Origin of the name Arthur

The name was given to the world by the Celtic tribes. It is mentioned in written sources of the ancient Irish and Welsh of the 600th century. Around XNUMX, a poem was composed in which the legendary King Arthur Pendragon, the leader of the Britons, first appeared. It is assumed that the prototype of the character was Lucius Artorius Castus, a Roman military leader in the XNUMXnd century. commanded a legion based in Britain. Some researchers believe that it could also have Latin roots, but the version has not found official confirmation.

The legend about the hero worried Europeans until the 15th century. The name maintained its status as a favorite in the Western and Central parts of the continent.

In 1539, a Benedictine monk from Glastonbury Abbey, who bore this name, died as a martyr. The zealous Catholic did not recognize Henry VIII’s claim to spiritual dominance and was canonized. The Catholic Church celebrates St. Arthur’s Day on November 15th. In different regions the name was modified to Arturo, Arturri, Artza, Arturas, Arthur. There is no female equivalent.

It entered Russia late due to the fact that Christians – adherents of the Eastern rite do not honor the said saint. It became popular in the 18th – 19th centuries, when chivalric romances and medieval epics were popularized in our country. Russian gentlemen were called Arthurs with the emphasis on the second syllable, in contrast to the original version. The fashion for it arose in the middle of the last century. Currently classified as quite rare.

The list of famous namesakes of the Lord of Camelot includes: Prince of Wales, Duke of Connaught, commander Wellesley Wellington, writer Conan Doyle, philosopher Schopenhauer, astronomer Auvers, poet Rimbaud, Russian botanist Yachevsky, pianist Rubinstein, opera singer Eisen, chess player Yusupov and many others.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Arthur

Comes from the word “artos”, translated as “bear man”, “mighty bear”, “warrior”, “Thor’s eagle”. Means “plowman” in Latin. The Armenian people speak of it as “the light of truth”, “brought by the Sun”, “sent by God”.

Among the Celts, the cult of the predator was closely intertwined with the motives of secular power, courage, belligerence, and symbolized the ruling dynasty. It was believed that a person named as a totem animal acquires his strength and fearlessness.

Perhaps the bearer of the name was dedicated to the goddess Artio, the bestower of fertility. There is a connection with wealth and well-being. And the deity of storm and thunder, Thor-Taranis, personified omnipotence; his magic hammer served to fight evil.

The sound conveys valor, courage, straightforwardness, power, a threat to enemies, it is expressed masculine. Associated with something large, unhurried, dangerous, indeed, reminiscent of an animal. If the first vowel is stressed, then greatness, rudeness, coldness and activity are conveyed to him. The shortened appeals of Artya, Atya, Tura, Artyusha are more joyful, bright, light, not soft.

Obviously, the subject who possesses it is authoritative, strong-willed, persistent. From a psychological point of view, this contributes to the development of representatives of the stronger sex, but is fraught with negative manifestations: stubbornness, hot temper.

The energy of the name is lowered, turned inward, not outward. Possible fatigue.

In astrology, it is answered by the constellation Aquarius and the planet of idealists Neptune; talisman – chalcedony; colors – white, purple; symbols – bear, badger; plants – oak, reed; flower – apple inflorescence; element – fire.

Character traits of the name Arthur

The owner of the name is outwardly calm and slow. He likes an expectant, peaceful state, and is slightly lazy. But the challenges of fate force him to “awaken from hibernation,” mobilize his remarkable will, demonstrate high intelligence, excellent memory, imagination, and nobility. For efficiency, it is desirable to have constant incentives.

Arthurs are distinguished by amazing intuition, which makes their life easier: they understand the hidden motives of an individual,, if necessary, manipulate people, and shift responsibility to strangers. In friendship, they also do not take on unnecessary obligations. However, in extreme situations they deviate from the rules and are able to help selflessly.

They have a slow reaction, they are sensitive and receptive, they are hurt by untruths, insults, and injustice.

Mostly introverts, constantly daydreaming, living in a fantasy universe, they lack curiosity.

The owner of the name takes failure hard. Decent, although they do not like restrictions. May return to old disputes, conflicts, become stubborn. Sometimes he becomes indecisive. To achieve the goal, he is not afraid to resort to cunning.

It is not easy for the person in question to gain a position in society, but perseverance ultimately leads him to well-deserved success. He does not strive for dominance; comfort and safety are important to him. Calculates events in advance.

He is neat and fastidious, he is impressed by strict order. He enjoys various hobbies and enjoys reading and drawing. But traveling doesn’t appeal to him.

Family and love relationships named Arthur

The same name as the leader of the Knights of the Round Table appreciates family comfort, relatives, and warmth. He likes spectacular, beautiful girls, he takes a long time to choose a bride and gets married late. Women are pleasant – they adore his delicacy, understanding of their experiences, and romance. In the process of courtship he is transformed: energetic, unusually cheerful. Patiently pursues his beloved, but after the wedding he wastes his former ardor.

He demands housekeeping from his wife, is passive in everyday matters, but otherwise encourages equality. Sensitive to the interests and needs of the household. He protects the chosen one from adversity and surrounds him with care. Looking for an accommodating, wise and agile wife. Even when he grows cold towards her, he tries to maintain the union. He values ​​​​devotion and fidelity, therefore he does not forgive betrayals, he is jealous.

He loves children dearly, tries to pay them enough attention, but is not always successful.

Arthur’s sexuality is heightened, but spiritual; physical intimacy does not separate from deep feelings. And in moments of the highest passion he experiences pure heartfelt impulses. The more intense the love, the more frank the erotic desires. Often dissatisfied – not all partners understand his peculiarity.

According to observations, he is happy when paired with Anastasia, Anna, Dina, Inna, Elena, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maria, Raisa and Natalya.

Choice of profession, business, Arthur’s career

This man prefers to occupy an intermediate position between superiors and subordinates; he equally dislikes leading and reporting.

The positions of administrator, controller, customs officer, doctor (successes in surgery and dentistry), trade worker, military man, lawyer, tailor, athlete are ideal. Sometimes he chooses the career of a veterinarian, pharmacist, farmer, cook.

He also gravitates towards creative vocations – artist, writer, screenwriter. His sensitivity, dreaminess, and poetry serve to create true masterpieces.

Arthur’s analytical thinking finds application in science: archeology, geology, physics.

Advancing up the career ladder is difficult: his obstinacy complicates relationships with colleagues. Only by becoming more proficient in flexibility does one gain a chance for promotion and the realization of one’s own plans.

In normal circumstances, he performs his duties leisurely; at an accelerated pace of work, his performance increases, but overwork has a negative impact on his results. A good solution for him is self-employment, his own business.

In business he is successful, practical, and easily convinces sponsors and partners. Takes on meaningful, useful projects. He needs funds not so much for profit as for discoveries, expeditions, and experiments. Drives scientific and technological progress.

The income level of the owners of the name is average, closer to expressed wealth. It is important for them to provide financially for relatives and receive guests. But they are not spenders; they save.

Arthur’s health

“Bear Man” is not as healthy and resilient as he seems. He is plagued by chronic fatigue, mental stress, problems with the nervous, digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems.

He is advised to carefully monitor his diet and protect himself from hypothermia. Unbearable loads are the enemy of his well-being: periodic breaks from work and recreation in nature are appropriate. Summer holidays are favorable for seaside holidays.

Arthur is athletic and practices boxing and martial arts, which strengthen his body. He needs to avoid injury. With age, active exercises become boring; it is advisable to replace them with walks, bike rides, and hikes.

Name Arthur for a child

Arturchik is an obedient, kind son. We are very vulnerable – parents are called upon to show compassion, they should not just spoil their child. He has a predisposition to selfishness. Playing the role of the “favorite” of adults, he grows up irresponsible. Small assignments have a positive effect on his initiative.

Serious troubles happen in adolescence: waywardness and unpredictability worsen academic performance and isolate the young man among his peers. You can’t do this without the support of your loved ones. It is aimed at redirecting his energy in a constructive direction and developing communication skills.

Often Arthur is the youngest in a circle of brothers and sisters, but it is better to give a name to the first-born or second heir so that he gets used to taking care of the young members of the family.

In the theory of esotericism, it is appropriate for those born under the signs of Aries, Capricorn, Taurus and Leo.

It harmonizes with the patronymics Gennadievich, Ruslanovich, Eduardovich, Bogdanovich, Konstantinovich, Egorovich, Danilovich.

At baptism, he is named in a similar way, for example, Artemy. In Orthodoxy, name days are not celebrated.

Name days:

November 1, December 11

Diminutive version

Artya, Atya, Arturchik, Arturushka, Arturonka, Artyusha, Artunya, Artusya


Arturka, Ar, Ari, Art

According to the church



  • red
  • white


  • Луна
  • Neptune


  • fire

Stone talisman

turquoise, chalcedony




oak, apple tree

Totem animal


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