well – she considers her unworthy, therefore she succeeds in her studies. There is always order around her and inside her. Developed imagination and ingenuity. She doesn’t get sick, but increased emotionality can lead to nervous problems.
Asia is purposeful, self-confident, calculating, and never relies on intuition. Arrogant, her pride does not go away over the years, but it becomes a little more invisible. She is vindictive and can take revenge even after many years. Demanding, fair, well-mannered, intelligent, loves freedom and independence. Having chosen a profession, he becomes a specialist in this field. Works well, achieving high results, becomes a ruthless leader. Relies only on his own strength, stands firmly on his feet. Can become a doctor, lawyer, TV presenter, teacher, social worker, politician.
She does not have many friends, does not like large, noisy companies, and is of little interest to the opinions of others. Likes to communicate with people who have influence. She is very delicate, does not interfere in other people’s affairs and problems until she is asked to do so, but if Asia is asked for help, she will never refuse, she will help with everything she can. He always expects sincerity in his direction, but does not always receive it.
She has an effective appearance and knows how to manipulate men. Asia marries for convenience, to a man who shares her views on life. She is a good housewife, but does not like unexpected guests. Patient and jealous wife. Ordinary life irritates her. Likes to give gifts to loved ones, getting pleasure from it.
Her hobby is collecting, for example, porcelain and books. Likes to travel, play sports, and take various walks. She carefully monitors her health and appearance.
Name days:
Diminutive version
Asyushka, Asienka, Asiechka, Asyusha, Asyunya, Siyushka, Siechka, Sienka
Asiyka, Asya, Aska, Siya
According to the church
- violet
- Uran
- air
Stone talisman
aspen, alpine rose
Totem animal
electric eel